PowerShell module with commands for discovering, installing, updating and publishing the PowerShell artifacts like Modules, Scripts, and DSC Resources.
Minimum PowerShell version
Installation Options
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Package Details
- Microsoft Corporation
PackageManagement Linux Mac Windows
Compress-PSResource Find-PSResource Get-InstalledPSResource Get-PSResourceRepository Get-PSScriptFileInfo Install-PSResource Register-PSResourceRepository Save-PSResource Set-PSResourceRepository New-PSScriptFileInfo Test-PSScriptFileInfo Update-PSScriptFileInfo Publish-PSResource Uninstall-PSResource Unregister-PSResourceRepository Update-PSModuleManifest Update-PSResource
This module has no dependencies.
Release Notes
## 1.1.1
### Bug Fix
- Bugfix to retrieve all metadata properties when finding a PSResource from a ContainerRegistry repository (#1799)
- Update (#1798)
- Use authentication challenge for unauthenticated ContainerRegistry repository (#1797)
- Bugfix for Install-PSResource with varying digit version against ContainerRegistry repository (#1796)
- Bugfix for updating ContainerRegistry dependency parsing logic to account for AzPreview package (#1792)
- Add wildcard support for MAR repository for FindAll and FindByName (#1786)
- Bugfix for nuspec dependency version range calculation for RequiredModules (#1784)
## 1.1.0
### Bug Fix
- Bugfix for publishing .nupkg file to ContainerRegistry repository (#1763)
- Bugfix for PMPs like Artifactory needing modified filter query parameter to proxy upstream (#1761)
- Bugfix for ContainerRegistry repository to parse out dependencies from metadata (#1766)
- Bugfix for Install-PSResource Null pointer occurring when package is present only in upstream feed in ADO (#1760)
- Bugfix for local repository casing issue on Linux (#1750)
- Update (#1759)
- Bug fix for case sensitive License.txt when RequireLicense is specified (#1757)
- Bug fix for broken -Quiet parameter for Save-PSResource (#1745)
## 1.1.0-rc3
### Bug Fix
- Include missing commits
## 1.1.0-RC2
### New Features
- Full Microsoft Artifact Registry integration (#1741)
### Bug Fixes
- Update to use OCI v2 APIs for Container Registry (#1737)
- Bug fixes for finding and installing from local repositories on Linux machines (#1738)
- Bug fix for finding package name with 4 part version from local repositories (#1739)
## 1.1.0-RC1
### New Features
- Group Policy configurations for enabling or disabling PSResource repositories (#1730)
### Bug Fixes
- Fix packaging name matching when searching in local repositories (#1731)
- `Compress-PSResource` `-PassThru` now passes `FileInfo` instead of string (#1720)
- Fix for `Compress-PSResource` not properly compressing scripts (#1719)
- Add `AcceptLicense` to Save-PSResource (#1718 Thanks @o-l-a-v!)
- Better support for NuGet v2 feeds (#1713 Thanks @o-l-a-v!)
- Better handling of `-WhatIf` support in `Install-PSResource` (#1531 Thanks @o-l-a-v!)
- Fix for some nupkgs failing to extract due to empty directories (#1707 Thanks @o-l-a-v!)
- Fix for searching for `-Name *` in `Find-PSResource` (#1706 Thanks @o-l-a-v!)
## 1.1.0-preview2
### New Features
- New cmdlet `Compress-PSResource` which packs a package into a .nupkg and saves it to the file system (#1682, #1702)
- New `-Nupkg` parameter for `Publish-PSResource` which pushes pushes a .nupkg to a repository (#1682)
- New `-ModulePrefix` parameter for `Publish-PSResource` which adds a prefix to a module name for container registry repositories to add a module prefix.This is only used for publishing and is not part of metadata. MAR will drop the prefix when syndicating from ACR to MAR (#1694)
### Bug Fixes
- Add prerelease string when NormalizedVersion doesn't exist, but prelease string does (#1681 Thanks @sean-r-williams)
- Add retry logic when deleting files (#1667 Thanks @o-l-a-v!)
- Fix broken PAT token use (#1672)
- Updated error messaging for authenticode signature failures (#1701)
## 1.1.0-preview1
### New Features
- Support for Azure Container Registries (#1495, #1497-#1499, #1501, #1502, #1505, #1522, #1545, #1548, #1550, #1554, #1560, #1567,
#1573, #1576, #1587, #1588, #1589, #1594, #1598, #1600, #1602, #1604, #1615)
### Bug Fixes
- Fix incorrect request URL when installing resources from ADO (#1597 Thanks @anytonyoni!)
- Fix for swallowed exceptions (#1569)
- Fix for PSResourceGet not working in Constrained Languange Mode (#1564)
## 1.0.6
- Bump System.Text.Json to 8.0.5
## [1.0.5]( - 2024-05-13
### Bug Fixes
- Update `nuget.config` to use PowerShell packages feed (#1649)
- Refactor V2ServerAPICalls and NuGetServerAPICalls to use object-oriented query/filter builder (#1645 Thanks @sean-r-williams!)
- Fix unnecessary `and` for version globbing in V2ServerAPICalls (#1644 Thanks again @sean-r-williams!)
- Fix requiring `tags` in server response (#1627 Thanks @evelyn-bi!)
- Add 10 minute timeout to HTTPClient (#1626)
- Fix save script without `-IncludeXml` (#1609, #1614 Thanks @o-l-a-v!)
- PAT token fix to translate into HttpClient 'Basic Authorization'(#1599 Thanks @gerryleys!)
- Fix incorrect request url when installing from ADO (#1597 Thanks @antonyoni!)
- Improved exception handling (#1569)
- Ensure that .NET methods are not called in order to enable use in Constrained Language Mode (#1564)
- PSResourceGet packaging update
## []( - 2024-04-05
- PSResourceGet packaging update
## [1.0.4]( - 2024-04-05
### Patch
- Dependency package updates
## 1.0.3
### Bug Fixes
- Bug fix for null package version in `Install-PSResource`
## 1.0.2
### Bug Fixes
- Bug fix for `Update-PSResource` not updating from correct repository (#1549)
- Bug fix for creating temp home directory on Unix (#1544)
- Bug fix for creating `InstalledScriptInfos` directory when it does not exist (#1542)
- Bug fix for `Update-ModuleManifest` throwing null pointer exception (#1538)
- Bug fix for `name` property not populating in `PSResourceInfo` object when using `Find-PSResource` with JFrog Artifactory (#1535)
- Bug fix for incorrect configuration of requests to JFrog Artifactory v2 endpoints (#1533 Thanks @sean-r-williams!)
- Bug fix for determining JFrog Artifactory repositories (#1532 Thanks @sean-r-williams!)
- Bug fix for v2 server repositories incorrectly adding script endpoint (1526)
- Bug fixes for null references (#1525)
- Typo fixes in message prompts in `Install-PSResource` (#1510 Thanks @NextGData!)
- Bug fix to add `NormalizedVersion` property to `AdditionalMetadata` only when it exists (#1503 Thanks @sean-r-williams!)
- Bug fix to verify whether `Uri` is a UNC path and set respective `ApiVersion` (#1479 Thanks @kborowinski!)
## 1.0.1
### Bug Fixes
- Bugfix to update Unix local user installation paths to be compatible with .NET 7 and .NET 8 (#1464)
- Bugfix for Import-PSGetRepository in Windows PowerShell (#1460)
- Bugfix for `Test-PSScriptFileInfo`` to be less sensitive to whitespace (#1457)
- Bugfix to overwrite rels/rels directory on net472 when extracting nupkg to directory (#1456)
- Bugfix to add pipeline by property name support for Name and Repository properties for Find-PSResource (#1451 Thanks @ThomasNieto!)
## 1.0.0
### New Features
- Add `ApiVersion` parameter for `Register-PSResourceRepository` (#1431)
### Bug Fixes
- Automatically set the ApiVersion to v2 for repositories imported from PowerShellGet (#1430)
- Bug fix ADO v2 feed installation failures (#1429)
- Bug fix Artifactory v2 endpoint failures (#1428)
- Bug fix Artifactory v3 endpoint failures (#1427)
- Bug fix `-RequiredResource` silent failures (#1426)
- Bug fix for v2 repository returning extra packages for `-Tag` based search with `-Prerelease` (#1405)
See change log (CHANGELOG) at
- Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet.nuspec
- InstallPSResourceGetPolicyDefinitions.ps1
- Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet.psm1
- PSResourceRepository.adml
- dependencies\Azure.Identity.dll
- dependencies\Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing.dll
- dependencies\Microsoft.Identity.Client.Extensions.Msal.dll
- dependencies\NuGet.Commands.dll
- dependencies\NuGet.Credentials.dll
- dependencies\NuGet.LibraryModel.dll
- dependencies\NuGet.Protocol.dll
- dependencies\System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource.dll
- dependencies\System.Memory.dll
- dependencies\System.Security.AccessControl.dll
- dependencies\System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll
- dependencies\System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll
- Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet.pdb
- Notice.txt
- PSResourceRepository.admx
- dependencies\Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll
- dependencies\Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.dll
- dependencies\Microsoft.IdentityModel.Abstractions.dll
- dependencies\NuGet.Common.dll
- dependencies\NuGet.DependencyResolver.Core.dll
- dependencies\NuGet.Packaging.dll
- dependencies\NuGet.Versioning.dll
- dependencies\System.IO.FileSystem.AccessControl.dll
- dependencies\System.Numerics.Vectors.dll
- dependencies\System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData.dll
- dependencies\System.Text.Json.dll
- dependencies\System.ValueTuple.dll
- Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet.dll
- Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet.psd1
- PSGet.Format.ps1xml
- dependencies\Azure.Core.dll
- dependencies\Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Abstractions.dll
- dependencies\Microsoft.Identity.Client.dll
- dependencies\Newtonsoft.Json.dll
- dependencies\NuGet.Configuration.dll
- dependencies\NuGet.Frameworks.dll
- dependencies\NuGet.ProjectModel.dll
- dependencies\System.Buffers.dll
- dependencies\System.Memory.Data.dll
- dependencies\System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll
- dependencies\System.Security.Principal.Windows.dll
Version History
Version | Downloads | Last updated |
1.1.1 (current version) | 50,476 | 3/7/2025 |
1.1.0 | 342,670 | 1/9/2025 |
1.1.0-rc3 | 17,595 | 11/15/2024 |
1.1.0-RC2 | 7,662 | 10/31/2024 |
1.1.0-RC1 | 2,429 | 10/22/2024 |
1.1.0-preview2 | 4,041 | 9/13/2024 |
1.1.0-preview1 | 13,296 | 4/2/2024 |
1.0.6 | 300,305 | 10/10/2024 |
1.0.5 | 324,152 | 5/13/2024 | | 85,162 | 4/5/2024 |
1.0.4 | 276 | 4/5/2024 |
1.0.3 | 57,294 | 3/13/2024 |
1.0.2 | 137,273 | 2/6/2024 |
1.0.1 | 88,040 | 11/7/2023 |
1.0.0 | 13,530 | 10/9/2023 |
0.9.0-rc1 | 9,605 | 9/7/2023 |
0.5.24-beta24 | 4,734 | 8/15/2023 |
0.5.23-beta23 | 1,426 | 7/27/2023 |
0.5.22-beta22 | 6,468 | 6/8/2023 |