about_microsoft.powershell.crescendo SHORT DESCRIPTION The PowerShell Crescendo module provides a novel way to create proxy functions for native commands via `JSON` configuration files. LONG DESCRIPTION PowerShell is capable of invoking native applications like any shell. However, it would improve the experience if the native command could participate in the PowerShell pipeline and take advantage of the parameter behaviors that are part of PowerShell. The PowerShell Crescendo module provides a way to more easily take advantage of the PowerShell pipeline by invoking the native executable, facilitating parameter handling, and converting text output into objects. JSON Configuration The PowerShell Crescendo module provides a way to create a small bit of JSON that is used to create a function that calls the native command. An annotated schema is provided as part of the module that can improve the authoring process. Parameter handling The PowerShell Crescendo module allows you to interact with parameters of native commands in the same way you do with cmdlets. Output Handling It is also possible to provide a script block that can be used to convert the output from the native command into objects. If the native command emits `json` or `xml` it is as simple as: "OutputHandler": [ "ParameterSetName": "Default" "Handler": "$args[0] | ConvertFrom-Json" ] However, script blocks of arbitrary complexity may also be used. EXAMPLES A number of samples are provided as part of the module, you can see these in the Samples directory in the module base directory. A very simple example is as follows to wrap the unix `/bin/ls` command: { "$schema": "https://aka.ms/PowerShell/Crescendo/Schemas/2021-11", "Verb": "Get", "Noun":"FileList", "OriginalName": "/bin/ls", "Parameters": [ {"Name": "Path","OriginalName": "", "OriginalPosition": 1, "Position": 0, "DefaultValue": "." }, {"Name": "Detail","OriginalName": "-l","ParameterType": "switch"} ] } The name of the proxy function is `Get-FileList` and has two parameters: - Path - Which is Position 0, and has a default value of "." - Detail - Which is a switch parameter and adds `-l` to the native command parameters A couple of things to note about the Path parameter - The `OriginalPosition` is set to 1 and the `OriginalName` is set to an empty string. This is because some native commands have a parameter which is not named and must be the last parameter when executed. All parameters will be ordered by the value of `OriginalPosition` (the default is 0) and when the native command is called, those parameters (and their values) will be put in that order. In this example, there is no output handler defined, so the text output of the command will be returned to the pipeline. A more complicated example which wraps the linux `apt` command follows: { "$schema": "https://aka.ms/PowerShell/Crescendo/Schemas/2021-11", "Verb": "Get", "Noun":"InstalledPackage", "OriginalName": "apt", "OriginalCommandElements": [ "-q", "list", "--installed" ], "OutputHandlers": [ { "ParameterSetName":"Default", "Handler": "$args[0]|select-object -skip 1|foreach-object{$n,$v,$p,$s = \"$_\" -split ' ';[pscustomobject]@{Name=$n -replace '/now';Version=$v;Architecture=$p;State = $s.Trim('[]') -split ','}}" } ] } In this case, the output handler converts the text output to a `pscustomobject` to enable using other PowerShell cmdlets. When run, this provides an object which encapsulates the `apt` output PS> get-installedpackage | ?{ $_.name -match "libc"} Name Version Architecture State ---- ------- ------------ ----- libc-bin 2.31-0ubuntu9.1 amd64 {installed, local} libc6 2.31-0ubuntu9.1 amd64 {installed, local} libcap-ng0 0.7.9-2.1build1 amd64 {installed, local} libcom-err2 1.45.5-2ubuntu1 amd64 {installed, local} libcrypt1 1:4.4.10-10ubuntu4 amd64 {installed, local} PS> get-installedpackage | Group-Object Architecture Count Name Group ----- ---- ----- 10 all {@{Name=adduser; Version=3.118ubuntu2; Architecture=all; State=System.String[]}, @{Name=debconf; V… 82 amd64 {@{Name=apt; Version=2.0.2ubuntu0.1; Architecture=amd64; State=System.String[]}, @{Name=base-files… TROUBLESHOOTING NOTE The PowerShell Crescendo module is still very early in the development process, so we expect changes to be made. One issue is that the output handler is currently a string, so constructing the script block may be complex; semi-colons will be required to separate statements. This may be addressed in a later version. SEE ALSO The GitHub repository may be found at: https://github.com/PowerShell/Crescendo . PowerShell Blog posts that present the rational and approaches for native command wrapping can be found here: - Part 1 - Part 2 KEYWORDS Native Command |