# ExportSolution.ps1 function Get-DataverseSolution { Param( [string] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $StartPath, [string] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $SelectedSolution ) try { $SolutionName = $SelectedSolution Remove-Item (Join-Path $StartPath "\dataverse_*patch*") -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore Remove-Item (Join-Path $StartPath "\pac_*patch*") -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore ######################## EXPORT SOLUTION ##Export Patches if they Exist foreach ($PatchSolution in $PatchQuery.CrmRecords) { $SolutionName = $PatchSolution.uniquename Set-DataverseSolutionVersion # Trigger Clone or Sync $pacexepath = "$env:APPDATA\Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps\PACTools\tools\pac.exe" $unpackfolderpath = (Join-Path $env:TEMP "ppdo") $cdsProjPath = (Join-Path $StartPath "pac_$SolutionName\$SolutionName.cdsproj") $cdsProjFolderPath = (Join-Path $StartPath "pac_$SolutionName") # If .cds project file exists (i.e., Clone performed already) trigger Sync if (Test-Path "$cdsProjPath") { Write-Host "Cloned solution available; Triggering Solution Sync" $cdsProjfolderPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName("$cdsProjPath") Write-Host "Pointing to cdsproj folder path - " $cdsProjfolderPath Set-Location -Path $cdsProjfolderPath $syncCommand = "solution sync --processCanvasApps true --packagetype Both --async" Write-Host "Triggering Sync - $syncCommand" & $env:APPDATA\Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps\PACTools\tools\pac.exe solution sync --processCanvasApps true --packagetype Both --async #Invoke-Expression -Command "$pacexepath $syncCommand" } else { # Trigger Clone $cloneCommand = "solution clone -n $SolutionName --processCanvasApps true --outputDirectory ""$unpackfolderpath"" --packagetype Both --async" Write-Host "Clone Command - $pacexepath $cloneCommand" & $env:APPDATA\Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps\PACTools\tools\pac.exe solution clone -n $SolutionName --processCanvasApps true --outputDirectory ""$unpackfolderpath"" --packagetype Both --async #Invoke-Expression -Command "$pacexepath $cloneCommand" Remove-Item $unpackfolderpath\$SolutionName\.gitignore -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Copy-Item "$unpackfolderpath\$SolutionName\." -Destination (Join-Path $StartPath "pac_$SolutionName") -Recurse -Container -Force Remove-Item $unpackfolderpath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } # $gitStatus = iex "git status --porcelain" # if ($gitStatus) { # Set-DataverseSolutionVersion # Write-Host "Cloned solution available; Triggering Solution Sync" # $cdsProjfolderPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName("$cdsProjPath") # Write-Host "Pointing to cdsproj folder path - " $cdsProjfolderPath # Set-Location -Path $cdsProjfolderPath # $syncCommand = "solution sync --processCanvasApps true --packagetype Both --async" # Write-Host "Triggering Sync - $syncCommand" # & $env:APPDATA\Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps\PACTools\tools\pac.exe solution sync --processCanvasApps true --packagetype Both --async # #Invoke-Expression -Command "$pacexepath $syncCommand" # Move items from SolutionPackage/Solution folder to SolutionPackage Remove-Item (Join-Path $StartPath "dataverse_$SolutionName") -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore Get-FlowsToBeDeployed "$StartPath" $SelectedSolution Get-ExportDataValid # } } ## No Patches If (!$PatchQuery.CrmRecords) { Set-DataverseSolutionVersion # Trigger Clone or Sync $pacexepath = "$env:APPDATA\Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps\PACTools\tools\pac.exe" $unpackfolderpath = (Join-Path $env:TEMP "ppdo") $cdsProjPath = (Join-Path $StartPath "$SolutionName.cdsproj") $cdsProjFolderPath = (Join-Path $StartPath "") # If .cds project file exists (i.e., Clone performed already) trigger Sync if (Test-Path "$cdsProjPath") { Write-Host "Cloned solution available; Triggering Solution Sync" $cdsProjfolderPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName("$cdsProjPath") Write-Host "Pointing to cdsproj folder path - " $cdsProjfolderPath Set-Location -Path $cdsProjfolderPath $syncCommand = "solution sync --processCanvasApps true --packagetype Both --async" Write-Host "Triggering Sync - $syncCommand" & $env:APPDATA\Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps\PACTools\tools\pac.exe solution sync --processCanvasApps true --packagetype Both --async #Invoke-Expression -Command "$pacexepath $syncCommand" } else { # Trigger Clone $cloneCommand = "solution clone -n $SolutionName --processCanvasApps true --outputDirectory ""$unpackfolderpath"" --packagetype Both --async" Write-Host "Clone Command - $pacexepath $cloneCommand" & $env:APPDATA\Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps\PACTools\tools\pac.exe solution clone -n $SolutionName --processCanvasApps true --outputDirectory ""$unpackfolderpath"" --packagetype Both --async #Invoke-Expression -Command "$pacexepath $cloneCommand" Remove-Item $unpackfolderpath\$SolutionName\.gitignore -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Copy-Item "$unpackfolderpath\$SolutionName\." -Destination (Join-Path $StartPath "..\") -Recurse -Container -Force Remove-Item $unpackfolderpath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } # $gitStatus = iex "git status --porcelain" # if ($gitStatus) { # Set-DataverseSolutionVersion # Write-Host "Cloned solution available; Triggering Solution Sync" # $cdsProjfolderPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName("$cdsProjPath") # Write-Host "Pointing to cdsproj folder path - " $cdsProjfolderPath # Set-Location -Path $cdsProjfolderPath # $syncCommand = "solution sync --processCanvasApps true --packagetype Both --async" # Write-Host "Triggering Sync - $syncCommand" # & $env:APPDATA\Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps\PACTools\tools\pac.exe solution sync --processCanvasApps true --packagetype Both --async # #Invoke-Expression -Command "$pacexepath $syncCommand" # Move items from SolutionPackage/Solution folder to SolutionPackage Remove-Item (Join-Path $StartPath "dataverse_$SolutionName") -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore Remove-Item (Join-Path $StartPath "pac_$SolutionName") -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore Get-FlowsToBeDeployed "$StartPath" $SelectedSolution Get-ExportDataValid # git add -A # git commit -m "Updated unpack of solution $SolutionName" # $tagVersion = $global:devops_newVersion.Replace(".", "_") # git tag "$($SolutionName)_v_$tagVersion" # if ($global:devops_FullTool) { # git push origin "$($SolutionName)_v_$tagVersion" # } # } } } catch { Write-Host $_ pause } finally { } } function Get-FlowsToBeDeployed { Param( [string] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $StartPath, [string] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $SelectedSolution ) try { Write-Host "Generating Flows_Default.json to Support Flow Activation" $SolutionName = $SelectedSolution $SolutionPath = (Join-Path $StartPath "src\Workflows") $FlowJSON = @() $Workflows = Get-ChildItem -Path $SolutionPath -Filter *.json -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($Workflows) { $Workflows | ForEach-Object { $FlowName = $_.BaseName.SubString(0, $_.BaseName.Length - 36) $FlowID = $_.BaseName.Replace($FlowName, '') $FlowJSON += @([ordered]@{FlowID = $FlowID; FlowName = $FlowName; ActivateAsUser = ""; }) } ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3 $FlowJSON | Format-Json | Out-FileUtf8NoBom $StartPath\Flows_Default.json } } catch { Write-Host $_ pause } } |