

$global:devops_OldVerbose = $VerbosePreference
$VerbosePreference = $global:devops_Verbose

Write-Verbose "Importing Functions"

# Import everything in these folders
foreach ($folder in @('Private', 'Scripts')) {
    $root = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath $folder
    if (Test-Path -Path $root) {
        Write-Verbose "processing folder $root"
        $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $root -Filter *.ps1

        # dot source each file
        $files | where-Object { $ -NotLike '*.Tests.ps1' } | 
        ForEach-Object { Write-Verbose "dot loading Library $($ "; . $_.FullName }

$global:devops_ToolPath = $PSScriptRoot 

if (!(Test-Path "$env:APPDATA\Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps")) {
    New-Item -Path "$env:APPDATA\Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Devops" -ItemType Directory
if (!(Test-Path "$env:APPDATA\Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps\devopsConfig.json")) {
    Copy-Item (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "\devopsConfig.json") -Destination "$env:APPDATA\Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps\devopsConfig.json"

function Show-ConfigMenu {
    $configSelection = Read-Host "Selection"
    try {
        switch ($configSelection) {
            'G' {
                try {
                    code $env:APPDATA\Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps\devopsConfig.json    
                catch {
                    try {
                        notepad $env:APPDATA\Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps\devopsConfig.json    
                    catch {
                        try {
                            nano $env:APPDATA\Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps\devopsConfig.json    
                        catch {
                            Write-Error $_
                            Write-Host ""
                            Write-Host "Please re-run Pre-requisite installation" -ForegroundColor Green
            } 'P' {
                try {
                    code $global:devops_projectLocation\$global:devops_gitRepo.json        
                catch {
                    try {
                        notepad $global:devops_projectLocation\$global:devops_gitRepo.json        
                    catch {
                        try {
                            nano $global:devops_projectLocation\$global:devops_gitRepo.json        
                        catch {
                            Write-Error $_ 
                            Write-Host ""
                            Write-Host "Please re-run Pre-requisite installation" -ForegroundColor Green
            } 'A' {
            } 'C' {
            } 'L' {
                $global:devops_HasDataverseLogin = $false
            } 'R' {
                Get-AzureAccounts("Azure DevOps git Token")

            } 'D' {
                $REPO_URL = git remote get-url origin
                Write-Host "git URL is $REPO_URL" 

                git config --unset http.$REPO_URL.extraHeader
            } 'Z' {
                Write-Host "Clearing Azure (AZ CLI) Account Cache"
                az account clear
            } 'U' {
    catch {
        Write-Host $_

function Show-BranchMenu {
    $branchSelection = Read-Host "Selection"
    try {
        switch ($branchSelection) {
            'S' {
                try {
                    if ($global:devops_projectFile.DevOpsProduct -eq "Azure Devops") {
                    $branches = git branch -a
                    do {
                        $sel = Invoke-Menu -MenuTitle "---- Please Select your Branch ------" -MenuOptions $branches          
                    } until ($sel -ge 0)
                    $selectedBranch = $branches[$sel] -Replace "\*", ""
                    $selectedBranch = $branches[$sel] -Replace " ", ""  
                    if ($selectedBranch.Contains("origin")) {
                        git checkout --track $selectedBranch
                    else {
                        git checkout $selectedBranch    
                    git pull
                    $global:devops_Branch = git branch --show-current
                catch {
                    Write-Error $_
                    Write-Host ""
            } 'C' {
                try {
                    if ($global:devops_projectFile.DevOpsProduct -eq "Azure Devops") {
                    $branchName = Read-Host "Enter the Name for your Branch"
                    git branch $branchName
                    git checkout $branchName
                    git push -u origin $branchName
                    $global:devops_Branch = git branch --show-current
                catch {
                    Write-Error $_ 
                    Write-Host ""
            }  'U' {
                if ($global:devops_projectFile.DevOpsProduct -eq "Azure Devops") {
                $branches = git branch
                do {
                    $sel = Invoke-Menu -MenuTitle "---- Select Branch to update from ------" -MenuOptions $branches          
                } until ($sel -ge 0)
                $selectedBranch = $branches[$sel] -Replace "\*", ""
                $selectedBranch = $branches[$sel] -Replace " ", ""  
                git merge $selectedBranch
            } 'P' {
                if ($global:devops_projectFile.DevOpsProduct -eq "Azure Devops") {
                git push
            } 'L' {
                if ($global:devops_projectFile.DevOpsProduct -eq "Azure Devops") {
                git pull origin $global:devops_Branch
    catch {
        Write-Error $_ 

function Show-ToolingMenu {
    $toolSelection = Read-Host "Selection"
    try {
        switch ($toolSelection) {
            'P' {
                try {
                catch {
                    Write-Error $_
                    Write-Host ""
            } 'X' {
                try {
                catch {
                    Write-Error $_ 
                    Write-Host ""
            }  'D' {
                try {
                catch {
                    Write-Error $_ 
                    Write-Host ""
            } 'C' {
                try {
                catch {
                    Write-Error $_ 
                    Write-Host ""
    catch {
        Write-Error $_ 

function Invoke-PowerPlatformDevOps {
        [string] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $PreLoadProjectPath = "",
        [string] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $PreLoadedProjectName = "",
        [string] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $PreSelection = "",
        [bool] [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]$DebugMode = $false

        Invokes and initiate the Powerplatform DevOps toolkit
        Manage your Powerplatform Development environment
        .PARAMETER PreLoadProjectPath
        Specifies the file name.
        .PARAMETER PreSelection
        Specifies the extension. "Txt" is the default.
        PS> Invoke-PowerplatformDevops
        PS> ppdo
        Online version:

    $datePart = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_hhtt")
    Start-Transcript -Append -Path $env:APPDATA\Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps\Logs\$($datePart)_log.txt

    if (!$DebugMode) {
        Write-Host "Checking for updated versions...."
        if ((Get-Module -Name PowerShellGet).Version -gt [version]"2.0.0") {
            $latestVersion = Get-PublishedModuleVersion -Name Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps
            #Get-PublishedModuleVersion -Name Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps
            #(Find-Module Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps -Repository "PSGallery" -AllowPrerelease).Version
        else {
            $latestVersion = Get-PublishedModuleVersion -Name Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps
            # $latestVersion = (Find-Module Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps -Repository "PSGallery").Version
        $currentVersion = (Get-Module -Name Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps).Version
        if ($latestVersion -gt $currentVersion) {
            Write-Host "Updating to $latestVersion"
            Update-Module Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps    
            Write-Host "Updated to $latestVersion, please restart the tool for it to take effect."                

    Write-Verbose "Clearing devops_ Global Variables"
    Clear-Variable devops_* -Scope Global

    # Set-ToolVariables
    # Set-ProjectVariables

    if ($PreLoadProjectPath -ne "") {
        if ((Test-Path -Path "$PreLoadProjectPath\$PreLoadedProjectName.json")) {
            $global:devops_projectLocation = "$PreLoadProjectPath"
            $global:devops_projectFile = Get-Content ("$PreLoadProjectPath\$PreLoadedProjectName.json") | ConvertFrom-Json
            $global:devops_gitRepo = $global:devops_projectFile.gitRepo
            Set-Location  $global:devops_projectLocation

    Write-Host ""
    [console]::ForegroundColor = "White"
    do {

        if ($PreSelection -ne "") {
            $selection = $PreSelection
            $global:devops_devMode = $true
            $PreSelection = ""
            Write-Host "Performing your Automated Selection ..."
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
        else {
            $selection = Read-Host "Please make a selection"            
        try {
            switch ($selection) {
                '1' {
                } '2' {
                } '3' {
                } '3a' {
                } '4' {
                } 'A' {
                } 'M' {
                } 'S' {
                } 'V' {
                } 'T' {
                    $CreateOrSelectEnv = Read-Host -Prompt "Target Environment : Would you like to [P]rovision a new Power Platform Environment ? or [S]elect an Existing One (Default [S])"
                    if ($CreateOrSelectEnv -eq "P") {
                    else {
                } 'A' {
                    # Enable-AzureDeploy
                } 'F' {
                    # Enable-FunctionApp
                } 'U' {
                    Write-Host "Checking for updated versions...."
                    $latestVersion = (Find-Module Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps -Repository "PSGallery").Version
                    if ($latestVersion -gt $global:devops_version) {
                        Update-Module Microsoft.PowerPlatform.DevOps    
                        Write-Host "Updated to $latestVersion, please restart the tool for it to take effect."                
                } 'O' {
                } 'C' {
                } 'R' {
                } 'B' {
            Write-Host ""
        catch {
            Write-Host $_

    until ($selection -eq 'q')
    $VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
    Clear-Variable devops_* -Scope Global
    if (!$VerbosePreference -eq "Continue") {
    Stop-Process -Id $PID

function Test-IsGuid {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    $ObjectGuid = [System.Guid]::empty
    return [System.Guid]::TryParse($StringGuid, [System.Management.Automation.PSReference]$ObjectGuid) # Returns True if successfully parsed

function Start-PPDODocker {
        [string] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $PAT,
        [string] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $ADOOrg,
        [string] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $ADOProject
    & $PSScriptRoot\Docker\go.ps1 -PAT $PAT -ADOOrg $ADOOrg -ADOProject $ADOProject

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Invoke-PowerPlatformDevOps' -Alias ppdo
Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Test-IsGuid'
Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Start-DeploySolution'
Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Start-SolutionChecker'
Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Start-PPDODocker'
New-Alias -Name ppdo -Value Invoke-PowerPlatformDevOps -Scope Global
New-Alias -Name Deploy-Solution -Value Start-DeploySolution -Scope Global
New-Alias -Name ppdo-docker -Value Start-PPDODocker -Scope Global