# Variables $XPath = "/entities/entity/records/record/field" $errorAction = "Stop" $nameField = "adx_name" $valueField = "adx_value" # $json = "C:\Users\susanz\Desktop\Delete\AsureQuality\values.json" # $jsonArray = Get-Content $json | ConvertFrom-Json # Fill me in # pass json array from variables and then arguments # Release.PrimaryArtifactSourceAlias $jsonArray = "$Env:portalConfigJson" | ConvertFrom-Json $path = "$env:SYSTEM_DEFAULTWORKINGDIRECTORY/$env:Release_PrimaryArtefactsSourceAlias/drop/data/data.xml" # --- Start of script --- # Try { $xml = New-Object -Typename XML $xml.load($path) # Loop through the json array For ($i = 0; $i -lt $jsonArray.Count; $i++) { $lookupName = $jsonArray[$i].$nameField $newValue = $jsonArray[$i].$valueField # Check if the attribute exists if ($null -ne ($name = $xml.SelectNodes($XPath) | Where-Object { ($ -eq $nameField -and $_.value -eq $lookupName) } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { # Get name attribute $name = $xml.SelectNodes($XPath) | Where-Object { ($ -eq $nameField -and $_.value -eq $lookupName) } # Retrieve other attributes within element $nameParentId = $ $parent = $xml.SelectNodes("/entities/entity/records/record[@id='$nameParentId']") # Replace value attribute $value = $parent.field | Where-Object { ($ -eq $valueField) } -ErrorAction $errorAction $value.value = $newValue Write-Host "$lookupName :> $newValue" -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-Host "The attribute $lookupName does not exist" -ForegroundColor DarkRed } } # Save XML $xml.Save($path) } Catch { Write-Host $_.Exception $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message Write-Host $ErrorMessage -ForegroundColor Red } # --- End of script --- # |