# Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. # This code released under the terms of the # Microsoft Public License (MS-PL, # Sample Code is provided for the purpose of illustration only and is not intended to be used in a production environment. # THIS SAMPLE CODE AND ANY RELATED INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # We grant You a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to use and modify the Sample Code and to reproduce and distribute the object code form of the Sample Code, provided that. # You agree: # (i) to not use Our name, logo, or trademarks to market Your software product in which the Sample Code is embedded; # (ii) to include a valid copyright notice on Your software product in which the Sample Code is embedded; # and (iii) to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Us and Our suppliers from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorneys’ fees, that arise or result from the use or distribution of the Sample Code # Connection Functions function Connect-PowerBI{ <# .SYNOPSIS Stores parameters to scrip variable to be used in other functions. .DESCRIPTION The Connect-PowerBI cmdlet lets you store parameters to scrip variable to be used in other functions. .parameter AuthorityName Azure Active Directory Name or Guid. i.e.) .parameter ClientId A registerered ClientId as application to the Azure Active Directory. .parameter UserName A username to login to .parameter Password A password for UserName. .parameter GroupId A guid of Group. .EXAMPLE Connect-PowerBI -AuthorityName -ClientId bf922382-cdc4-43d4-995c-0f90ecdeda21 -UserName -Password password This examples connects to PowerBI instance of by using specified UserName/Password. .EXAMPLE Connect-PowerBI -AuthorityName -ClientId bf922382-cdc4-43d4-995c-0f90ecdeda21 -UserName -Password password -GroupdId ce88923a-b885-4d11-997a-a240e73fb6b5 This examples connects to a group of PowerBI instance of by using specified UserName/Password. .EXAMPLE Connect-PowerBI -AuthorityName -ClientId bf922382-cdc4-43d4-995c-0f90ecdeda21 -RedirectUrl http://localhost/powerbi This examples connects to PowerBI instance of by using RedirectUrl, which may popup for authentication .EXAMPLE Connect-PowerBI -AuthorityName -ClientId bf922382-cdc4-43d4-995c-0f90ecdeda21 -RedirectUrl http://localhost/powerbi -ForcePromptSignIn This examples connects to PowerBI instance of by using RedirectUrl, which popup for authentication #> PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $AuthorityName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $ClientId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="UserName")] [string]$UserName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="UserName")] [string]$Password, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="RedirectUri")] [string]$RedirectUri, [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="RedirectUri")] [switch]$ForcePromptSignIn, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string] $GroupId ) # Storing variable to script level $script:authorityName = $AuthorityName $script:PowerBIClientId = $ClientId $script:PowerBIUserName = $UserName $script:PowerBIPassword = $Password $script:PowerBIRedirectUri = $RedirectUri $script:PowerBIForcePromptSignIn = $ForcePromptSignIn $script:PowerBIResourceId = "" $script:PowerBIBaseAddress = "" if($GroupId -ne '') { $script:PowerBIBaseAddress += "groups/$GroupId/" } $script:PowerBIheader = @{"Content-Type"="application/json";"Authorization"="Bearer " + (Get_PowerBIAccessToken)} } function Switch-PowerBIContext{ <# .SYNOPSIS Switches PowerBI context to a group or me. .DESCRIPTION The Switch-PowerBIContext cmdlet lets you switches PowerBI context to a group or me. .parameter GroupId A guid of Group. You can get them by running Get-PowerBIGroups once you run Connect-PowerBIApi without GroupId. .EXAMPLE Switch-PowerBIContext -GroupId ce88923a-b885-4d11-997a-a240e73fb6b5 This example switches PowerBI address to .EXAMPLE Switch-PowerBIContext -Me This example switches PowerBI address to #> PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$true, parameterSetName="GroupId")] [string] $GroupId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true, parameterSetName="Me")] [switch] $Me ) $script:PowerBIBaseAddress = "" if($GroupId -ne '') { $script:PowerBIBaseAddress += "groups/$GroupId/" } if($Me) { $script:PowerBIBaseAddress = "" } Write-Verbose "Current PowerBI address is $PowerBIBaseAddress." } # Private AccessToken obtain function function Get_PowerBIAccessToken{ if($PowerBIUserName -ne '') { return Get-ADALAccessToken -AuthorityName $authorityName -ClientId $PowerBIClientId ` -ResourceId $PowerBIResourceId ` -UserName $PowerBIUserName -Password $PowerBIPassword } else { if($PowerBIForcePromptSignIn) { return Get-ADALAccessToken -AuthorityName $authorityName -ClientId $PowerBIClientId ` -ResourceId $PowerBIResourceId ` -RedirectUri $PowerBIRedirectUri -ForcePromptSignIn } else { return Get-ADALAccessToken -AuthorityName $authorityName -ClientId $PowerBIClientId ` -ResourceId $PowerBIResourceId ` -RedirectUri $PowerBIRedirectUri } } } # DataSet Operations # function Add-PowerBIDataSet{ <# .SYNOPSIS Adds PowerBI dataset. .DESCRIPTION The Add-PowerBIDataSet cmdlet lets you add PowerBI dataset. You need to include Table definition as well. .parameter DataSet DataSet object to be created. You need to include Table definition as well. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$col1 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName ID -ColumnType Int64 PS C:\>$col2 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName Data -ColumnType String PS C:\>$table1 = New-PowerBITable -TableName SampleTable1 -Columns $col1,$col2 PS C:\> PS C:\>$col3 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName ID -ColumnType Int64 PS C:\>$col4 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName Date -ColumnType DateTime PS C:\>$col5 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName Detail -ColumnType String PS C:\>$col6 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName Result -ColumnType Double PS C:\>$table2 = New-PowerBITable -TableName SampleTable2 -Columns $col3,$col4,$col5,$col6 PS C:\> PS C:\>$dataset = New-PowerBIDataSet -DataSetName SampleDataSet -Tables $table1,$table2 PS C:\> PS C:\>Add-PowerBIDataSet -DataSet $dataset This example instantiate a table with two columns and another table with four columns, and instantiate a dataset. Then, it creates the dataset in PowerBI. #> PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$DataSet ) # Send request and return result only. $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri ($PowerBIBaseAddress + "datasets") -Headers $PowerBIheader -Body $DataSet return $ } # function Get-PowerBIDataSets{ <# .SYNOPSIS Gets all PowerBI datasets. .DESCRIPTION The Get-PowerBIDataSets cmdlet lets you retrieve PowerBI datasets for your organization. .EXAMPLE Get-PowerBIDataSets id name -- ---- 4b644350-f745-48dd-821c-f008350199a8 DataSet1 d77cd0fc-f310-4547-97fa-47c5ccf7f9e1 DataSet2 3f08bb1b-4f9e-4be7-939f-750ddbb629de DataSet3 ... #> $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($PowerBIBaseAddress + "datasets") -Headers $PowerBIheader return $result.value } # Table Operations # function Get-PowerBITables{ <# .SYNOPSIS Gets all PowerBI Tables for specified DataSet. .DESCRIPTION The Get-PowerBIDataSets cmdlet lets you retrieve PowerBI datasets for your organization. .parameter DataSetId The Id of dataset. .EXAMPLE Get-PowerBITables -DataSetId 4b644350-f745-48dd-821c-f008350199a8 name ---- PowerBISampleTable1 PowerBISampleTable2 ... #> PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$DataSetId ) $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($PowerBIBaseAddress + "datasets/$DataSetID/tables") -Headers $PowerBIheader return $result.value } # function Update-PowerBITableSchema{ <# .SYNOPSIS Updates PowerBI Table Schema. .DESCRIPTION The Update-PowerBITableSchema cmdlet lets you update PowerBI Table Schema. .parameter DataSetId A DataSetId of the table. .parameter TableName Updating Table name .parameter TableSchema A Table object .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$col1 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName ID -ColumnType Int64 PS C:\>$col2 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName Data -ColumnType String PS C:\>$col3 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName Date -ColumnType DateTime PS C:\>$table1 = New-PowerBITable -TableName SampleTable1 -Columns $col1,$col2,$col3 PS C:\> PS C:\>Update-PowerBITableSchema -DataSetId 4b644350-f745-48dd-821c-f008350199a8 -TableName SampleTable1 This example update SampleTable1 Table Schema with three columns. #> PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$DataSetId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$TableName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$TableSchema ) # Send request and return result only. $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri ($PowerBIBaseAddress + "datasets/$DataSetId/tables/$TableName") -Headers $PowerBIheader -Body $TableSchema } # Row Operations # function Add-PowerBIRows{ <# .SYNOPSIS Adds Rows to PowerBI table. .DESCRIPTION The Add-PowerBIRows cmdlet lets you add rows to PowerBI table. .parameter DataSetId A ataSet Id which the table resides. .parameter TableName A Table Name to insert data. .parameter Rows Actual Data to be inserted. Rows are array of hashtable. i.e.) @{"Column1"="Value1;"Column2"="Value2"} .EXAMPLE Add-PowerBIRows -DataSetId 4b644350-f745-48dd-821c-f008350199a8 -TableName Table1 -Rows @{"Column1"="Value1";"Column2"="Value2"},@{"Column1"="Value1";"Column2"="Value2"} This example inserts two rows to Table1. .EXAMPLE Add-PowerBIRows -DataSetId 4b644350-f745-48dd-821c-f008350199a8 -TableName Table1 -Rows (Import-Csv -Path ".\data.csv") This example inserts rows from CSV to Table1. #> PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$DataSetId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$TableName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [array]$Rows ) $rows = "{'rows': " + (ConvertTo-Json $Rows) + "}" $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri ($PowerBIBaseAddress + "datasets/$DataSetId/tables/$TableName/rows") -Headers $PowerBIheader -Body $rows return $ } # function Remove-PowerBIRows{ <# .SYNOPSIS Removes all Rows from PowerBI table. .DESCRIPTION The Remove-PowerBIRows cmdlet lets you remove rows from PowerBI table. .parameter DataSetId DataSet Id which the table resides. .parameter TableName Table Name to delete rows. .EXAMPLE Remove-PowerBIRows -DataSetId 4b644350-f745-48dd-821c-f008350199a8 -TableName Table1 OK. #> PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$DataSetId, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$TableName ) try { Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Uri ($PowerBIBaseAddress + "datasets/$DataSetId/tables/$TableName/rows") -Headers $PowerBIheader } catch { Write-Warning "Falied to delete rows." } } # Group Operations # function Get-PowerBIGroups{ <# .SYNOPSIS Gets all PowerBI groups. .DESCRIPTION The Get-PowerBIGroups cmdlet lets you retrieve PowerBI groups. .EXAMPLE Get-PowerBIGroups id name -- ---- ce88923a-b885-4d11-997a-a240e73fb6b5 PowerBIGroup This example gets groups which current user belongs to. #> $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ($PowerBIBaseAddress + "groups") -Headers $PowerBIheader return $result.value } # Other Util functions function New-PowerBIDataSet{ <# .SYNOPSIS Creates New PowerBI dataset object. .DESCRIPTION The New-PowerBIDataSet cmdlet lets you create New PowerBI dataset object. .parameter DataSetName DataSet Name. .parameter Tables An array of Table objects .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$col1 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName ID -ColumnType Int64 PS C:\>$col2 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName Data -ColumnType String PS C:\>$table1 = New-PowerBITable -TableName SampleTable1 -Columns $col1,$col2 PS C:\> PS C:\>$col3 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName ID -ColumnType Int64 PS C:\>$col4 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName Date -ColumnType DateTime PS C:\>$col5 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName Detail -ColumnType String PS C:\>$col6 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName Result -ColumnType Double PS C:\>$table2 = New-PowerBITable -TableName SampleTable2 -Columns $col3,$col4,$col5,$col6 PS C:\> PS C:\>$dataset = New-PowerBIDataSet -DataSetName SampleDataSet -Tables $table1,$table2 PS C:\> PS C:\>Add-PowerBIDataSet -DataSet $dataset This example instantiate a table with two columns and another table with four columns, and instantiate a dataset. Then, it creates the dataset in PowerBI. #> PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$DataSetName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [array]$Tables ) return "{'name': '$DataSetName', 'tables': [" + ($Tables -join ",") + "]}" } function New-PowerBITable{ <# .SYNOPSIS Creates New PowerBI table object. .DESCRIPTION The New-PowerBITable cmdlet lets you create New PowerBI table object. .parameter TableName Table Name. .parameter Columns An array of Column objects. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$col1 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName ID -ColumnType Int64 PS C:\>$col2 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName Data -ColumnType String PS C:\>$table1 = New-PowerBITable -TableName SampleTable1 -Columns $col1,$col2 PS C:\> PS C:\>$col3 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName ID -ColumnType Int64 PS C:\>$col4 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName Date -ColumnType DateTime PS C:\>$col5 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName Detail -ColumnType String PS C:\>$col6 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName Result -ColumnType Double PS C:\>$table2 = New-PowerBITable -TableName SampleTable2 -Columns $col3,$col4,$col5,$col6 PS C:\> PS C:\>$dataset = New-PowerBIDataSet -DataSetName SampleDataSet -Tables $table1,$table2 PS C:\> PS C:\>Add-PowerBIDataSet -DataSet $dataset This example instantiate a table with two columns and another table with four columns, and instantiate a dataset. Then, it creates the dataset in PowerBI. #> PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$TableName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [array]$Columns ) return "{'name': '$TableName', 'columns': [" + ($Columns -join ",") + "]}" } function New-PowerBIColumn{ <# .SYNOPSIS Creates new PowerBI column object. .DESCRIPTION The New-PowerBIColumn cmdlet lets you create new PowerBI column object. .parameter ColumnName A column name. .parameter ColumnType A type of the column. Type can be String, Int64, DateTime, Boolean, or Double .EXAMPLE PS C:\>$col1 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName ID -ColumnType Int64 PS C:\>$col2 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName Data -ColumnType String PS C:\>$table1 = New-PowerBITable -TableName SampleTable1 -Columns $col1,$col2 PS C:\> PS C:\>$col3 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName ID -ColumnType Int64 PS C:\>$col4 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName Date -ColumnType DateTime PS C:\>$col5 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName Detail -ColumnType String PS C:\>$col6 = New-PowerBIColumn -ColumnName Result -ColumnType Double PS C:\>$table2 = New-PowerBITable -TableName SampleTable2 -Columns $col3,$col4,$col5,$col6 PS C:\> PS C:\>$dataset = New-PowerBIDataSet -DataSetName SampleDataSet -Tables $table1,$table2 PS C:\> PS C:\>Add-PowerBIDataSet -DataSet $dataset This example instantiate a table with two columns and another table with four columns, and instantiate a dataset. Then, it creates the dataset in PowerBI. #> PARAM( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ColumnName, [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet("String","Int64","DateTime","Boolean","Double")] [string]$ColumnType ) return "{'name':'$ColumnName','dataType':'$ColumnType'}" } |