using namespace Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Models using namespace System.Management.Automation function Get-GraphPlan { <# .Synopsis Gets information about plans used in the Planner app. .Example >Get-GraphTeam -Plans | where title -eq "team planner" | get-graphplan -FullTasks Gets the Plan(s) for the current user's team(s), and isolates those with the name "Team Planner" ; for each of these plans gets the tasks, expanding the name, bucket name, and assignee names #> [cmdletbinding(DefaultParameterSetName="None")] param ( #The ID of the plan or a plan object with an ID property. if omitted the current users planner will be assumed. [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=0)] $Plan, #If Specified returns only the details of the plan [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Details")] [switch]$Details, #If specified returns a list of plan tasks. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Tasks")] [switch]$Tasks, #If specified gets a list of plan buckets which tasks can be assigned to [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Buckets")] [switch]$Buckets, #If specified fills in the plan name, Assignee Name(s) and bucket name for each task. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="FullTask")] [switch]$FullTasks ) process { ContextHas -WorkOrSchoolAccount -BreakIfNot if (-not $Plan) {$Plan = Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri "$GraphUri/me/planner/plans" -ValueOnly -AsType ([MicrosoftGraphPlannerPlan]) -ExcludeProperty '@odata.etag' | Select-Object -First 1 } if ($Plan.title) {$planTitle = $Plan.title} if ($ {$Plan = $} if ($Plan -is [string]) {$Uri = "$GraphUri/planner/plans/$Plan" } else { Write-Warning "Could not get a plan ID from the information provided" } if ($Tasks -or $FullTasks) { #we need @odata.etag for changing items, but it isn't in the object definition ... grrr. $response = Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri "$uri/Tasks" -ValueOnly | Sort-Object -Property orderHint $result = foreach ($r in $response) { $etag = $r.'@odata.etag' $null = $r.remove( '@odata.etag') , $r.remove( '') $taskobj = New-Object -Property $r -TypeName MicrosoftGraphPlannerTask if ($planTitle) { Add-Member -InputObject $taskobj -NotePropertyName PlanTitle -NotePropertyValue $planTitle} Add-Member -InputObject $taskobj -NotePropertyName etag -NotePropertyValue $etag -PassThru } if ($FullTasks) {$result | Expand-GraphTask } else {$result} } elseif ($Details ) { Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri "$uri/Details" -AsType ([MicrosoftGraphPlannerPlanDetails]) -ExcludeProperty '@odata.etag','@odata.context' } elseif ($Buckets) { #we need @odata.etag for changing items, but it isn't in the object definition ... grrr. Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri "$uri/Buckets" -ValueOnly | Sort-Object -Property orderHint | ForEach-Object { $etag = $_.'@odata.etag' $null = $_.remove('@odata.etag'), $_.remove('') $bucketobj = New-object -Property $_ -TypeName MicrosoftGraphPlannerBucket | Add-Member -PassThru -NotePropertyName etag -NotePropertyValue $etag if ($planTitle) {Add-Member -PassThru -InputObject $bucketobj -NotePropertyName PlanTitle -NotePropertyValue $planTitle } else {$bucketobj} } } else { #we need @odata.etag for changing items, but it isn't in the object definition ... grrr. $result = Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri "$uri`?`$expand=details" $etag = $result.'@odata.etag' $odatakeys = $result.Keys.Where({$_ -match "@odata\."}) foreach ($k in $odatakeys) {[void]$result.Remove($k)} $planObj = New-Object -Property $result -TypeName MicrosoftGraphPlannerPlan | Add-Member -PassThru -NotePropertyName etag -NotePropertyValue $etag if ($planObj.owner) { $owner = (Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri "$GraphUri/directoryobjects/$($planObj.owner)").displayname Add-Member -InputObject $planObj -NotePropertyName OwnerName -NotePropertyValue $owner } if ($ -and $ -eq $planObj.owner) { Add-Member -InputObject $planObj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CreatorName -Value $owner } elseif ($ { $creator = (Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri "$GraphUri/directoryobjects/$($").displayname Add-Member -InputObject $planObj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CreatorName -Value $creator } return $planObj } } } function Set-GraphPlanDetails { <# .Synopsis Sets the category labels on a Plan #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '', Justification="Detail would be incorrect")] param ( #The ID of the Plan or a Plan object with an ID property. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $Plan, #Label for category 1 [AllowNull()] [string] $Category1 , #Label for category 2 [AllowNull()] [string] $Category2 , #Label for category 3 [AllowNull()] [string] $Category3 , #Label for category 4 [AllowNull()] [string] $Category4 , #Label for category 5 [AllowNull()] [string] $Category5 , #Label for category 6 [AllowNull()] [string] $Category6, #If specified the plan will updated without confirmation [switch]$Force ) process { ContextHas -WorkOrSchoolAccount -BreakIfNot if ($ {$detailsURI = "$GraphUri/planner/plans/$($" ; $planTitle = $Plan.Title} else {$detailsURI = "$GraphUri/planner/plans/$plan/details" ; $planTitle = "." } try { $tag = (Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri $detailsURI -ErrorAction Stop ).'@odata.etag' } catch {throw "Failed to get tag from $detailsURI" ; return } if (-not $tag) {throw "Failed to get tag from $detailsURI" ; return } Write-Verbose -Message "SET-GRAPHPLANDETAILS Details uri is $detailsURI will match etag of $tag" $CategorySettings = @{} foreach ($x in (1..6)) { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Category$x")) { $CategorySettings["category$x"] = $PSBoundParameters["category$x"] } } if ($CategorySettings.Count -eq 0) {throw "You need to specify a setting to change "} else {$Settings = @{"categoryDescriptions" = $CategorySettings} } $webParams = @{ Method = "Patch" URI = $detailsURI Headers = @{"If-Match" = $tag} Contenttype = "application/json" body = ((ConvertTo-Json $settings) -replace '""','null') } Write-Debug $webParams.body if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($PlanTitle,"Update Plan Details")) {Invoke-GraphRequest @webParams } } } function Remove-GraphPlan { <# .synopsis Removes a plan from a plan the #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact='High')] param ( #The ID of the plan or a plan object with an ID property. [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=0)] $Plan, #If specified the plan will be removed without prompting for confirmation; by default confirmation IS requested. [switch]$Force ) process { ContextHas -WorkOrSchoolAccount -BreakIfNot if (-not $Plan) {$Plan = Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri "$GraphUri/me/planner/plans" -ValueOnly -AsType ([MicrosoftGraphPlannerPlan]) -ExcludeProperty '@odata.etag' | Select-Object -First 1 } if ($Plan.Title ) {$target = $Plan.Title} if ($Plan.etag) {$tag = $Plan.etag} if ($ ) {$Plan = $Plan.ID} $uri = "$GraphUri/planner/Plans/$Plan" if (-not $tag) { $plandetails = Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri $uri $tag = $plandetails.'@odata.etag' $target = $plandetails.title } if (-not $target) {$target=$plan} if($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($target,'Delete Plan')) { Invoke-GraphRequest -Method Delete -Uri $uri -Headers @{'If-Match' = $tag} } } } function Add-GraphPlanBucket { <# .Synopsis Creates a task-bucket in an exsiting plan .Example > New-GraphPlanBucket -Plan $NewTeamplan -Name 'Backlog', 'To-Do','Not Doing' Creates 3 buckets in the same plan. #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param ( #The ID of the Plan or a Plan object with an ID property. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $Plan, #The Name of the new bucket. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1)] $Name, #If Specified the bucket will be added without confirmation [switch]$Force ) begin { $webParams = @{ 'Method' = "Post" 'URI' = "$GraphUri/planner/buckets" 'Contenttype' = "application/json" } $orderHint = " !" } process { ContextHas -WorkOrSchoolAccount -BreakIfNot if ($ {$Planid = $} elseif ($Plan -is [String]) {$planid = $Plan} else {Write-Warning 'Could not get the plan ID' ; return } foreach ($bucketName in $name) { $json = (ConvertTo-Json ([ordered]@{"planId"=$Planid; "name"=$bucketName; "orderHint"= $orderHint})) Write-Debug $json if ($force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name,"Add Bucket to plan $($Plan.title)")){ $result = Invoke-GraphRequest @webParams -Body $json $etag = $result.'@odata.etag' $null = $result.remove('@odata.etag') , $result.remove('@odata.context'), $result.remove('') $bucketobj = New-object -Property $result -TypeName MicrosoftGraphPlannerBucket | Add-Member -PassThru -NotePropertyName etag -NotePropertyValue $etag if ($plan.Title) {Add-Member -PassThru -InputObject $bucketobj -NotePropertyName PlanTitle -NotePropertyValue $plan.Title } else {$bucketobj} } } } } function Rename-GraphPlanBucket { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] <# .Synopsis Renames a bucket in a plan .Example Get-GraphPlan $teamplanner -Buckets | where name -eq "wish list" | Rename-GraphPlanBucket -NewName "Wish-List" Gets a list of a buckets and finds the one named "Wish list" and reanmes is. #> Param( #Bucket to update either as an ID or a Bucket object with an ID [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] $Bucket, #The new name for the Bucket. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)] $NewName, #If specified the bucket will be renamed without prompting for confirmation; this is the default unless $ConfirmPreference is set [Switch]$Force ) if ($ {$uri = "$GraphUri/planner/buckets/$($"} else {$uri = "$GraphUri/planner/buckets/$Bucket" } if ($Bucket.etag) {$tag = $Bucket.etag} else {$tag = (Invoke-GraphRequest -URI $uri ).'@odata.etag' } $body = "{ ""name"": ""$NewName"" }" if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($NewName,'Apply new name to bucket')) { Invoke-GraphRequest -Method Patch -URI $uri -Headers @{'If-Match'=$tag} -Body $body -ContentType 'application/json' } } function Remove-GraphPlanBucket { <# .synopsis Removes a bucket from a plan in planner #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact='High')] param ( #The bucket to remove [parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,Mandatory=$true,Position=0)] $Bucket, #If specified the bucket will be removed without prompting for confirmation; by default confirmation IS requested. [switch]$Force ) begin { } process { if ($ ) {$target = $} if ($Bucket.etag) {$tag = $Bucket.etag} if ($ ) {$Bucket = $Bucket.ID} $uri = "$GraphUri/planner/buckets/$Bucket" if (-not $tag) { $bucketdetails = Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri $uri $tag = $bucketdetails.'@odata.etag' $target = $ } if (-not $target) {$target=$Bucket} if($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($target,'Delete Plan Bucket')) { Invoke-GraphRequest -Method Delete -Uri $uri -Headers @{'If-Match' = $tag} } } } function Get-GraphBucketTaskList { [CmdletBinding()] Param( #Bucket to query either as an ID or a Bucket object with an ID [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [Alias('ID')] $Bucket, #If specified IDs will be updated to their names, and extended properties (e.g. Checklist) will be added [Alias('FullTasks')] [Switch]$Expand ) process { if ($ {$Bucket = $Bucket.ID} #we need etag for chaning items, but it isn't in the object definition ... grrr. $response = Invoke-GraphRequest -URI "$GraphUri/planner/buckets/$Bucket/tasks" $result = $response.value while ($response.'@odata.nextLink') { $response = Invoke-GraphRequest -URI $response.'@odata.nextLink' $result += $response.value } $taskObjs = foreach ($r in $result) { $etag = $r.'@odata.etag' $null = $r.remove( "@odata.etag"), $r.remove( "") ; New-Object -Property $r -TypeName MicrosoftGraphPlannerTask | Add-Member -PassThru -NotePropertyName etag -NotePropertyValue $etag } if ($Expand) { $taskObjs | Expand-GraphTask } else { $taskobjs } } } function Add-GraphPlanTask { <# .Synopsis Adds a task to an exsiting plan .Description Multiple items may be piped in, to be added to the same plan. #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param ( #The ID of the Plan or a Plan object with an ID property. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] $Plan, #The title of the new task. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Title, #Longer description of the task [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [string]$Description, #User(s) to assign the task to either as a UPN name ( or ID [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $AssignTo, #Bucket to place the task in - it must exist already [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Bucket, #Start date for the task [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Nullable[datetime]] $StartDate, #Date by when task should be completed [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Nullable[datetime]]$DueDate, #Percentage complete (note the planner app doesn't show percentages, only "Not started", "In Progress", and "Complete") [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [ValidateRange(0,100)] [int]$PercentComplete, #Category tabs by number (1=Magenta, 2=Red, 3=Orange, 4=Green, 5=Teal, 6=Cyan) [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] # [ValidateRange(1,6)] #doesn't work if piped and values are null. [AllowNull()] [int[]]$CategoryNumbers, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] #A single item, or an array of items to display as a list with check boxes on the task [string[]]$Checklist, #HyperLinks (a.k.a. references): a single item, a string with items seperated with ';' an array of strings or as a hash table of URI=Label. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Links, #if specified the task will be added without confirmation. (This is the default unless $confirmPreference has been changed) [switch]$Force, #By default, the task is added without returning a result. -Passthru specifies the new task should be returned. [Alias('PT')] [switch]$Passthru ) begin { if ($Plan.owner) {$owner = $plan.owner} if ($ {$Plan = $} try { Write-Progress -Activity 'Adding Task' -Status 'Getting buckets and team memmbers for this plan' if (-not $owner) {$owner = (Get-GraphPlan -Plan $plan).owner } $PlanUserHash = @{} Get-GraphTeam -Team $owner -Members | ForEach-Object {$PlanUserHash[$_.Mail]=$_.ID} $planBucketshash = @{} Get-GraphPlan -Buckets -Plan $Plan | ForEach-Object {$planBucketshash[$_.Name]=$_.ID} } catch { throw "An error occured while get information about the plan" ; return } $webParams = @{ Method = "Post" URI = "$GraphUri/planner/tasks" Contenttype = "application/json" } } process { ContextHas -WorkOrSchoolAccount -BreakIfNot $settings = [ordered]@{"planId"=$Plan; "title"=$title} if ($Bucket) { if ($ {$settings["bucketId"]=$Bucket.Id} elseif ($planBucketshash.ContainsValue($Bucket)) {$settings["bucketId"]=$Bucket} elseif ($planBucketshash[$Bucket]) {$settings["bucketId"]=$planBucketshash[$Bucket]} else {throw "$Bucket is not a valid bucket name or ID"} } if ($DueDate ) {$settings["dueDateTime"] = $DueDate.ToUniversalTime().tostring("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ") } # 'o' for ISO date format may work here if ($StartDate) {$settings["startDateTime"] = $StartDate.ToUniversalTime().tostring("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ") } If ($PercentComplete -ge 0) { #need to use this to catch Percent complete being 0 $settings["percentComplete"] = $PercentComplete } if ($AssignTo) { $settings["assignments"] = @{} ForEach ($a in $AssignTo) { try { if ($a -match "\w+@\w+") { Write-Progress -Activity 'Adding Task' -Status 'Getting system ID for user' -CurrentOperation $a $a = (Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri "$GraphUri/users/$a" -ErrorAction stop).id} } catch {throw "Couldn't resolve user $a"; return} $settings.assignments[$a] = @{'@odata.type'= "#microsoft.graph.plannerAssignment"; 'orderHint'= " !" }} } if ($CategoryNumbers) { $Settings["appliedCategories"] = @{} foreach ($n in $CategoryNumbers) { if ($n -lt 1-or $n -gt 6) {throw "$n is not a valid category - valid numbers are 1..6"; return} else {$settings.appliedCategories["category$n"] = $true} } } $json = (ConvertTo-Json $settings) Write-Debug $json if ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Title,"Add Task") ) { Write-Progress -Activity 'Adding Task' -Status 'Saving new task' $result = Invoke-GraphRequest @webParams -body $Json if ($Description -and $Checklist) {Set-GraphTaskDetails -PSC $PSCmdlet -Task $result -Description $Description -CheckList $Checklist } elseif ($Description ) {Set-GraphTaskDetails -PSC $PSCmdlet -Task $result -Description $Description } elseif ($Checklist ) {Set-GraphTaskDetails -PSC $PSCmdlet -Task $result -CheckList $Checklist } if ($Links) {Set-GraphTaskDetails -PSC $PSCmdlet -Task $result -Links $Links } Write-Progress -Activity 'Adding Task' -Completed if ($Passthru) { $etag = $result.'@odata.etag' $odatakeys = $result.Keys.Where({$_ -match "@odata\."}) foreach ($k in $odatakeys) {[void]$result.Remove($k)} New-Object -Property $result -TypeName MicrosoftGraphPlannerTask | Add-Member -NotePropertyName etag -NotePropertyValue $etag -PassThru } } } } function Get-GraphPlanTask { <# .Synopsis Gets a task from a plan in planner, and optionally expands IDs to names and fetches extended properties #> [cmdletbinding()] param ( #The Task to get, either an ID or a Task object with an ID property. [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,Position=0,Mandatory=$true)] $Task, #If specified IDs will be updated to their names, and extended properties (e.g. Checklist) will be added [Alias('FullTasks')] [Switch]$Expand ) process { if ($Task.ID) {$Task = $Task.ID} #we need odata.etag for changing items, but it isn't in the object definition ... grrr. $result = Invoke-GraphRequest -URI "$GraphUri/planner/tasks/$Task" $etag = $result.'@odata.etag' $odatakeys = $result.Keys.Where({$_ -match "@odata\."}) foreach ($k in $odatakeys) {[void]$result.Remove($k)} $taskobj = New-Object -Property $result -TypeName MicrosoftGraphPlannerTask | Add-Member -NotePropertyName etag -NotePropertyValue $etag -PassThru if ($Expand) { $taskobj | Expand-GraphTask} else {$taskobj} } } function Set-GraphPlanTask { <# .Synopsis Update an a existing task in a planner plan #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param ( #The Task to update, either an ID or a Task object with an ID property. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory=$true, Position=0)] [alias('ID')] $Task, #The new title of for task. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Title, #Longer description of the task [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [string]$Description, #User(s) to assign the task to either as a UPN name ( or ID. They must already be part of the team. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $AssignTo, #Bucket to place the task in - it must exist already [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Bucket, #Start date for the task [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Nullable[datetime]] $StartDate, #Date by when task should be completed [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Nullable[datetime]]$DueDate, #Percentage complete (note the planner app doesn't show percentages, only "Not started", "In Progress", and "Complete") [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [ValidateRange(0,100)] [int]$PercentComplete, #Category tabs by number (1=Magenta, 2=Red, 3=Orange, 4=Green, 5=Teal, 6=Cyan) [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] # [ValidateRange(1,6)] #doesn't work if piped and values are null. [AllowNull()] [int[]]$CategoryNumbers, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] #If specified, any existing check-list will be removed [switch]$ClearList, #A single item, A string with items seperated with ";" or an array of items to display as a list with check boxes on the task. $Checklist, #If specified, any existing links will be removed [switch]$ClearLinks, #HyperLinks (a.k.a. references): a single item, a string with items seperated with ';' an array of strings or as a hash table of URI=Label. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Links, #Specified no confirmation will occur [switch]$Force, #If Specified returns the modified task. [Alias('PT')] [switch]$Passthru ) begin { $planHash = @{} } process { ContextHas -WorkOrSchoolAccount -BreakIfNot #Did we get a task object with an ID , a title, a Plan ID and an etag ? Or and ID with the need to look up the others up $tag = $plan = $promptTitle = $null if ($Task.planID) {$plan = $Task.planID} if ($task.etag) {$tag = $Task.etag} if ($Task.title) {$promptTitle = $Task.title} if ($Task.ID) {$Task = $Task.ID} if (-not ($tag -and $plan -and $promptTitle) ) { Write-Progress -Activity "Updating task" -Status 'Getting task information' try {$taskobj = Get-GraphPlanTask -Task $Task } catch { throw "Could not get the task: Server response code was $($_.exception.response.statuscode.value__)" ; return } $plan = $taskobj.planId $tag = $taskobj.etag $promptTitle = $taskobj.title } #If we have not seen this Plan before get its users and buckets if (-not $planHash[$plan] ) { try { Write-Progress -Activity "Updating task" -Status 'Getting team members' $owner = (Get-GraphPlan -Plan $plan).owner $PlanUserHash = @{} Get-GraphTeam -Team $owner -Members | ForEach-Object {$PlanUserHash[$_.Mail]=$_.ID} Write-Progress -Activity "Updating task" -Status 'Getting plan buckets' $planBucketshash = @{} Get-GraphPlan -Buckets -Plan $Plan | ForEach-Object {$planBucketshash[$_.Name]=$_.ID} $planHash[$Plan] = $true } catch { throw "An error occured while get information about the plan" ; return } } #Build up a hash table of the settings, and then convert it to JSON. Some people would rather wrangle JSON text ... $settings = [ordered]@{} #start by adding bucket and assigned to - if they are not in the plan already, bail out. if ($Bucket) { if ($planBucketshash.Containsvalue($Bucket)) {$settings["bucketId"]=$Bucket} elseif ($planBucketshash[$Bucket]) {$settings["bucketId"]=$planBucketshash[$Bucket]} else {throw ("$Bucket is not a valid bucket name or ID; Names are: '" + ($planBucketshash.Keys -join "', '") + "'" )} } if ($AssignTo) { $settings["assignments"] = @{} ForEach ($a in $AssignTo) { if ($a -match "\w+@\w+") {$assigneeID = $PlanUserHash[$a]} elseif ($PlanUserHash.ContainsValue($a)) {$assigneeID = $a } else {throw "User $a is not a user of this plan "; return} $settings.assignments[$assigneeID] = @{'@odata.type'= "#microsoft.graph.plannerAssignment"; 'orderHint'= " !" }} } #Add category numbers next. If outside the range 1..6, bail out. if ($CategoryNumbers) { $Settings["appliedCategories"] = @{} foreach ($n in $CategoryNumbers) { if ($n -lt 1-or $n -gt 6) {throw "$n is not a valid category - valid numbers are 1..6"; return} else {$settings.appliedCategories["category$n"] = $true} } } #Now everything else, dates become strings in a specific format. All the names are case sensitive BTW. if ($Title) {$settings["title"] = $title} if ($DueDate ) {$settings["dueDateTime"] = $DueDate.ToUniversalTime().tostring("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ") } if ($StartDate) {$settings["startDateTime"] = $StartDate.ToUniversalTime().tostring("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ") } If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('PercentComplete')) { $settings["percentComplete"] = $PercentComplete } $json = (ConvertTo-Json $settings) Write-Debug $json $webParams = @{ URI = "$GraphUri/planner/tasks/$Task" Headers = @{'If-Match' = $tag ; 'Prefer' = 'return=representation' } Contenttype = 'application/json' body = $json } if (($settings.count -gt 0) -and ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($promptTitle,"Update Task")) ) { Write-Progress -Activity "Updating task" -Status 'Updating Task' #by specifying a 'return' preference in the headers we get the task back, and we can use that when calling set-graphtaskDetails, and return it if asked to. $UpdatedTask = Invoke-GraphRequest -Method Patch @webParams } #The only warnings we get from Set-GraphTaskDetails are 'This check list item/ This link' is already there' - supress those because if we have a changed task, that's expected. if ($Description -and $Checklist) {Set-GraphTaskDetails -Task $UpdatedTask -PSC $PSCmdlet -CheckList $Checklist -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ClearList:$ClearList -Description $Description } elseif ($Checklist ) {Set-GraphTaskDetails -Task $UpdatedTask -PSC $PSCmdlet -CheckList $Checklist -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ClearList:$ClearList } elseif ($Description ) {Set-GraphTaskDetails -Task $UpdatedTask -PSC $PSCmdlet -Description $Description} if ($Links) {Set-GraphTaskDetails -Task $UpdatedTask -PSC $PSCmdlet -Links $Links -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ClearLinks:$ClearLinks} Write-Progress -Activity "Updating task" -Completed if ($Passthru) { $etag = $UpdatedTask.'@odata.etag' $odatakeys = $UpdatedTask.Keys.Where({$_ -match "@odata\."}) foreach ($k in $odatakeys) {[void]$UpdatedTask.Remove($k)} New-Object -Property $UpdatedTask -TypeName MicrosoftGraphPlannerTask | Add-Member -NotePropertyName etag -NotePropertyValue $etag -PassThru } } } function Remove-GraphPlanTask { <# .synopsis Removes a task from a plan in planner #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess,ConfirmImpact='High')] param ( #The task to remove, either as an ID, or as a Task object containing an ID. [parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,Mandatory=$true,Position=0)] $Task, #If specified the Task will be removed without prompting for confirmation; by default confirmation IS requested. [switch]$Force ) begin { } process { if ($Task.title ) {$target = $Task.title} if ($Task.etag) {$tag = $Task.etag} if ($ ) {$Task = $Task.ID} $uri = "$GraphUri/planner/Tasks/$Task" if (-not $tag) { $Taskdetails = Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri $uri $tag = $Taskdetails.'@odata.etag' $target = $Taskdetails.title } if (-not $target) {$target=$Task} if($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($target,'Delete Plan Task')) { Invoke-GraphRequest -Method Delete -Uri $uri -Headers @{'If-Match' = $tag} } } } function Expand-GraphTask { <# .Synopsis Adds Assignees, buckname, plan name. Checklist, links, Preview and description fields in an existing task .Description This is not exported - it is called in Get-GraphPlan -FullTasks and Get-GraphPlanTask -Expand #> param ( #ID of a task or a task object contining an ID [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $Task ) begin { $allTasks = @() $planhash = @{} $bucketHash = @{} $userHash = @{} } process { $allTasks += $Task } end { Write-Progress -Activity "Getting task details" -Status "Getting plan and bucket names" $planids = $allTasks.planid | Sort-Object -Unique foreach ($p in $planids) { $planhash[$p] = (Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri "$GraphUri/planner/plans/$P" ).title Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri "$GraphUri/planner/plans/$p/buckets" -ValueOnly | ForEach-Object {$bucketHash[$] = $} } Write-Progress -Activity "Getting task details" -Status "Getting name(s) for assignee ID(s)" $userIDs = $allTasks.Assignments.Keys | Sort-object -unique foreach ($u in $userIDs) { $uData = Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri "$GraphUri/users/$u" if ($uData) {$userHash[$]=$uData.displayname} } $i = 0 #Counter for progress bar. Write-Progress -Activity "Getting task details" -Status "Extending Tasks" -PercentComplete 0 foreach ($t in $allTasks) { if ($t.Assignments.keys) {$assignees = $t.assignments.keys | foreach-object {$userhash[$_]} } $details = Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri "$GraphUri/planner/tasks/$($" $expandedTask = $t | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty keys,values,additionalproperties,count | Add-Member -Force -PassThru -NotePropertyName Assignees -NotePropertyValue ($assignees -join ", ") | Add-Member -Force -PassThru -NotePropertyName Bucketname -NotePropertyValue $buckethash[$t.bucketId] | Add-Member -Force -PassThru -NotePropertyName PlanTitle -NotePropertyValue $planhash[$t.planID] | Add-Member -Force -PassThru -NotePropertyName DetailTag -NotePropertyValue $details.'@odata.etag' | Add-Member -Force -PassThru -NotePropertyName References -NotePropertyValue $details.references | Add-Member -Force -PassThru -NotePropertyName Checklist -NotePropertyValue $details.checklist | Add-Member -Force -PassThru -NotePropertyName Description -NotePropertyValue $details.description | Add-Member -Force -PassThru -NotePropertyName PreviewType -NotePropertyValue $details.previewType $expandedTask.pstypeNames.Add("GraphExtendedTask") $i += 100 #To give percentage Write-Progress -Activity "Getting task details" -Status "Extending Tasks" -PercentComplete ($i/$allTasks.count) $expandedTask } Write-Progress -Activity "Getting task details" -Completed } } function Set-GraphTaskDetails { <# .Synopsis Adds Checklist, links, Preview and/or description to an existing task .Description This is not exported - it is called in Add-GraphPlanlTasks and Set-GraphPlanTask #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseSingularNouns', '', Justification="Detail would be incorrect")] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments', '', Justification="False positives when initializing variable in begin block")] param ( #ID of a task or a task object contining an ID [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $Task , #Task description field [string]$Description, #Preview style for the task [ValidateSet("automatic", "noPreview", "checklist", "description", "reference")] $PreviewType, #If specified, any existing check-list will be removed [switch]$ClearList, #A single item, A string with items seperated with ";" or an array of items to display as a list with check boxes on the task. $CheckList, #If specified, any existing links will be removed [switch]$ClearLinks, #HyperLinks (a.k.a. references): a single item, a string with items seperated with ';' an array of strings or as a hash table of URI=Label. $Links, #If specified the tasks will be updated without prompting [Switch]$Force, #used to pass state should process state from another command. $PSC ) #See $referencesHash = $checklistHash = $null if (-not $psc) {$psc = $PSCmdlet} if ($ ) {$detailsURI = "$GraphUri/planner/tasks/$($" ; $taskTitle =$Task.title} else {$detailsURI = "$GraphUri/planner/tasks/$task/details" ; $taskTitle = "." } try { if ($task.DetailTag -and -not $ClearChecks -and -not $ClearReferences) { $tag = $task.DetailTag $existingChecks = $task.checklist.psobject.Properties.value.title $existingRefs = $ } else { Write-Progress -Activity "Updating task" -Status 'Updating Task' -CurrentOperation 'Fetching suplementary details' $taskdetails = Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri $detailsURI $tag = $taskdetails.'@odata.etag' if ($ClearChecks) { $ | ForEach-Object -begin {$checklistHash=[ordered]@{} } -Process {$checklistHash[$_] = $null} $existingChecks = @() } else { $existingChecks = $taskdetails.checklist.psobject.Properties.value.title} if ($ClearLinks) { $ | ForEach-Object -begin {$referencesHash=[ordered]@{} } -Process {$referencesHash[$_] = $null} $existingRefs = @() } else { $existingRefs = $} } } catch { if ($_.exception.response.statuscode.value__ -eq 404) { Write-Warning "Retrying connection to get taskdetails" Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 $taskdetails = Invoke-GraphRequest -Uri $detailsURI $tag = $taskdetails.'@odata.etag' $existingChecks = $taskdetails.checklist.psobject.Properties.value.title } else { throw "Failed to get tag from $detailsURI" ; return} } if (-not $tag) {throw "Failed to get detail tag " ; return } Write-Verbose -Message "SET-GRAPHPLANDETAILS Details uri is $detailsURI will match etag of $tag" #build up settings which will be converted into JSON later $Settings = @{} if ($CheckList) { if (-not $checklistHash) {$checklistHash=[ordered]@{} } #if Checklist is a single string with items split with ; split at the ; and include spaces either side of it. if ($Checklist -is [string] ) {$Checklist = $Checklist -split '\s*;\s*'} foreach ($c in $CheckList) { if ($c -notin $existingChecks) { $guid = (New-Guid) -as [string] $checklistHash[$guid] = @{'@odata.type' = 'microsoft.graph.plannerChecklistItem' ; 'title'= $c; } } } if (-not $PreviewType) { $settings["previewType"] = "checklist" } } if ($checklistHash.count -gt 0) {$settings["checklist"] = $checklistHash} #see if ($Links -is [hashtable] -or $links -is [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]) { if (-not $referencesHash) {$referencesHash=[ordred]@{} } $orderhint = " !" foreach ($key in $links.keys) { $l = $links[$Key] -replace "%","%25" -replace ":","%3A" -replace "\.","%2E" if ($l -notin $existingRefs ){ $referencesHash[$l] = @{ '@odata.type' = 'microsoft.graph.plannerExternalReference' "previewPriority" = $orderhint "alias" = $key } $orderhint = " $orderhint!" } else {Write-Warning -Message "$($Links[$key]) is already part of the task"} } } elseif ($Links) { if ($Links -is [string]) {$Links = $Links -split "\s*;\s*"} #Support semi-colon seperated list; remove any spaces adjacent to the semi-colon $referencesHash=[Ordered]@{} $orderhint = " !" foreach ($link in $Links) { #property names in Open Types cannot contain the following characters: ., :, % so they need to be encoded. $l = $link -replace "%","%25" -replace ":","%3A" -replace "\.","%2E" if ($l -notin $existingRefs ){ $referencesHash[$l] = @{ '@odata.type' = 'microsoft.graph.plannerExternalReference' "previewPriority" = $orderhint } $orderhint = " $orderhint!" } else {Write-Warning -Message "$link is already part of the task"} } } if ($referencesHash.Count -gt 0) {$settings["references"] = $referencesHash} if ($Description) { $settings["description"] = $Description if (-not $PreviewType) { $settings["previewType"] = "description"} } if ($PreviewType) { $settings["previewType"] = $PreviewType} #Now send a PATCH to the details URI with the if-match header and the settings in JSON Form $webParams = @{ Method = "Patch" URI = $detailsURI Headers = @{"If-Match" = $tag} Contenttype = "application/json" body = (ConvertTo-Json $settings)} Write-Debug $webParams.body if (($Settings.Count -gt 0 ) -and ($Force -or $PSC.ShouldProcess($taskTitle,"Set details on task"))) { Write-Progress -Activity "Updating task" -Status 'Updating Task' -CurrentOperation 'Updating suplementary details' Invoke-GraphRequest @webParams | Out-Null } Write-Progress -Activity "Updating task" -Completed } |