[cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0)] $key ) Get-item *.dll | Remove-Item -ErrorAction stop if (Get-Item *.dll) {throw 'Remove DLLs' ; break} if (Select-String -Path .\Microsoft.Graph.PlusPlus.settings.ps1 -Pattern 'clientsecret\s+["''](?!xxx)|TenantID\s+["''](?!xxx)') { throw "Settings contains secrets!"; break } #two chances to find things in settings git update-index --no-skip-worktree .\Microsoft.Graph.PlusPlus.settings.ps1 if (-not (( git status ) -match "nothing to commit, working tree clean")) {throw "Unclean !" ; break} $files = @{} (Import-PowerShellDataFile .\Microsoft.Graph.PlusPlus.psd1 ).filelist | ForEach-Object { $i = Get-Item $_ -ErrorAction stop $files[$i.FullName] = $true } #we will use git to bring these back Remove-Item .\.vscode\* -Force -Recurse Remove-Item .\.gitignore Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File -Exclude $MyInvocation.MyCommand.name, .\.git | Where-Object {-not $files[$_.FullName] } | Remove-Item if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Publish')) { Publish-Module -NuGetApiKey $key -Repository PSGallery -AllowPrerelease -Name Microsoft.Graph.PlusPlus } git reset HEAD --hard git update-index --skip-worktree .\Microsoft.Graph.PlusPlus.settings.ps1 |