# Switch to beta profile. This loads cmdlets that call MS Graph beta endpoint. Select-MgProfile -Name beta # Create a new team. $TeamName = "2020 Interns" New-MgTeam -DisplayName $TeamName -Description $TeamName ` -AdditionalProperties @{ "template@odata.bind" = "'standard')" } # Filter groups by displayName and resourceProvisioningOptions to find team. $InternsTeam = Get-MgGroup -Filter "StartsWith(DisplayName, '$TeamName')" ` | Where-Object { $_.ResourceProvisioningOptions -Contains "Team" } # Add team owner. $teamOwner = Get-MgUser -UserId "{TEAM_OWNER_UPN}" New-MgTeamMember -TeamId $InternsTeam.Id -Roles "owner" ` -AdditionalProperties @{ "@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember"; "user@odata.bind" = "" + $teamOwner.Id } # Filter users to find users who have a UPN that starts with 't-'. $TeamMembers = Get-MgUser -Filter "startswith(userPrincipalName, 't-')" # Add team members. foreach ($teamMember in $TeamMembers) { New-MgTeamMember -TeamId $InternsTeam.Id -Roles "member" ` -AdditionalProperties @{ "@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember"; "user@odata.bind" = "" + $teamMember.Id } } # Send a welcome message to the channel. $PrimaryChannel = Get-MgTeamPrimaryChannel -TeamId $InternsTeam.Id New-MgTeamChannelMessage -TeamId $InternsTeam.Id ` -ChannelId $PrimaryChannel.Id ` -Body @{ Content = "Welcome to Teams!" } # Delete team. Remove-MgGroup -GroupId $InternsTeam.Id # Teams Chat snippets # Get list of 1:1 chats Get-MgChat # Get Messages from Chat Get-MgChatMessage -chatId $chatId # Send a message in that 1:1 chat New-MgChatMessage -chatId $chatId -Body @{ Content = "Hi from VSCode again!" } # Mention a user in a channel message. $User = Get-MgUser -UserId $userUPN | select id, displayName, userIdentityType $UserToMention = @{ Id = $User.Id; DisplayName = $User.DisplayName; UserIdentityType = "aadUser"; } New-MgTeamChannelMessage -ChannelId $ChannelId -TeamId $TeamId ` -Body @{ ` ContentType = "html"; ` Content = "Welcome to the channel! <at id='0'>$($UserToMention.DisplayName)</at>" ` } ` -Mentions @( ` @{ ` id = 0; ` mentionText = $UserToMention.DisplayName; ` mentioned = @{user = $UserToMention } ` }) |