function Get-RiskyUsers { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the risky users. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the risky users from the Entra ID Identity Protection, which marks an account as being at risk based on the pattern of activity for the account. .PARAMETER OutputDir OutputDir is the parameter specifying the output directory. Default: Output\RiskyEvents .PARAMETER Encoding Encoding is the parameter specifying the encoding of the CSV output file. Default: UTF8 .PARAMETER UserIds An array of User IDs to retrieve risky user information for. If not specified, retrieves all risky users. .PARAMETER LogLevel Specifies the level of logging: None: No logging Minimal: Critical errors only Standard: Normal operational logging Default: Standard .EXAMPLE Get-RiskyUsers Retrieves all risky users. .EXAMPLE Get-RiskyUsers -Encoding utf32 Retrieves all risky users and exports the output to a CSV file with UTF-32 encoding. .EXAMPLE Get-RiskyUsers -OutputDir C:\Windows\Temp Retrieves all risky users and saves the output to the C:\Windows\Temp folder. .EXAMPLE Get-RiskyUsers -UserIds "user-id-1","user-id-2" Retrieves risky user information for the specified User IDs. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$OutputDir = "Output\RiskyEvents", [string]$Encoding = "UTF8", [string[]]$UserIds, [ValidateSet('None', 'Minimal', 'Standard')] [string]$LogLevel = 'Standard' ) Set-LogLevel -Level ([LogLevel]::$LogLevel) Write-LogFile -Message "=== Starting Risky Users Collection ===" -Color "Cyan" -Level Minimal $requiredScopes = @("IdentityRiskEvent.Read.All","IdentityRiskyUser.Read.All") $graphAuth = Get-GraphAuthType -RequiredScopes $RequiredScopes if (!(test-path $OutputDir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $OutputDir > $null } else { if (!(Test-Path -Path $OutputDir)) { Write-Error "[Error] Custom directory invalid: $OutputDir exiting script" -ErrorAction Stop Write-LogFile -Message "[Error] Custom directory invalid: $OutputDir exiting script" -Level Minimal } } $results = @() $count = 0 $riskSummary = @{ High = 0 Medium = 0 Low = 0 None = 0 AtRisk = 0 NotAtRisk = 0 Remediated = 0 Dismissed = 0 } try { $results = @() $baseUri = "" if ($UserIds) { foreach ($userId in $UserIds) { $encodedUserId = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($userId) $uri = "$baseUri`?`$filter=userPrincipalName eq '$encodedUserId'" Write-LogFile -Message "[INFO] Retrieving risky user for UPN: $userId" -Level Standard try { $response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri $uri if ($response.value -and $response.value.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($user in $response.value) { $results += [PSCustomObject]@{ Id = $user.Id IsDeleted = $user.IsDeleted IsProcessing = $user.IsProcessing RiskDetail = $user.RiskDetail RiskLastUpdatedDateTime = $user.RiskLastUpdatedDateTime RiskLevel = $user.RiskLevel RiskState = $user.RiskState UserDisplayName = $user.UserDisplayName UserPrincipalName = $user.UserPrincipalName AdditionalProperties = $user.AdditionalProperties -join ", " } if ($user.RiskLevel) { $riskSummary[$user.RiskLevel]++ } if ($user.RiskState -eq "atRisk") { $riskSummary.AtRisk++ } elseif ($user.RiskState -eq "notAtRisk") { $riskSummary.NotAtRisk++ } elseif ($user.RiskState -eq "remediated") { $riskSummary.Remediated++ } elseif ($user.RiskState -eq "dismissed") { $riskSummary.Dismissed++ } $count++ } } else { Write-LogFile -Message "[INFO] User ID $userId not found or not risky." -Level Standard } } catch { Write-LogFile -Message "[ERROR] Failed to retrieve data for User ID $userId : $($_.Exception.Message)" -Color "Red" -Level Minimal } } } else { $uri = "" do { $response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri $uri if ($response.value) { foreach ($user in $response.value) { $results += [PSCustomObject]@{ Id = $user.Id IsDeleted = $user.IsDeleted IsProcessing = $user.IsProcessing RiskDetail = $user.RiskDetail RiskLastUpdatedDateTime = $user.RiskLastUpdatedDateTime RiskLevel = $user.RiskLevel RiskState = $user.RiskState UserDisplayName = $user.UserDisplayName UserPrincipalName = $user.UserPrincipalName AdditionalProperties = $user.AdditionalProperties -join ", " } if ($user.RiskLevel) { $riskSummary[$user.RiskLevel]++ } if ($user.RiskState -eq "atRisk") { $riskSummary.AtRisk++ } elseif ($user.RiskState -eq "confirmedSafe") { $riskSummary.NotAtRisk++ } elseif ($user.RiskState -eq "remediated") { $riskSummary.Remediated++ } elseif ($user.RiskState -eq "dismissed") { $riskSummary.Dismissed++ } $count++ } } $uri = $response.'@odata.nextLink' } while ($uri -ne $null) } } catch { Write-LogFile -Message "[ERROR] An error occurred: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Color "Red" -Level Minimal throw } $date = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddHHmm" $filePath = "$OutputDir\$($date)-RiskyUsers.csv" if ($results.Count -gt 0) { $results | Export-Csv -Path $filePath -NoTypeInformation -Encoding $Encoding Write-LogFile -Message "[INFO] A total of $count Risky Users found" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message "`nSummary of Risky Users:" -Color "Cyan" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message "----------------------------------------" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message "Total Risky Users: $count" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - High Risk: $($riskSummary.High)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - Medium Risk: $($riskSummary.Medium)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - Low Risk: $($riskSummary.Low)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message "`nRisk States:" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - At Risk: $($riskSummary.AtRisk)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - Confirmed Safe: $($riskSummary.NotAtRisk)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - Remediated: $($riskSummary.Remediated)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - Dismissed: $($riskSummary.Dismissed)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message "`nExported Files:" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - $filePath" -Level Standard } else { Write-LogFile -Message "[INFO] No Risky Users found" -Color "Yellow" -Level Standard } } function Get-RiskyDetections { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the risky detections from the Entra ID Identity Protection. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the risky detections from the Entra ID Identity Protection. .PARAMETER OutputDir OutputDir is the parameter specifying the output directory. Default: Output\RiskyEvents .PARAMETER Encoding Encoding is the parameter specifying the encoding of the CSV output file. Default: UTF8 .PARAMETER UserIds An array of User IDs to retrieve risky detections information for. If not specified, retrieves all risky detections. .PARAMETER LogLevel Specifies the level of logging: None: No logging Minimal: Critical errors only Standard: Normal operational logging Default: Standard .EXAMPLE Get-RiskyDetections Retrieves all the risky detections. .EXAMPLE Get-RiskyDetections -Encoding utf32 Retrieves the risky detections and exports the output to a CSV file with UTF-32 encoding. .EXAMPLE Get-RiskyDetections -OutputDir C:\Windows\Temp Retrieves the risky detections and saves the output to the C:\Windows\Temp folder. .EXAMPLE Get-RiskyDetections -UserIds "user-id-1","user-id-2" Retrieves risky detections for the specified User IDs. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$OutputDir= "Output\RiskyEvents", [string]$Encoding = "UTF8", [string[]]$UserIds, [ValidateSet('None', 'Minimal', 'Standard')] [string]$LogLevel = 'Standard' ) Set-LogLevel -Level ([LogLevel]::$LogLevel) Write-LogFile -Message "=== Starting Risky Detections Collection ===" -Color "Cyan" -Level Minimal $requiredScopes = @("IdentityRiskEvent.Read.All","IdentityRiskyUser.Read.All") $graphAuth = Get-GraphAuthType -RequiredScopes $RequiredScopes if (!(test-path $OutputDir)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $OutputDir > $null } else { if (!(Test-Path -Path $OutputDir)) { Write-Error "[Error] Custom directory invalid: $OutputDir exiting script" -ErrorAction Stop Write-LogFile -Message "[Error] Custom directory invalid: $OutputDir exiting script" -Level Minimal } } $results = @() $count = 0 $riskSummary = @{ High = 0 Medium = 0 Low = 0 AtRisk = 0 NotAtRisk = 0 Remediated = 0 Dismissed = 0 UniqueUsers = @{} UniqueCountries = @{} UniqueCities = @{} } try { $baseUri = "" if ($UserIds) { foreach ($userId in $UserIds) { $encodedUserId = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($userId) $uri = "$baseUri`?`$filter=UserPrincipalName eq '$encodedUserId'" Write-LogFile -Message "[INFO] Retrieving risky detections for User ID: $userId" -Level Standard do { $response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri $uri if ($response.value) { foreach ($detection in $response.value) { $results += [PSCustomObject]@{ Activity = $detection.Activity ActivityDateTime = $detection.ActivityDateTime AdditionalInfo = $detection.AdditionalInfo CorrelationId = $detection.CorrelationId DetectedDateTime = $detection.DetectedDateTime IPAddress = $detection.IPAddress Id = $detection.Id LastUpdatedDateTime = $detection.LastUpdatedDateTime City = $detection.Location.City CountryOrRegion = $detection.Location.CountryOrRegion State = $detection.Location.State RequestId = $detection.RequestId RiskDetail = $detection.RiskDetail RiskEventType = $detection.RiskEventType RiskLevel = $detection.RiskLevel RiskState = $detection.RiskState DetectionTimingType = $detection.DetectionTimingType Source = $detection.Source TokenIssuerType = $detection.TokenIssuerType UserDisplayName = $detection.UserDisplayName UserId = $detection.UserId UserPrincipalName = $detection.UserPrincipalName AdditionalProperties = $detection.AdditionalProperties -join ", " } if ($detection.RiskLevel) { $riskSummary[$detection.RiskLevel]++ } if ($detection.RiskState -eq "atRisk") { $riskSummary.AtRisk++ } elseif ($detection.RiskState -eq "confirmedSafe") { $riskSummary.NotAtRisk++ } elseif ($detection.RiskState -eq "remediated") { $riskSummary.Remediated++ } elseif ($detection.RiskState -eq "dismissed") { $riskSummary.Dismissed++ } if ($detection.UserPrincipalName) { $riskSummary.UniqueUsers[$detection.UserPrincipalName] = $true } if ($detection.Location.CountryOrRegion) { $riskSummary.UniqueCountries[$detection.Location.CountryOrRegion] = $true } if ($detection.Location.City) { $riskSummary.UniqueCities[$detection.Location.City] = $true } $count++ } } $uri = $response.'@odata.nextLink' } while ($uri -ne $null) } } else { do { $response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri $baseUri if ($response.value) { foreach ($detection in $response.value) { $results += [PSCustomObject]@{ Activity = $detection.Activity ActivityDateTime = $detection.ActivityDateTime AdditionalInfo = $detection.AdditionalInfo CorrelationId = $detection.CorrelationId DetectedDateTime = $detection.DetectedDateTime IPAddress = $detection.IPAddress Id = $detection.Id LastUpdatedDateTime = $detection.LastUpdatedDateTime City = $detection.Location.City CountryOrRegion = $detection.Location.CountryOrRegion State = $detection.Location.State RequestId = $detection.RequestId RiskDetail = $detection.RiskDetail RiskEventType = $detection.RiskEventType RiskLevel = $detection.RiskLevel RiskState = $detection.RiskState DetectionTimingType = $detection.DetectionTimingType Source = $detection.Source TokenIssuerType = $detection.TokenIssuerType UserDisplayName = $detection.UserDisplayName UserId = $detection.UserId UserPrincipalName = $detection.UserPrincipalName AdditionalProperties = $detection.AdditionalProperties -join ", " } if ($detection.RiskLevel) { $riskSummary[$detection.RiskLevel]++ } if ($detection.RiskState -eq "atRisk") { $riskSummary.AtRisk++ } elseif ($detection.RiskState -eq "confirmedSafe") { $riskSummary.NotAtRisk++ } elseif ($detection.RiskState -eq "remediated") { $riskSummary.Remediated++ } elseif ($detection.RiskState -eq "dismissed") { $riskSummary.Dismissed++ } if ($detection.UserPrincipalName) { $riskSummary.UniqueUsers[$detection.UserPrincipalName] = $true } if ($detection.Location.CountryOrRegion) { $riskSummary.UniqueCountries[$detection.Location.CountryOrRegion] = $true } if ($detection.Location.City) { $riskSummary.UniqueCities[$detection.Location.City] = $true } $count++ } } $baseUri = $response.'@odata.nextLink' } while ($baseUri -ne $null) } } catch { Write-LogFile -Message "[ERROR] An error occurred: $($_.Exception.Message)" -Color "Red" -Level Minimal Write-LogFile -Message "[ERROR (Continued)] Check the below, as the target tenant may not be licenced for this feature $($_.ErrorDetails.Message)" -Color "Red" -Level Minimal throw } $date = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddHHmm" $filePath = "$OutputDir\$($date)-RiskyDetections.csv" if ($results.Count -gt 0) { $results | Export-Csv -Path $filePath -NoTypeInformation -Encoding $Encoding Write-LogFile -Message "`nSummary of Risky Detections:" -Color "Cyan" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message "----------------------------------------" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message "Total Risky Detections: $count" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - High Risk: $($riskSummary.High)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - Medium Risk: $($riskSummary.Medium)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - Low Risk: $($riskSummary.Low)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message "`nRisk States:" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - At Risk: $($riskSummary.AtRisk)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - Confirmed Safe: $($riskSummary.NotAtRisk)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - Remediated: $($riskSummary.Remediated)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - Dismissed: $($riskSummary.Dismissed)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message "`nAffected Resources:" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - Unique Users: $($riskSummary.UniqueUsers.Count)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - Unique Countries: $($riskSummary.UniqueCountries.Count)" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message "`nExported Files:" -Level Standard Write-LogFile -Message " - $filePath" -Level Standard } else { Write-LogFile -Message "[INFO] No Risky Detections found" -Color "Yellow" -Level Standard } } |