
function Get-MFA {
    Retrieves the MFA status for all users.
    Script inspired by:
    Retrieves the MFA status for all users.
    The output will be written to: Output\UserInfo\
    .PARAMETER OutputDir
    OutputDir is the parameter specifying the output directory.
    Default: Output\UserInfo
    .PARAMETER Encoding
    Encoding is the parameter specifying the encoding of the CSV output file.
    Default: UTF8
    Retrieves the MFA status for all users.
    Get-MFA -Encoding utf32
    Retrieves the MFA status for all users and exports the output to a CSV file with UTF-32 encoding.
    Get-MFA -OutputDir C:\Windows\Temp
    Retrieves the MFA status for all users and saves the output to the C:\Windows\Temp folder.


    Connect-MgGraph -Scopes UserAuthenticationMethod.Read.All,User.Read.All -NoWelcome

    try {
        $areYouConnected = Get-MgUser -ErrorAction stop 
    catch {
        Write-logFile -Message "[WARNING] You must call Connect-MgGraph -Scopes 'UserAuthenticationMethod.Read.All,User.Read.All' before running this script" -Color "Red"

    if ($Encoding -eq "" ){
        $Encoding = "UTF8"

    if ($OutputDir -eq "" ){
        $OutputDir = "Output\UserInfo"
        if (!(test-path $OutputDir)) {
            write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Creating the following directory: $OutputDir"
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Name $OutputDir | Out-Null
    Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Running Get-MFA" -Color "Green"
    $users = Get-MgUser -All

    $MFAEmail = 0
    $MFAfido2 = 0
    $MFAapp = 0
    $MFAphone = 0
    $MFAsoftwareoath = 0
    $MFAtempaccess = 0
    $MFAhellobusiness = 0
    $MFAstatusAmount = 0


    foreach ($user in $users) {

        $myObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
            user               = "-"
            MFAstatus          = "Disabled"  # Default to 'Disabled'
            email              = "-"
            fido2              = "-"
            app                = "-"
            password           = "-"
            phone              = "-"
            softwareoath       = "-"
            tempaccess         = "-"
            hellobusiness      = "-"

        $MFAData= Get-MgUserAuthenticationMethod -UserId $user.UserPrincipalName

        $myobject.user = $user.UserPrincipalName;
        ForEach ($method in $MFAData) {
            Switch ($method.AdditionalProperties["@odata.type"]) {
                "#microsoft.graph.emailAuthenticationMethod" { 
                $ = $true 
                $myObject.MFAstatus = "Enabled"

                "#microsoft.graph.fido2AuthenticationMethod" { 
                $myObject.fido2 = $true 
                $myObject.MFAstatus = "Enabled"

                "#microsoft.graph.microsoftAuthenticatorAuthenticationMethod" { 
                $ = $true 
                $myObject.MFAstatus = "Enabled"

                "#microsoft.graph.passwordAuthenticationMethod" {              
                $myObject.password = $true 
                if($myObject.MFAstatus -ne "Enabled"){
                    $myObject.MFAstatus = "Disabled"

                "#microsoft.graph.phoneAuthenticationMethod" { 
                $ = $true 
                $myObject.MFAstatus = "Enabled"

                "#microsoft.graph.softwareOathAuthenticationMethod" { 
                $myObject.softwareoath = $true 
                $myObject.MFAstatus = "Enabled"

                "#microsoft.graph.temporaryAccessPassAuthenticationMethod" { 
                $myObject.tempaccess = $true 
                $myObject.MFAstatus = "Enabled"

                "#microsoft.graph.windowsHelloForBusinessAuthenticationMethod" { 
                $myObject.hellobusiness = $true 
                $myObject.MFAstatus = "Enabled"
            if($myObject.MFAstatus -eq "Enabled") {

        $results+= $myObject;

    write-host "$MFAstatusAmount out of $($users.count) users have MFA enabled:"
    write-host " - $MFAEmail x Email"
    write-host " - $MFAfido2 x Fido2"
    write-host " - $MFAapp x App"
    write-host " - $MFAphone x Phone"
    write-host " - $MFAsoftwareoath x SoftwareOAuth"
    write-host " - $MFAtempaccess x TempAccess"
    write-host " - $MFAhellobusiness x HelloBusiness"

    $filePath = "$OutputDir\MFAStatus.csv"
    $results | Export-Csv -Path $filePath -NoTypeInformation -Encoding $Encoding
    Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Output written to $filePath" -Color "Green"