# This contains functions for getting Azure AD logging function Get-ADSignInLogs { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets of sign ins logs. .DESCRIPTION The Get-AzureADAuditSignInLogs cmdlet collects the contents of the Azure Active Directory sign-in logs. The output will be written to: Output\AzureAD\SignInLogs.json .PARAMETER After The After parameter specifies the date from which all logs need to be collected. .PARAMETER Before The Before parameter specifies the date before which all logs need to be collected. .PARAMETER OutputDir OutputDir is the parameter specifying the output directory. Default: Output\AzureAD .PARAMETER Encoding Encoding is the parameter specifying the encoding of the JSON output file. Default: UTF8 .EXAMPLE Get-ADSignInLogs Get all audit logs of sign ins. .EXAMPLE Get-ADSignInLogs -Before 2023-04-12 Get audit logs before 2023-04-12. .EXAMPLE Get-ADSignInLogs -After 2023-04-12 Get audit logs after 2023-04-12. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$After, [string]$Before, [string]$outputDir, [string]$Encoding ) try { $areYouConnected = Get-AzureADAuditDirectoryLogs -ErrorAction stop } catch { Write-logFile -Message "[WARNING] You must call Connect-Azure before running this script" -Color "Red" break } Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Running Get-AADSignInLogs" -Color "Green" if ($Encoding -eq "" ){ $Encoding = "UTF8" } $date = [datetime]::Now.ToString('yyyyMMddHHmmss') if ($OutputDir -eq "" ){ $OutputDir = "Output\AzureAD\$date\" if (!(test-path $OutputDir)) { write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Creating the following directory: $OutputDir" New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Name $OutputDir | Out-Null } } $filePath = "$OutputDir\SignInLogs.json" if (($After -eq "") -and ($Before -eq "")) { Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Collecting the Azure Active Directory sign in logs" try{ $signInLogs = Get-AzureADAuditSignInLogs -All $true $signInLogs | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File -FilePath $filePath -Encoding $Encoding Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Sign-in logs written to $filePath" -Color "Green" } catch{ Start-Sleep -Seconds 20 $signInLogs = Get-AzureADAuditSignInLogs -All $true $signInLogs | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File -FilePath $filePath -Encoding $Encoding Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Sign-in logs written to $filePath" -Color "Green" } } elseif (($After -ne "") -and ($Before -eq "")) { Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Collecting the Azure Active Directory sign in logs on or after $After" try{ $signInLogs = Get-AzureADAuditSignInLogs -All $true -Filter "createdDateTime gt $After" $signInLogs | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File -FilePath $filePath -Encoding $Encoding Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Sign-in logs written to $filePath" -Color "Green" } catch{ Start-Sleep -Seconds 20 $signInLogs = Get-AzureADAuditSignInLogs -All $true -Filter "createdDateTime gt $After" $signInLogs | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File -FilePath $filePath -Encoding $Encoding Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Sign-in logs written to $filePath" -Color "Green" } } elseif (($Before -ne "") -and ($After -eq "")) { Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Collecting the Azure Active Directory sign in logs on or before $Before" try{ $signInLogs = Get-AzureADAuditSignInLogs -All $true -Filter "createdDateTime lt $Before" $signInLogs | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File -FilePath $filePath -Encoding $Encoding Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Sign-in logs written to $filePath" -Color "Green" } catch{ Start-Sleep -Seconds 20 $signInLogs = Get-AzureADAuditSignInLogs -All $true -Filter "createdDateTime lt $Before" $signInLogs | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File -FilePath $filePath -Encoding $Encoding Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Sign-in logs written to $filePath" -Color "Green" } } else { Write-logFile -Message "[WARNING] Please only provide a start date or end date" -Color "Red" } } function Get-ADAuditLogs { <# .SYNOPSIS Get directory audit logs. .DESCRIPTION The Get-AzureADAuditDirectoryLogs cmdlet to collect the contents of the Azure Active Directory Audit logs. The output will be written to: "Output\AzureAD\Auditlogs.json .PARAMETER After The After parameter specifies the date from which all logs need to be collected. .PARAMETER Before The Before parameter specifies the date before which all logs need to be collected. .PARAMETER OutputDir outputDir is the parameter specifying the output directory. Default: Output\AzureAD .PARAMETER Encoding Encoding is the parameter specifying the encoding of the JSON output file. Default: UTF8 .EXAMPLE Get-ADAuditLogs Get directory audit logs. .EXAMPLE Get-ADAuditLogs -Before 2023-04-12 Get directory audit logs before 2023-04-12. .EXAMPLE Get-ADAuditLogs -After 2023-04-12 Get directory audit logs after 2023-04-12. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$After, [string]$Before, [string]$OutputDir, [string]$Encoding ) try { $areYouConnected = Get-AzureADAuditDirectoryLogs -ErrorAction stop } catch { Write-logFile -Message "[WARNING] You must call Connect-Azure before running this script" -Color "Red" break } if ($Encoding -eq "" ){ $Encoding = "UTF8" } Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Running Get-AADAuditLogs" -Color "Green" $date = [datetime]::Now.ToString('yyyyMMddHHmmss') if ($OutputDir -eq "" ){ $OutputDir = "Output\AzureAD\$date\" if (!(test-path $OutputDir)) { write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Creating the following directory: $OutputDir" New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Name $OutputDir | Out-Null } } $filePath = "$OutputDir\Auditlogs.json" if (($After -eq "") -and ($Before -eq "")) { Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Collecting the Directory audit logs" try{ $auditLogs = Get-AzureADAuditDirectoryLogs -All $true | Select-Object Id,Category,CorrelationId,Result,ResultReason,ActivityDisplayName,@{N='ActivityDateTime';E={$_.ActivityDateTime.ToString()}},LoggedByService,OperationType,InitiatedBy,TargetResources,AdditionalDetails $auditLogs | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File -FilePath $filePath -Encoding $Encoding Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Directory audit logs written to $filePath" -Color "Green" } catch{ Start-Sleep -Seconds 20 $auditLogs = Get-AzureADAuditDirectoryLogs -All $true | Select-Object Id,Category,CorrelationId,Result,ResultReason,ActivityDisplayName,@{N='ActivityDateTime';E={$_.ActivityDateTime.ToString()}},LoggedByService,OperationType,InitiatedBy,TargetResources,AdditionalDetails $auditLogs | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File -FilePath $filePath -Encoding $Encoding Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Directory audit logs written to $filePath" -Color "Green" } } elseif (($After -ne "") -and ($Before -eq "")) { Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Collecting the Directory audit logs on or after $After" try{ $auditLogs = Get-AzureADAuditDirectoryLogs -All $true -Filter "activityDateTime gt $After" | Select-Object Id,Category,CorrelationId,Result,ResultReason,ActivityDisplayName,@{N='ActivityDateTime';E={$_.ActivityDateTime.ToString()}},LoggedByService,OperationType,InitiatedBy,TargetResources,AdditionalDetails $auditLogs | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File -FilePath $filePath -Encoding $Encoding Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Directory audit logs written to $filePath" -Color "Green" } catch{ Start-Sleep -Seconds 20 $auditLogs = Get-AzureADAuditDirectoryLogs -All $true -Filter "activityDateTime gt $After" | Select-Object Id,Category,CorrelationId,Result,ResultReason,ActivityDisplayName,@{N='ActivityDateTime';E={$_.ActivityDateTime.ToString()}},LoggedByService,OperationType,InitiatedBy,TargetResources,AdditionalDetails $auditLogs | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File -FilePath $filePath -Encoding $Encoding Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Directory audit logs written to $filePath" -Color "Green" } } elseif (($Before -ne "") -and ($After -eq "")) { Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Collecting the Directory audit logs logs on or before $Before" try{ $auditLogs = Get-AzureADAuditDirectoryLogs -All $true -Filter "activityDateTime lt $Before" | Select-Object Id,Category,CorrelationId,Result,ResultReason,ActivityDisplayName,@{N='ActivityDateTime';E={$_.ActivityDateTime.ToString()}},LoggedByService,OperationType,InitiatedBy,TargetResources,AdditionalDetails $auditLogs | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File -FilePath $filePath -Encoding $Encoding Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Directory audit logs written to $filePath" -Color "Green" } catch{ Start-Sleep -Seconds 20 $auditLogs = Get-AzureADAuditDirectoryLogs -All $true -Filter "activityDateTime lt $Before" | Select-Object Id,Category,CorrelationId,Result,ResultReason,ActivityDisplayName,@{N='ActivityDateTime';E={$_.ActivityDateTime.ToString()}},LoggedByService,OperationType,InitiatedBy,TargetResources,AdditionalDetails $auditLogs | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 | Out-File -FilePath $filePath -Encoding $Encoding Write-logFile -Message "[INFO] Directory audit logs written to $filePath" -Color "Green" } } else { Write-logFile -Message "[WARNING] Please only provide a start date or end date" -Color "Red" } } |