class MetaNullWiki { static [hashtable]$Commands = @{} static [System.Management.Automation.FunctionInfo] GetModuleCommand([string]$Module, [string]$CommandName) { if( -not ([MetaNullWiki]::Commands.Keys -contains $Module )) { [MetaNullWiki]::Commands += @{ $Module = @{}} } if( -not ([MetaNullWiki]::Commands.$Module.$CommandName )) { $Command = Get-Command -Module $Module ($CommandName -ireplace '^([a-z]+-)',"`$1$((Get-Module $Module).Prefix)") if($Command) { [MetaNullWiki]::Commands.$Module.$CommandName = $Command } } return [MetaNullWiki]::Commands.$Module.$CommandName } static [System.Management.Automation.FunctionInfo] Wiki([string]$CommandName) { return [MetaNullWiki]::GetModuleCommand('MetaNullWiki',$CommandName) } static [System.Management.Automation.FunctionInfo] Utils([string]$CommandName) { return [MetaNullWiki]::GetModuleCommand('MetaNullUtils',$CommandName) } static [System.Management.Automation.FunctionInfo] ConfluencePS([string]$CommandName) { return [MetaNullWiki]::GetModuleCommand('ConfluencePS',$CommandName) } } class WikiArtifact { [object]$Page [WikiPageProperties[]]$Properties [string[]]$Labels [string[]]$LinkCards WikiArtifact() { $this.InitFromHashtable(@{}) } WikiArtifact([object]$Page) { $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Page = $Page}) } WikiArtifact([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels) { $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Page = $Page; Labels = $Labels}) } WikiArtifact([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels,[WikiPageProperties[]]$Properties) { $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Page = $Page; Labels = $Labels; Properties = $Properties}) } WikiArtifact([WikiArtifact]$Artifact) { $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Page = $Artifact.Page; Labels = $Artifact.Labels; Properties = $Artifact.Properties}) } [void] SetPage([object]$Page) { if($null -ne $Page) { $this.Page = $Page.PSObject.Copy() } } [void] SetProperties([WikiPageProperties[]]$Properties) { if($null -ne $Properties) { $this.Properties = $Properties.Clone() } else { $this.Properties = @() } } [void] SetLabels([string[]]$Labels) { if($null -ne $Labels) { $this.Labels = $Labels.Clone() } else { $this.Labels = @() } } [void] SetLinkCards([string[]]$LinkCards) { if($null -ne $LinkCards) { $this.LinkCards = $LinkCards.Clone() } else { $this.LinkCards = @() } } [void] InitFromHashtable([hashtable]$properties) { foreach ($Property in $Properties.Keys) { switch($Property) { 'Page' { $this.SetPage($Properties.Page) if($properties.Keys -notcontains 'Properties') { # Load 'properties' from the page, unless if they are explicitly provided $this.LoadPageProperties() $this.LoadLinkCards() } } 'Properties' { $this.SetProperties($Properties.Properties) } 'Labels' { $this.SetLabels($Properties.Labels) } 'LinkCards' { $this.SetLinkCards($Properties.LinkCards) } default { [System.ArgumentException]::New("No such property: $($Property).") } } } } [WikiArtifact] Clone() { return $this.PSObject.Copy() } [void] LoadPageProperties() { if($this.Page) { $this.Properties = [WikiPageProperties]::CreateFromMacros([WikiMacro]::CreateFromHtml($this.Page.Body)) } else { $this.Properties = [WikiPageProperties[]]@() } } [void] LoadLinkCards() { if($this.Page) { $this.LinkCards = $this.Page.Body | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-LinkCard')) | Select-Object -Unique | Sort-Object } else { $this.LinkCards = [string[]]@() } } [WikiPageProperties[]] GetPageProperties([string]$Id) { return $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $Id } } [string] ToString() { return "[$($this.Page.ID)] [$($this.GetType().Name -replace '^Wiki')] $($this.Page.Title)" } # Calculated Properties # They are added to the object definition directly, unlike what is done via the WikiArtifact.types.ps1.xml # The purpose is to add properties that are calculated through functions provided by the MetaNullWiki and MetaNullUtils modules. # Depending on the way the modules are loaded (from local, form PSGallery, with/without a Prefix...) the way to call them may change # To avoid this issue, the calculated properties are added at runtime; and the module functions are called through Get-Command static [hashtable[]] $MemberDefinitions = @( @{ MemberName = 'xType' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.GetType().Name -replace '^Wiki' } } @{ MemberName = 'xAllPropertyText' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Foreach-Object { foreach($p in $_.Properties.GetEnumerator()) { $p.Value | Foreach-Object { $_ } } } } } @{ MemberName = 'xAllPropertyLink' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Foreach-Object { foreach($p in $_.Properties.GetEnumerator()) { $p.Value | Foreach-Object { $_ } } } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-LinkCard')) | Select-Object -Unique } } @{ MemberName = 'xAllPropertyVersionLink' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Foreach-Object { foreach($p in $_.Properties.GetEnumerator()) { $p.Value | Foreach-Object { $_ } } } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-VersionLinkCard')) | Where-Object { $_.Version -ne '' } | Select-Object -Unique } } ) static WikiArtifact() { $TypeName = [WikiArtifact].Name foreach ($Definition in [WikiArtifact]::MemberDefinitions) { Update-TypeData -TypeName $TypeName @Definition } } } class WikiContainer : WikiArtifact { WikiContainer() : base() {} WikiContainer([object]$Page) : base($Page) {} WikiContainer([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels) : base($Page,$Labels) {} WikiContainer([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels,[WikiPageProperties[]]$Properties) : base($Page,$Labels,$Properties) {} WikiContainer([WikiArtifact]$Artifact) : base($Artifact) {} WikiContainer([WikiContainer]$Container) : base($Container.Page,$Container.Labels,$Container.Properties) {} # Calculated Properties static [hashtable[]] $ContainerMemberDefinitions = @( @{ MemberName = 'xContainerName' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Container } } } @{ MemberName = 'xContainerType' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Type } } } @{ MemberName = 'xProductName' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Product } } } @{ MemberName = 'xLinkProduct' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Product } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-LinkCard')) } } @{ MemberName = 'xFramework' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.'Main frameworks' } } } @{ MemberName = 'xVersionLinkFramework' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.'Main frameworks' } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-VersionLinkCard')) } } @{ MemberName = 'xLibrary' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.'Frameworks & libraries' } } } @{ MemberName = 'xVersionLinkLibrary' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.'Frameworks & libraries' } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-VersionLinkCard')) } } @{ MemberName = 'xAuthentication' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Authentication } } } @{ MemberName = 'xLinkAuthentication' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Authentication } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-LinkCard')) } } @{ MemberName = 'xAuthorization' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Authorization } } } @{ MemberName = 'xLinkAuthorization' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'container' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Authorization } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-LinkCard')) } } ) static WikiContainer() { $TypeName = [WikiContainer].Name foreach ($Definition in [WikiContainer]::ContainerMemberDefinitions) { Update-TypeData -TypeName $TypeName @Definition } } } class WikiDomain : WikiArtifact { WikiDomain() : base() {} WikiDomain([object]$Page) : base($Page) {} WikiDomain([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels) : base($Page,$Labels) {} WikiDomain([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels,[WikiPageProperties[]]$Properties) : base($Page,$Labels,$Properties) {} WikiDomain([WikiArtifact]$Artifact) : base($Artifact) {} WikiDomain([WikiDomain]$Container) : base($Container.Page,$Container.Labels,$Container.Properties) {} # Calculated Properties static [hashtable[]] $DomainMemberDefinitions = @( @{ MemberName = 'xDomainName' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'domain' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Domain } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-Text')) | &([MetaNullWiki]::Utils('ConvertFrom-HtmlEncoded')) } } @{ MemberName = 'xGUID' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'domain' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.GUID } } } ) static WikiDomain() { $TypeName = [WikiDomain].Name foreach ($Definition in [WikiDomain]::DomainMemberDefinitions) { Update-TypeData -TypeName $TypeName @Definition } } } class WikiKeyDataEntity : WikiArtifact { WikiKeyDataEntity() : base() {} WikiKeyDataEntity([object]$Page) : base($Page) {} WikiKeyDataEntity([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels) : base($Page,$Labels) {} WikiKeyDataEntity([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels,[WikiPageProperties[]]$Properties) : base($Page,$Labels,$Properties) {} WikiKeyDataEntity([WikiArtifact]$Artifact) : base($Artifact) {} WikiKeyDataEntity([WikiKeyDataEntity]$Container) : base($Container.Page,$Container.Labels,$Container.Properties) {} } class WikiMacro { [string]$Name [hashtable]$Parameters [hashtable]$Attributes [string]$Body WikiMacro() { $this.InitFromHashtable(@{}) } WikiMacro([string]$Name,[hashtable]$Parameters,[hashtable]$Attributes,[string]$Body) { $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Name = $Name; Parameters = $Parameters; Attributes = $Attributes; Body = $Body }) } WikiMacro([string]$Name,[hashtable]$Parameters,[hashtable]$Attributes) { $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Name = $Name; Parameters = $Parameters; Attributes = $Attributes }) } WikiMacro([string]$Name,[hashtable]$Parameters,[string]$Body) { $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Name = $Name; Parameters = $Parameters; Body = $Body }) } WikiMacro([string]$Name, [string]$Body) { $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Name = $Name; Body = $Body }) } WikiMacro([string]$Name,[hashtable]$Parameters) { $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Name = $Name; Parameters = $Parameters}) } [void] SetName([string]$Name) { $this.Name = $Name } [void] SetParameters([hashtable]$Parameters) { $this.Parameters = $Parameters.Clone() } [void] SetAttributes([hashtable]$Attributes) { $this.Attributes = $Attributes.Clone() } [void] SetBody([string]$Body) { $this.Body = $Body } [void] InitFromHashtable([hashtable]$properties) { foreach ($Property in $Properties.Keys) { if($Properties.$Property -is [hashtable]) { $this.$Property = $Properties.$Property.Clone() } else { $this.$Property = $Properties.$Property } } } [WikiMacro] Clone() { return $this.PSObject.Copy() } static [WikiMacro[]] CreateFromHtml([string]$Html) { return [WikiMacro]::CreateFromXDocument(($Html | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('ConvertTo-XDocument')))) } static [WikiMacro[]] CreateFromXDocument([object]$Document) { $Output = @() $Document | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-XPath')) -XPath '//ac:structured-macro' | Foreach-Object { $Name = $_ | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-XPath')) -XPath './@ac:name' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node -First 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty '#text' $Attributes = @{} $_ | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-XPath')) -XPath './@*' | Foreach-Object { $Attributes += @{ $_.Node.Name = $_.Node.Value } } $Parameters = @{} $_ | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-XPath')) -XPath './ac:parameter' | Foreach-Object { $Parameters += @{ $_.Node.Name = $_.Node.InnerXml } } $Body = $_ | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-XPath')) -XPath './ac:rich-text-body' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node -First 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InnerXml $Output += ([WikiMacro]::new($Name,$Parameters,$Attributes,$Body)) } return [WikiMacro[]]($Output) } [string] ToString() { return "[Macro] Name:$($this.Name), Parameters:{$(($this.Parameters.Keys -join ', '))}, Body:$($this.Body)" } [string] ToHtml() { $Html = @() $Html += "<ac:structured-macro ac:name=""$($this.Name)"" data-layout=""default""" foreach($attrib in $this.Attributes.GetEnumerator()) { if($attrib.Value) { $Html += " $($attrib.Name)=""$($attrib.Value)""" } else { $Html += " $($attrib.Name)" } } $Html += ">" foreach($param in $this.Parameters.GetEnumerator()) { if($param.Value) { $Html += "<ac:parameter ac:name=""$($param.Name)"">$($param.Value)</ac:parameter>" } else { $Html += "<ac:parameter ac:name=""$($param.Name)""/>" } } $this.Body | ForEach-Object { $Html += "<ac:rich-text-body>" $Html += $this.Body $Html += "</ac:rich-text-body>" } $Html += "</ac:structured-macro>" return ($Html -join '') } } class WikiPageProperties { [string]$Id [hashtable]$Properties [WikiMacro]$Macro WikiPageProperties() { $this.InitFromHashtable(@{}) } WikiPageProperties([hashtable]$Properties) { $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Properties = $Properties }) } WikiPageProperties([hashtable]$Properties, [string] $Id) { $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Properties = $Properties; Id = $Id }) } WikiPageProperties([string]$Id, [hashtable]$Properties, [WikiMacro]$Macro) { $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Properties = $Properties; Id = $Id; Macro = $Macro }) } [void] SetId([string]$Id) { $this.Id = $Id } [void] SetProperties([hashtable]$Properties) { $this.Properties = $Properties.Clone() } [void] SetMacro([string]$Macro) { $this.Macro = $Macro.Clone() } [void] InitFromHashtable([hashtable]$properties) { foreach ($Property in $Properties.Keys) { switch($Property) { 'Macro' { $this.$Property = $Properties.$Property.Clone() } 'Properties' { $this.$Property = $Properties.$Property.Clone() } 'Id' { $this.$Property = $Properties.$Property } default { [System.ArgumentException]::New("No such property: $($Property).") } } } } [WikiPageProperties] Clone() { return $this.PSObject.Copy() } static [WikiPageProperties[]] CreateFromHtml([string]$Html) { return [WikiPageProperties]::CreateFromXDocument(($Html | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('ConvertTo-XDocument')))) } static [WikiPageProperties[]] CreateFromXDocument([object]$Document) { return [WikiPageProperties]::CreateFromMacros([WikiMacro]::CreateFromXDocument($Document)) } static [WikiPageProperties[]] CreateFromMacros([WikiMacro[]]$Macros) { $Output = @() $Macros | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'details' } | Foreach-Object { $Macro = $_.Clone() $Id = $ $Properties = @{} $_.Body | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('ConvertTo-XDocument')) | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-XPath')) '//tr' | Foreach-Object { $Key = ($_ | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-XPath')) '(./td|./th)[position()=1]').Node.InnerText # $Value = ($_ | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-XPath')) '(./td|./th)[position()=2]/p').Node.InnerXml $Value = ($_ | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-XPath')) '(./td|./th)[position()=2]/p' | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Clear-Placeholder')) | Where-Object {$_}) $Properties += @{ $Key = $Value } } $Output += [WikiPageProperties]::new($Id,$Properties,$Macro) } return [WikiPageProperties[]]($Output) } [string] ToString() { return "[PageProperties] Id:$($this.Id), Properties:{$(($this.Properties.Keys -join ', '))}" } } class WikiProduct : WikiArtifact { WikiProduct() : base() {} WikiProduct([object]$Page) : base($Page) {} WikiProduct([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels) : base($Page,$Labels) {} WikiProduct([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels,[WikiPageProperties[]]$Properties) : base($Page,$Labels,$Properties) {} WikiProduct([WikiArtifact]$Artifact) : base($Artifact) {} WikiProduct([WikiProduct]$Container) : base($Container.Page,$Container.Labels,$Container.Properties) {} # Calculated Properties static [hashtable[]] $ProductMemberDefinitions = @( @{ MemberName = 'xProductName' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'info' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Name } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Utils('ConvertFrom-HtmlEncoded')) } } @{ MemberName = 'xProductAlias' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'info' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Title } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Utils('ConvertFrom-HtmlEncoded')) } } @{ MemberName = 'xDomainName' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'info' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Domain } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Utils('ConvertFrom-HtmlEncoded')) } } @{ MemberName = 'xLinkDomain' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'info' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Domain } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-LinkCard')) } } @{ MemberName = 'xStatus' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'info' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Status } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-Text')) } } @{ MemberName = 'xDescription' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'info' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Description } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-Text')) | &([MetaNullWiki]::Utils('ConvertFrom-HtmlEncoded')) } } @{ MemberName = 'xProjectManager' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'pmo' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.PM } } } ) static WikiProduct() { $TypeName = [WikiProduct].Name foreach ($Definition in [WikiProduct]::ProductMemberDefinitions) { Update-TypeData -TypeName $TypeName @Definition } } } class WikiTechnology : WikiArtifact { WikiTechnology() : base() {} WikiTechnology([object]$Page) : base($Page) {} WikiTechnology([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels) : base($Page,$Labels) {} WikiTechnology([object]$Page,[string[]]$Labels,[WikiPageProperties[]]$Properties) : base($Page,$Labels,$Properties) {} WikiTechnology([WikiArtifact]$Artifact) : base($Artifact) {} WikiTechnology([WikiTechnology]$Technology) : base($Technology.Page,$Technology.Labels,$Technology.Properties) {} [WikiVersionPriority] AssessVersion([version]$Version) { if($null -eq $version -or $version -eq '') { return [WikiVersionPriority]::Unknown } if($null -ne $this.xVersionVulnerable -and $this.xVersionVulnerable -ne '' -and $Version -le $this.xVersionVulnerable) { # Smaller than Vulnerable = Vulnerable return [WikiVersionPriority]::Vulnerable } elseif($null -ne $this.xVersionOutdated -and $this.xVersionOutdated -ne '' -and $Version -le $this.xVersionOutdated) { # Smaller than Outdated = Outdated return [WikiVersionPriority]::NotSupported } else { if($null -ne $this.xVersionRecommended -and $this.xVersionRecommended -ne '' -and $Version -ge $this.xVersionRecommended) { # Greater than Recommended = Recommended return [WikiVersionPriority]::UpToDate } elseif($null -ne $this.xVersionAccepted -and $this.xVersionAccepted -ne '' -and $Version -ge $this.xVersionAccepted) { # Greater than Accepted = Accepted return [WikiVersionPriority]::Supported } } # In any other case = Outdated return [WikiVersionPriority]::NotSupported } [bool] IsSupported([version] $Version) { return ($this.AssessVersion($Version) -in ([WikiVersionPriority]::UpToDate,[WikiVersionPriority]::Supported)) } [bool] IsVulnerable([version] $Version) { return ($this.AssessVersion($Version) -in ([WikiVersionPriority]::Vulnerable)) } [bool] IsUnknown([version] $Version) { return ($this.AssessVersion($Version) -in ([WikiVersionPriority]::Unknown)) } # Calculated Properties static [hashtable[]] $WikiTechnologyMemberDefinitions = @( @{ MemberName = 'xTechnologyName' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'technology' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Technology } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-Text')) | &([MetaNullWiki]::Utils('ConvertFrom-HtmlEncoded')) } } @{ MemberName = 'xTechnologyVendor' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'technology' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Vendor } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-Text')) | &([MetaNullWiki]::Utils('ConvertFrom-HtmlEncoded')) } } @{ MemberName = 'xTechnologyType' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'technology' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Type } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-Text')) } } @{ MemberName = 'xTechnologyStatus' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'technology' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Status } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-Text')) } } @{ MemberName = 'xVersionRecommended' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'technology-version' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Recommended } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Utils('ConvertTo-Version')) } } @{ MemberName = 'xVersionAccepted' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'technology-version' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Accepted } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Utils('ConvertTo-Version')) } } @{ MemberName = 'xVersionOutdated' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'technology-version' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Outdated } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Utils('ConvertTo-Version')) } } @{ MemberName = 'xVersionVulnerable' MemberType = 'ScriptProperty' Value = { $this.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq 'technology-version' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Properties | Foreach-Object { $_.Vulnerable } | &([MetaNullWiki]::Utils('ConvertTo-Version')) } } ) static WikiTechnology() { $TypeName = [WikiTechnology].Name foreach ($Definition in [WikiTechnology]::WikiTechnologyMemberDefinitions) { Update-TypeData -TypeName $TypeName @Definition } } } class WikiVersionLink { [string]$Title [version]$Version [string]$VersionString [string]$Body WikiVersionLink() { $this.InitFromHashtable(@{}) } WikiVersionLink([string]$Title,[version]$Version) { $this.InitFromHashtable(@{Title = $Title; Version = $Version}) } [void] SetTitle([string]$Title) { $this.Title = $Title } [void] SetVersion([version]$Version) { $this.Version = $Version.Clone() } [void] InitFromHashtable([hashtable]$properties) { foreach ($Property in $Properties.Keys) { if($Properties.$Property -is [hashtable]) { $this.$Property = $Properties.$Property.Clone() } else { $this.$Property = $Properties.$Property } } } [WikiVersionLink] Clone() { return $this.PSObject.Copy() } static [WikiVersionLink[]] CreateFromHtml([string]$Html) { return [WikiVersionLink]::CreateFromXDocument(($Html | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('ConvertTo-XDocument')))) } static [WikiVersionLink] CreateFromCurrentNode([object]$Node) { $Output = [WikiVersionLink]::empty $Node | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-XPath')) -XPath 'self::ac:link' | Foreach-Object { $Title = $_ | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-XPath')) './ri:page/@ri:content-title' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value $VersionString = $_ | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-XPath')) '(./following-sibling::text()[1]|./following-sibling::code/text())' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value if($VersionString) { $VersionString = $VersionString.Trim() } $Version = &([MetaNullWiki]::Utils('ConvertTo-Version')) -InputString $VersionString <##> $Body = $_ | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Node | Select-Object -ExpandProperty OuterXml $VersionLink = [WikiVersionLink]::new() $VersionLink.Title = $Title $VersionLink.Version = $Version <##> $VersionLink.VersionString = $VersionString <##> $VersionLink.Body = $Body $Output = $VersionLink # $Output += ([WikiVersionLink]::new($Title,$Version)) } return [WikiVersionLink]($Output) } static [WikiVersionLink[]] CreateFromXDocument([object]$Document) { $Output = @() $Document | &([MetaNullWiki]::Wiki('Select-XPath')) -XPath '//ac:link' | Foreach-Object { $Output += [WikiVersionLink]::CreateFromCurrentNode($_) } return $Output } [string] ToString() { return "[VersionLink] Link:$($this.Title), Version:$($this.Version), VersionString:$($this.VersionString)" } } enum WikiVersionPriority { UpToDate Supported NotSupported Vulnerable Unknown } |