function New-MeetupEvent { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a Meetup event .PARAMETER GroupName Specify GroupName .PARAMETER Title Specify the Title of the event .PARAMETER Time Specify the date and time to the event This will take the local time of the event. .PARAMETER Description Specify the Description of the event .PARAMETER Announce Specify this switch to announce the event to your group members .PARAMETER PublishStatus Specify the Publish status of the event. Values accepted: draft or published .EXAMPLE New-MeetupEvent ` -GroupName FrenchPSUG ` -Title 'New Event from MeetupPS' ` -Time '2018/06/01 3:00pm' ` -Description "PowerShell WorkShop<br><br>In this session we'll talk about ..." ` -PublishStatus draft .NOTES #> [Cmdletbinding()] PARAM( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $GroupName = "FrenchPSUG", [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Title, $Time, $Description = "Description:<br><br>New Event from MeetupPS PowerShell module<br><br>Speaker:<br>", [switch]$Announce = $false, [ValidateSet('draft', 'published')] $PublishStatus = 'draft' ) try { $FunctionName = (Get-Variable -name MyInvocation -Scope 0 -ValueOnly).MyCommand if (-not ($script:MeetupAccessToken)) { Write-Warning -Message 'You need to use Set-MeetupConfiguration first to authenticate against the Rest API' } Write-Verbose -Message "[$FunctionName] Format date to unix time" $Time = Get-Date -date ((Get-Date -Date $Time).ToUniversalTime()) -UFormat %s # Append Trailing Zeros (it needs to be 13 digits if ($Time.Length -lt 13) { $diff = 13 - $Time.Length $Time = "{0}{1:$('0'*$diff)}" -f $Time, 0 } Write-Verbose -Message "[$FunctionName] Prepare Splatting" $Splat = @{ Headers = @{Authorization = 'Bearer ' + $($script:MeetupAccessToken.access_token)} Method = 'POST' Uri = "" Body = "group_urlname=$groupName&name=$Title&time=$Time&publish_status=$PublishStatus&announce=$Announce&description=$description" } Write-Verbose -Message "[$FunctionName] Creating Event..." Invoke-RestMethod @splat } catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) } } |