Written and shared by Microsoft employee Matthew Reynolds in the spirit of "Small OSS libraries, tool, and sample code" OSS policy MIT license #> Set-StrictMode -Version Latest <# .Synopsis Adds a given Measured Trace to a database .DESCRIPTION Typically used indirectly via call to Measure-MtDbNewTracesFromFolder .EXAMPLE dir c:\MyTracesFolder | Measure-Trace | Add-MtdbTrace -ConnectionString 'server=localhost;database=MyTraces;integrated security=SSPI' #> function Add-MtDbTrace { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $ConnectionString , [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [MeasureTrace.TraceModel.Trace[]]$MeasuredTrace ) begin{ $repository = Connect-MtDbRepository -ConnectionString $ConnectionString } process{ foreach($trace in $MeasuredTrace){ $repository.AddTraceWithMeasurements($trace) $repository.SaveChanges() } } end{ $repository.Dispose() } } <# .Synopsis Creates a connection to the MeasureTrace database, attempting to provision as needed .DESCRIPTION Typically used indirectly via call to Measure-MtDbNewTracesFromFolder .EXAMPLE Connect-MtDbRepository -ConnectionString 'server=localhost;database=MyTraces;integrated security=SSPI' #> function Connect-MtDbRepository { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ConnectionString ) $r = [MeasureTrace.Database]::Connect($ConnectionString) $r } <# .Synopsis Determine whether a specific trace file is already represented in a DB .DESCRIPTION Typically used indirectly via call to Measure-MtDbNewTracesFromFolder .EXAMPLE Compare-MtDbTraceFileStatus -Path d:\MyEtlTraces -ConnectionString 'server=localhost;database=MyTraces;integrated security=SSPI' #> function Compare-MtDbTraceFileStatus { param( ## Path to a trace file [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Mandatory=$true)] [Alias('Path')] [string[]]$FullName, ## For connection to database. See Example section [string]$ConnectionString ) begin{ $repo = Connect-MtDbRepository -ConnectionString $ConnectionString } process{ foreach($pathX in $FullName){ $packageFileName = Split-Path -Path $pathX -Leaf [pscustomobject]@{ PackageFileNameFull = $pathX PackageFIleName = $packageFileName IsInDatabase = @($repo.GetTrace( $packageFileName )).Count -as [bool] } } } } <# .Synopsis Determine which traces in a folder are already represented in a DB .DESCRIPTION Compares a given folder of traces against a database of parsed traces. Returns an object per trace which describes the status. Typically used indirectly via call to Measure-MtDbNewTracesFromFolder .EXAMPLE Compare-MtDbFolderVsRepository -Path d:\MyEtlTraces -ConnectionString 'server=localhost;database=MyTraces;integrated security=SSPI' #> function Compare-MtDbFolderVsRepository{ param( ## Path to a folder containing ETL traces [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Mandatory=$true)] [Alias('Path')] [string[]]$FullName, ## For connection to database. See Example section [string]$ConnectionString, [string[]]$Filter = @("*.etl","*.zip") ) foreach($folder in $FullName){ foreach($filterX in $Filter){ Get-ChildItem -Path $folder -Filter $filterX -Recurse -File | Compare-MtDbTraceFileStatus -ConnectionString $ConnectionString } } } <# .Synopsis Process traces from a folder into MeasuredTrace representation in a database .DESCRIPTION Compares a given folder of traces against a database of parsed traces. For traces which are not yet reflected in the db it attempts to Measure them and export Measurements to the database .EXAMPLE Measure-MtDbNewTracesFromFolder -Path d:\MyEtlTraces -ConnectionString 'server=localhost;database=MyTraces;integrated security=SSPI' .EXAMPLE Measure-MtDbNewTracesFromFolder -Path d:\MyEtlTraces -ConnectionString 'server=localhost;database=MyTraces;integrated security=SSPI' -MaxCount 100 -Parallel .EXAMPLE ## Continuous ingestion as traces arrive while( $true ){ Measure-MtDbNewTracesFromFolder -Path d:\MyEtlTraces -ConnectionString 'server=localhost;database=MyTraces;integrated security=SSPI' -MaxCount 100 -Parallel Start-Sleep -Seconds 60 } #> function Measure-MtDbNewTracesFromFolder{ param( ## Path to a folder containing ETL traces [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Mandatory=$true)] [Alias('Path')] [string[]]$FullName, ## For connection to database. See Example section [string]$ConnectionString = 'server=(localdb)\MsSqlLocalDb;database=MeasureTrace;integrated security=true', ## Max number of new traces to process on this pass [int]$MaxCount = 50, ## Enables parallel processing via RSJobs [switch]$Parallel, [string[]]$Filter = @("*.etl","*.zip") ) begin{ $batchLabel = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString() $parallelThrottle = ([Environment]::ProcessorCount * 1.5) -as [int] } process{ Compare-MtDbFolderVsRepository -Path $FullName -ConnectionString $ConnectionString -Filter $Filter | Where-Object {-not $_.IsInDatabase} | Select-Object -First $MaxCount | Foreach-Object{ if(-not $Parallel){ Invoke-MtDbMeasureTraceWithFallbackToEmptyTrace -PackageFileNameFull $_.PackageFileNameFull | Add-MtDbTrace -ConnectionString $ConnectionString } else{ Start-RSJob -ModulesToImport "MeasureTrace.Database" -Throttle $parallelThrottle -Batch $batchLabel -ScriptBlock { Invoke-MtDbMeasureTraceWithFallbackToEmptyTrace -PackageFileNameFull $args[0].PackageFileNameFull | Add-MtDbTrace -ConnectionString $args[1] } -ArgumentList $_,$ConnectionString } } } end{ Get-RSJob -Batch $batchLabel | Wait-RSJob -ShowProgress -Timeout ([Math]::Sqrt($MaxCount) * 30) Get-RSJob -Batch $batchLabel | Receive-RSJob } } function Invoke-MtDbMeasureTraceWithFallbackToEmptyTrace { param( $PackageFileNameFull ) $mt = $null $errorText = "" try{ $mt = Measure-Trace -Path $PackageFileNameFull } catch{ Write-Verbose $_ $errorText = $_.ToString() } if( $mt -eq $null ){ $mt = New-Object -TypeName MeasureTrace.TraceModel.Trace $mt.PackageFileNameFull = $PackageFileNameFull $mt.PackageFileName = Split-Path $PackageFileNameFull -Leaf $err = New-Object -TypeName MeasureTrace.TraceModel.TraceAttribute $err.Name = "MeasureTraceError" $err.StringValue = $errorText $mt.AddMeasurement($err) } $mt } <# .Synopsis Create task to process traces from a folder into MeasuredTrace representation in a database .DESCRIPTION Via scheduled task-- compares a given folder of traces against a database of parsed traces. For traces which are not yet reflected in the db it attempts to Measure them and export Measurements to the database .EXAMPLE Register-MtDbMeasurementTask -Path d:\MyEtlTraces -ConnectionString 'server=localhost;database=MyTraces;integrated security=SSPI' .EXAMPLE Register-MtDbMeasurementTask -Path d:\MyEtlTraces -ConnectionString 'server=localhost;database=MyTraces;integrated security=SSPI' -MaxCount 100 -Parallel .EXAMPLE ## Continuous ingestion as traces arrive while( $true ){ Measure-MtDbNewTracesFromFolder -Path d:\MyEtlTraces -ConnectionString 'server=localhost;database=MyTraces;integrated security=SSPI' -MaxCount 100 -Parallel Start-Sleep -Seconds 60 } #> function Register-MtDbMeasurementTask{ param( ## Path to a folder containing ETL traces [string[]]$Path, ## For connection to database. See Example section [string]$ConnectionString = 'server=(localdb)\MsSqlLocalDb;database=MeasureTrace;integrated security=true', ## Max number of new traces to process on each pass [int]$MaxCount = 50, ## Enables parallel processing via RSJobs [switch]$Parallel, [switch]$StartNow, [string[]]$MoveFromPath = @() ) $task0ActionArgs = @( '-ExecutionPolicy' 'Bypass' '-Command' '"&{Move-IdleFilesToFlatDestination -Path TEMPDATAPATHSTOKEN -Destination TEMPDATADESTINATIONPATHTOKEN }"' ) $taskActionArgs = @( '-ExecutionPolicy' 'Bypass' '-Command' '"&{Measure-MtDbNewTracesFromFolder -Path PATHTOKEN -ConnectionString CONNECTIONSTRINGTOKEN }"' ) $taskPath = '\MeasureTrace.Database\' $taskName = 'Measure-MtDbNewTracesFromFolder' Get-ScheduledTask -TaskPath $taskPath -TaskName $taskName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Unregister-ScheduledTask $tempPathsMergedToken = $MoveFromPath -replace '^',"'" -replace '$',"'" -join "," $pathsToWatchMergedToken = $Path -replace '^',"'" -replace '$',"'" -join "," $task0ActionArgs[3] = $task0ActionArgs[3] -replace 'TEMPDATAPATHSTOKEN',$tempPathsMergedToken -replace 'TEMPDATADESTINATIONPATHTOKEN',("'" + $Path[0] + "'") $taskActionArgs[3] = $taskActionArgs[3] -replace 'PATHTOKEN',$pathsToWatchMergedToken -replace 'CONNECTIONSTRINGTOKEN',("'" + $ConnectionString + "'") $ta = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute '%windir%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe' -Argument ($taskActionArgs -join " ") $ta0 = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute '%windir%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe' -Argument ($taskAction0Args -join " ") $tt = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Daily -At (Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 1) -DaysInterval 1 $ts = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -Compatibility Win8 -MultipleInstances IgnoreNew -Priority 4 $st = Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName $taskName -TaskPath $taskPath -User 'NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService' -Action $ta0,$ta -Trigger $tt -Settings $ts $st.Triggers[0].Repetition.StopAtDurationEnd = $false $st.Triggers[0].Repetition.Interval = 'PT2M' $st.Triggers[0].Repetition.Duration = 'P1D' Set-ScheduledTask -InputObject $st if($StartNow){ Get-ScheduledTask -TaskPath $taskPath -TaskName $taskName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Start-ScheduledTask } } <# .Synopsis Assuming one of more folders containing uniquely named files, consolidates them into a flat target folder .DESCRIPTION Assuming one of more folders containing uniquely named files, consolidates them into a flat target folder .EXAMPLE Move-IdleFilesToFlatDestination -Path \\server1\share1,\\server2\share2 -Recurse -Destination \\server3\share3 #> function Move-IdleFilesToFlatDestination{ [CmdletBinding()] param( [string[]]$Path, $Destination, [switch]$Recurse, $Filter = "*", $WaitSeconds = 10, $WaitPassCount = 3, $MaxMoveCount = 500 ) Get-MovableFilesFromFolder @psboundParameters | Select-Object -First $MaxMoveCount | Move-Item -Destination $Destination } #region PrivateUtilityFunctions function Test-FileHandleOpen{ [CmdletBinding()] param( [Alias("FullName")] [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [string]$Path, [System.IO.FileAccess]$FileAccess = [System.IO.FileAccess]::ReadWrite, [System.IO.FileMode]$FileMode = [System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileShare]$FileShare = [System.IO.FileShare]::None ) if(-not (Test-Path $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){ return $false } try{ $stream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.Filestream -ArgumentList $Path,$FileMode,$FileAccess,$FileShare $stream.Lock(0,4) $stream.Unlock(0,4) $stream.Close() return $true } catch{ Write-Verbose $_ $false } } function Get-MovableFilesFromFolder { param( [string[]]$Path, [switch]$Recurse, $Filter = "*", $WaitSeconds = 20, $WaitPassCount = 5 ) $fileStates = @{} $passCount = 0 ## First pass, populate data only Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse:$Recurse -Filter $Filter | Where-Object {-not $_.PsIsContainer } | Foreach-Object{ $fileStates[$_.FullName] = [pscustomobject]@{FileInfo = $_ ; ChangeCount = 0 ; AccessFailCount = 0 } } ## Evaluation passes while($passCount -lt $WaitPassCount){ $passCount++ Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse:$Recurse -Filter $Filter | Foreach-Object{ $referenceNode = $fileStates[$_.FullName] if( $referenceNode -ne $null ){ if( $_.Length -ne $referenceNode.FileInfo.Length){ $referenceNode.ChangeCount++ } if( $_.LastWriteTime -ne $referenceNode.FileInfo.LastWriteTime){ $referenceNode.ChangeCount++ } if( -not (Test-FileHandleOpen -Path $_.FullName )){ $referenceNode.AccessFailCount++ } } } Start-Sleep -Seconds $WaitSeconds } $fileStates.Values | Where-Object{ $_.ChangeCount -eq 0 } | Where-Object{ $_.AccessFailCount -eq 0 } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FileInfo } |