
.GUID 5c48978f-a2a6-4422-9919-a63e193ae0bd
.AUTHOR Evgenij Smirnov
.TAGS technet forum contribution community
.REQUIREDSCRIPTS Export-TechNetContributionToCSV

 Processes the CSV file generated by Export-TechNetContributionToCSV.ps1 and counts replies, answers, proposed answers and upvotes per Forum (or Subforum) category.
 This script processes the CSV file generated by Export-TechNetContributionToCSV.ps1 and counts replies, answers, proposed answers and upvotes per Forum (or Subforum) category.
 The output is a collection of objects (forum or subforum, #replies, #answers, #proposed answers, #upvotes, date of first and last post) that can be piped to Out-GridView, Format-Table or wherever you like.
 Full path to CSV file that shouls be processed. The default value is identical to that of Export-TechNetContributionToCSV.ps1 so that you can omit this parameter in both scripts if you do not need the CSV stored in a particular folder.
 Sets the begin of the date range. If omitted or passed a value that cannot be converted to a datetime object, 01.01.1601 will be set. As far as we know, TechNet wasn't around back then so it should be fairly safe.
 Set the end of the date range. If omitted or passed a value that cannot be converted to a datetime object, the currend date and time will be assumed.
 If specified, the contribution will be categorised by main TN forum; otherwise, by subforum.
 No error handling whatsoever has been implemented to prevent having the script process a foreign CSV structure.

   [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1, valueFromPipeline = $false)][string]$FilePath = "$($env:TEMP)\my_technet_contribution.csv"
  ,[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$FromDate = "01.01.1601 00:00:00"
  ,[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$ToDate = (Get-Date -Format "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss")
  ,[Parameter(Mandatory = $false,HelpMessage="If specified, the contribution will be categorised by main TN forum; otherwise, by subforum.")][switch]$MainForums
If (Test-Path $FilePath) {
    $rawdata = Import-CSV $FilePath -Delimiter ";" 
    $i = 0
    try {
        $dtlow = Get-Date $FromDate
    } catch {
        Write-Host "WARNING! Cannot convert FromDate value of $FromDate to DateTime, assuming 01.01.1601..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $dtlow = Get-Date "01.01.1601 00:00:00"
    try {
        $dthigh = Get-Date $ToDate
    } catch {
        Write-Host "WARNING! Cannot convert ToDate value of $ToDate to DateTime, assuming NOW..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $dthigh = Get-Date
    $contrib = $rawdata | where {((Get-Date $_.TimeStamp) -ge $dtlow) -and ((Get-Date $_.TimeStamp) -le $dthigh)}
    if ($MainForums) {
        $sub_forums = $contrib.Forum | Sort -Unique    
    } else {
        $sub_forums = $contrib.Subforum | Sort -Unique    
    $contrib_replies = @{}
    $contrib_answers = @{}
    $contrib_proposed = @{}
    $contrib_upvotes = @{}
    $contrib_earliest = @{}
    $contrib_latest = @{}
    foreach ($sf in $sub_forums) {
        $contrib_latest.Add($sf,(Get-Date "01.01.1601 00:00:00"))
    foreach ($entry in $contrib) {
        if ($MainForums) {
            if ($contrib_earliest."$($entry.Forum)" -gt (Get-Date $entry.TimeStamp)) { $contrib_earliest."$($entry.Forum)" = (Get-Date $entry.TimeStamp) }
            if ($contrib_latest."$($entry.Forum)" -lt (Get-Date $entry.TimeStamp)) { $contrib_latest."$($entry.Forum)" = (Get-Date $entry.TimeStamp) }
            $contrib_upvotes."$($entry.Forum)" += $entry.Votes
            $contrib_replies."$($entry.Forum)" ++
            if ($entry.MsgKind -eq "proposed") { $contrib_proposed."$($entry.Forum)" ++ }
            if ($entry.MsgKind -eq "answer") { $contrib_answers."$($entry.Forum)" ++ }
        } else {
            if ($contrib_earliest."$($entry.SubForum)" -gt (Get-Date $entry.TimeStamp)) { $contrib_earliest."$($entry.SubForum)" = (Get-Date $entry.TimeStamp) }
            if ($contrib_latest."$($entry.SubForum)" -lt (Get-Date $entry.TimeStamp)) { $contrib_latest."$($entry.SubForum)" = (Get-Date $entry.TimeStamp) }
            $contrib_upvotes."$($entry.SubForum)" += $entry.Votes
            $contrib_replies."$($entry.SubForum)" ++
            if ($entry.MsgKind -eq "proposed") { $contrib_proposed."$($entry.SubForum)" ++ }
            if ($entry.MsgKind -eq "answer") { $contrib_answers."$($entry.SubForum)" ++ }
    foreach ($sf in $sub_forums) {
        $oo = New-Object PSCustomObject
        $oo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ForumCategory" -Value $sf
        $oo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Replies" -Value "$($contrib_replies."$sf")"
        $oo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Answers" -Value "$($contrib_answers."$sf")"
        $oo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Proposed" -Value "$($contrib_proposed."$sf")"
        $oo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Upvotes" -Value "$($contrib_upvotes."$sf")"
        $oo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FirstPost" -Value "$($contrib_earliest."$sf")"
        $oo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "LastPost" -Value "$($contrib_latest."$sf")"
} else {
    Write-Host "File not found: $FilePath" -ForegroundColor Red