.VERSION 1.0 .GUID c8dde45c-025a-4354-bf6e-eebe26d432c1 .AUTHOR Joel 'Jaykul' Bennett .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT Copyright 2019, Joel Bennett. All Rights Reserved .TAGS Measure, LinesOfCode .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES PSScriptAnalyzer .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA #> #requires -module @{ModuleName = "PSScriptAnalyzer"; ModuleVersion = "1.17.1" } <# .SYNOPSIS Count the lines of code in PowerShell script (or module) files .DESCRIPTION Counts the lines of code based on the compact One True Brace style (requires PSScriptAnalyzer) In -Verbose mode, outputs the OTBS formatted script with line number next to the lines that count .EXAMPLE Measure-Script $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts -Verbose Counts the number of lines in your profile script, and shows you which ones counted in verbose output #> [CmdletBinding()] param( # The path to a script (.ps1) or module (.psm1) file [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,Mandatory)] [Alias("PSPath")] [string]$Path, # If set, counts lines with nothing but a closing brace (default is not to count them) # See for further details [switch]$IncludeTrailingBraces ) process { # For lines of code, reformat everything to OTBS to produce meaningful numbers $Reformatted = Invoke-Formatter (Get-Content $Path -Raw) -Settings @{ IncludeRules = @( 'PSPlaceOpenBrace', 'PSPlaceCloseBrace', 'PSUseConsistentWhitespace', 'PSUseConsistentIndentation', 'PSAlignAssignmentStatement' ) Rules = @{ PSPlaceOpenBrace = @{ Enable = $true OnSameLine = $true NewLineAfter = $true IgnoreOneLineBlock = $false } PSPlaceCloseBrace = @{ Enable = $true NewLineAfter = $false IgnoreOneLineBlock = $true NoEmptyLineBefore = $false } PSUseConsistentIndentation = @{ Enable = $true Kind = 'space' IndentationSize = 4 } PSUseConsistentWhitespace = @{ Enable = $true CheckOpenBrace = $true CheckOpenParen = $true CheckOperator = $true CheckSeparator = $true } PSAlignAssignmentStatement = @{ Enable = $true CheckHashtable = $true } } } -Verbose:$false $Ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($Reformatted, $Path, [ref]$Null, [ref]$Null) $LineNumbers = $( foreach ($Extent in $Ast.FindAll( {$Args[0] -ne $Ast}, $true).Extent) { $Extent.StartLineNumber if ($IncludeTrailingBraces) { $Extent.EndLineNumber } } ) | Sort-Object -Unique [PSCustomObject]@{ PSTypeName = "CodeMetrics" "LinesOfCode" = $LineNumbers.Count } if ($VerbosePreference -notin "SilentlyContinue", "Ingore") { $Reformatted = $Reformatted -split "`n" $count = 0 foreach($line in 0..$Reformatted.Count) { if(($line + 1) -in $LineNumbers) { Write-Verbose ("{0,3:d} {1}" -f (++$count), $Reformatted[$line]) } else { Write-Verbose (" " + $Reformatted[$line]) } } } } |