
    Updates the file system snapshot collection.
    WARNING: This is a toy for making some test data, it may change without a
    notice. But it may be useful for some analysis and tracking file changes.
    Use it as the base for your own tool.
    The script scans the specified directory tree, updates file and directory
    documents, and then removes orphan documents which have not been updated.
    Changes are optionally logged to another collection.
    Server: local; database: test; collections: files, files_log (optional).
    Collection "files"
        ._id : full path
        .mode : system attributes
        .time : file write or folder create time
        .len : file length
        .name : item name
        .ext : file extension
        .seen : last check time
    Collection "files_log" (optional)
        ._id : full path
        .seen : check time
        .log : array of item snapshots
        .op : 0: created, 1: changed, 2: removed
.Parameter Path
        Specifies one or more literal directory paths to be processed.
.Parameter CollectionName
        Specifies the collection name. Default: files (implies files_log).
.Parameter Log
        Tells to log created, changed, and removed items to files_log.
.Parameter Split
        Tells to perform parallel data processing using SplitPipeline.
        Module: <>
    The result object with statistics
        .Path : the input path
        .Created : count of created
        .Changed : count of changed
        .Removed : count of removed
        .Elapsed : elapsed time span

    [Parameter(Position=0)][string[]]$Path = '.',
    [string]$CollectionName = 'files',

# Gets input items from the input paths.
function Get-Input {
    Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $Path -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore

# Gets the exact case path for the given path.
function Resolve-Case($Path) {
    $directory = [IO.DirectoryInfo]$Path
    if ($directory.Parent) {
        Join-Path (Resolve-Case $directory.Parent.FullName) $directory.Parent.GetFileSystemInfos($directory.Name)[0].Name
    else {

# Connects collections and initializes data. Dot-source this function, it
# makes the result variables $Collection, $CollectionLog, $Update, $info.
function Connect-Data {
    # connect the main and optional log collection
    Import-Module Mdbc
    Connect-Mdbc . test $CollectionName
    $CollectionLog = Get-MdbcCollection ($CollectionName + '_log')

    # update time expression used in several places
    $Update = @{'$set' = @{seen = $Now}}

    # result info, init counters
    $info = 1 | Select-Object Path, Created, Changed, Removed, Elapsed
    $info.Created = $info.Changed = $info.Removed = 0

# Updates documents related to input items.
function Update-Data {process{
    $isFile = !$_.PSIsContainer

    # data with _id = FullName and main changing fields
    # (omit LastWriteTime for folders and CreationTime)
    $data = New-MdbcData -Id $_.FullName
    $data.mode = [int]$_.Attributes
    if ($isFile) {
        $data.time = $_.LastWriteTime
        $data.len = $_.Length
    else {
        $data.time = $_.CreationTime

    # query by main changing data and set Seen
    $r = Update-MdbcData $data $Update -Result

    # modified means $data is found, i.e. the same -> done
    if ($r.ModifiedCount) {return}

    # prepare to save changed data, add other fields
    $ = $_.Name
    if ($isFile) {
        $data.ext = $_.Extension
    $data.seen = $Now

    # save changed data
    $qId = @{_id = $_.FullName}
    $r = Set-MdbcData $qId $data -Add -Result
    $op = [int]$r.ModifiedCount
    if ($op) {
    else {

    # no log? done
    if (!$Log) {return}

    # log: remove some fields, set Op = created (0) or changed (1)
    $data.op = $op
    Update-MdbcData $qId -Collection $CollectionLog -Add -Update @{
        '$set' = @{seen = $Now; op = $op}
        '$push' = @{log = $data}

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest

# same time for all
$Now = [DateTime]::Now

# full and exact case paths
$Path = foreach($_ in $Path) { Resolve-Case ($PSCmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($_)) }

### Update documents of existing input files and folders
Write-Host "Updating documents for $Path ..."

. Connect-Data
$info.Path = $Path
$time = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
if ($Split) {
    # parallel processing using SplitPipeline
    Import-Module SplitPipeline
    $param = @{
        Verbose = $true
        Count = 2, 4
        Load = 500, 5000
        Function = 'Connect-Data', 'Update-Data'
        Variable = 'CollectionName', 'Log', 'Now'
        Script = { $input | Update-Data }
        Begin = { . Connect-Data }
        End = { $info }
    Get-Input | Split-Pipeline @param | .{process{
        $info.Created += $_.Created
        $info.Changed += $_.Changed
else {
    # normal processing
    Get-Input | Update-Data

### Compose some query parts (easier to read and test separately)

# query _id in the input path, use regex to match the substring
$qIdInPath = @{
    _id = @{
        '$in' = @(
            foreach($_ in $Path) {
                if (!$_.EndsWith('\')) {$_ += '\'}
                [regex]('^' + [regex]::Escape($_))

# query removed from the input paths ~ with older .seen
$qNotSeen = @{'$and' = $qIdInPath, @{seen = @{'$lt' = $Now}}}

# and just in case unknown data ~ .seen is not 'date'
$qUnknown = @{seen = @{'$not' = @{'$type' = 'date'}}}

# final query for removing data
$qRemove = @{'$or' = $qUnknown, $qNotSeen}

### Remove documents of removed files and folders
Write-Host "Removing documents for $Path ..."

if ($Log) {
    # log: get data to remove, remove and log
    Get-MdbcData $qRemove | .{process{

        # remove
        $qId = @{_id = $_._id}
        Remove-MdbcData $qId

        # log: remove some fields, set Op = removed (2)
        $_.op = 2
        Update-MdbcData $qId -Collection $CollectionLog -Add -Update @{
            '$set' = @{seen = $Now; op = 2}
            '$push' = @{log = $_}
else {
    # no log: just remove many and get result
    $r = Remove-MdbcData $qRemove -Many -Result
    $info.Removed += [int]$r.DeletedCount

### Complete and output results
$info.Elapsed = $time.Elapsed