.SYNOPSIS Creates a new character. .DESCRIPTION Generate a new character quickly with minimal options. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-MazeRat Name : Hester Bettleman Level : 1 XP : 0 Strength : 1 Dexterity : 2 Will : 0 Attack : 0 Armor : 0 Health : 4 MaxHealth : 4 SpellSlots : 0 Appearance : Boney PhysicalDetail : Bronze skinned Background : Galley slave Clothing : Undersized Personality : Stubborn Mannerism : Monotone Spells : {Shielding Blast} Generating a Random character with no parameters. .PARAMETER Class The social class this character belongs to. .PARAMETER Gender Using the default tables, this currently accepts Male or Female but in future versions this will expand. .PARAMETER Name Their name. You can generate one via `New-RatName` if you'd like. #> function New-MazeRat { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Allow custom name $Name, # Gender [Gender]$Gender = ([Enum]::GetValues([Gender]) | Get-Random), # Social Rank [SocialClass]$Class = ([Enum]::GetValues([SocialClass]) | Get-Random) ) if ($Null -eq $Name) { $Name = New-RatName -Gender $Gender -Class $Class } $base = [MazeRat]::new($Name, 1) $base.Health = 4 $base.MaxHealth = 4 # Roll or Choose abilitiies $base.Strength, $base.Dexterity, $base.Will = switch (Get-Random -Maximum 6) { 1 { 2, 1, 0 } 2 { 2, 0, 1 } 3 { 1, 2, 0 } 4 { 0, 2, 1 } 5 { 1, 0, 2 } 6 { 0, 1, 2 } } [void] $base.GetAppearance() [void] $base.GetPhysicalDetail() [void] $base.GetBackground() [void] $base.GetClothing() [void] $base.GetPersonality() [void] $base.GetMannerism() return $base } |