# Enums enum Health { Weak = 1 Typical = 2 Tough = 3 Hulking = 4 Colossal = 6 } enum Armor { Unarmored = 6 LightProtection = 7 ModerateProtection = 8 HeavyProtection = 9 NighImpervious = 10 } enum AttackBonus { Untrained = 0 Trained = 1 Dangerous = 2 Masterful = 3 Lethal = 4 } enum StrBonus { Weak = 0 Average = 1 Strong = 2 Powerful = 3 Monstrous = 4 } enum DexBonus { Slow = 0 Average = 1 Nimble = 2 Swift = 3 Blurred = 4 } enum WilBonus { Dimwitted = 0 Average = 1 Clever = 2 Brilliant = 3 Genius = 4 } enum MonsterBase { Aerial Terrestrial Aquatic } # Class class MazeMonster { [Int16]$Health [Int16]$Armor [Int16]$AttackBonus [Int16]$Strength [Int16]$Dexterity [Int16]$Will [String]$MonsterBase [String]$Feature [String]$Trait [String]$Ability [String]$Tactic [String]$Personality [String]$Weakness # Constructor MazeMonster( [Health]$Health, [Armor]$Armor, [AttackBonus]$AttackBonus, [StrBonus]$Strength, [DexBonus]$Dexterity, [WilBonus]$Will ) { $this.Health = $this.HealthRoll($Health) $this.AttackBonus = $AttackBonus.value__ $this.Armor = $Armor.value__ $this.Strength = $Strength.value__ $this.Dexterity = $Dexterity.value__ $this.Will = $Will.value__ } [Int16] HealthRoll([Health]$Health) { $healthTotal = 0 for ($i = 0; $i -le $health.value__; $i++) { $healthTotal += Get-Random @(1..6) } return $healthTotal } [Void] GetAerial() { $result = @('Albatross', 'Bat', 'Beetle', 'Bird of Paradise', 'Butterfly', 'Condor', 'Crane', 'Crow', 'Dragonfly', 'Eagle', 'Falcon', 'Firefly', 'Flamingo', 'Fly', 'Flying Squirrel', 'Goose', 'Gull', 'Hummingbird', 'Kingfisher', 'Locust', 'Magpie', 'Mantis', 'Mockingbird', 'Mosquito', 'Moth', 'Owl', 'Parrot', 'Peacock', 'Pelican', 'Pteranodon', 'Rooser', 'Sparrow', 'Swan', 'Vulture', 'Wasp', 'Woodpecker') | Get-Random $this.MonsterBase = $result } [Void] GetTerrestrial() { $result = @( 'Ant', 'Ape', 'Armadillo', 'Badger', 'Bear', 'Boar', 'Caterpiller', 'Centipede', 'Chameleon', 'Cockroach', 'Deer', 'Elephant', 'Ferret', 'Fox', 'Giraffe', 'Goat', 'Horse', 'Human', 'Mole', 'Ostrich', 'Ox', 'Porcupine', 'Rabbit', 'Raccoon', 'Rat', 'Rhinoceros', 'Scorpion', 'Sheep', 'Slug', 'Snail', 'Snake', 'Spider', 'Squirrel', 'Tiger', 'Wolf', 'Woverine' ) | Get-Random $this.MonsterBase = $result } [Void] GetAquatic() { $result = @( 'Alligator', 'Amoeba', 'Anglerfish', 'Beaver', 'Clam', 'Crab', 'Dolphin', 'Eel', 'Frog', 'Hippopotamus', 'Jellyfish', 'Leech', 'Lobster', 'Manatee', 'Manta Ray', 'Musktrat', 'Narwhal', 'Newt', 'Octopus', 'Otter', 'Penguin', 'Platypus', 'Pufferfish', 'Salamander', 'Sea Anemone', 'Sea Urchin', 'Seahorse', 'Seal', 'Shark', 'Shrimp', 'Squid', 'Swordfish', 'Tadpole', 'Turtle', 'Walrus', 'Whale' ) | Get-Random $this.MonsterBase = $result } [Void] GetFeature() { $this.Feature = @( 'Antlers', 'Beak', 'Carapace', 'Compound eyes', 'Eye Stalks', 'Fangs', 'Fins', 'Fur', 'Gills', 'Hooves', 'Horns', 'Legless', 'Long tongue', 'Many-eyed', 'Many-limbed', 'Mucus', 'Pincers', 'Plates', 'Plumage', 'Proboscis', 'Scales', 'Segments', 'Shaggy hair', 'Shell', 'Spikes', 'Spinnerets', 'Spines', 'Stinger', 'Suction cups', 'Tail', 'Talos', 'Tentacles', 'Trunk', 'Tusks', 'Wings' ) | Get-Random } [Void] GetTrait() { $this.Trait = @( 'Amphibious', 'Bloated', 'Brittle', 'Cannibal', 'Clay-like', 'Colossal', 'Crystalline', 'Decaying', '#Ether. Element', 'Ethreal', 'Ever-young', 'Eyeless', 'Fearless', 'Fluffy', 'Fungal', 'Gelatinous', 'Geometric', 'Hardened', 'Illusory', 'Intelligent', 'Iridescent', 'Luminous', 'Many-headed', 'Mechanical', '# Phys.Element', 'Planar', 'Reflective', 'Rubbery', 'Shadowy', 'Sharp', 'Skeletal', 'Slimy', 'Sticky', 'Stinking', 'Tiny', 'Translucent' ) | Get-Random } [Void] GetAbility() { $this.Ability = @( 'Absorbing', 'Acid blood', 'Anti-magic', 'Blinding', 'Breath weapon', 'Camouflaging', 'Duplicating', 'Electric', 'Entangling', '# Eth Effect', 'Exploding', 'Flying', 'Gaze weapon', 'Hypnotizing', 'Impervious', 'Invisible', 'Life-draining', 'Magnetic', 'Mimicking', 'Mind-Reading', 'Paralyzing', 'Phasing', '# Phy effect', 'Poisonous', 'Radioactive', 'Reflective', 'Regenerating', 'Shapeshifting', 'Spell-casting', 'Stealthy', 'Strangling', 'Super-strength', 'Telekinetic', 'Teleporting', 'Vampiric', 'Wall-Crawling' ) | Get-Random } [Void] GetTactic() { $this.Tactic = @( 'Ambush', 'Call for support', 'Capture', 'Charge', 'Climb foes', 'Compel worship', 'Create barrier', 'Deceive', 'Deman duel', 'Disorient', 'Encircle', 'Evade', 'Gang up', 'Gather strength', 'Go berserk', 'Harry', 'Hurl foes', 'Immobilize', 'Manipulate', 'Mock', 'Monologue', 'Order minion', 'Protect leader', 'Protect self', 'Scatter foes', 'Stalk', 'Steal from', 'Swarm', 'Target insolent', 'Target leader', 'Target nearest', 'Target richest', 'Target strongest', 'Target weakest', 'Toy with', 'Use Terrain' ) | Get-Random } [Void] GetPersonality() { $this.Personality = @( 'Alien', 'Aloof', 'Bored', 'Cautious', 'Cowardly', 'Curious', 'Devious', 'Distractable', 'Educated', 'Embittered', 'Envious', 'Erudite', 'Fanatical', 'Forgetful', 'Generous', 'Hateful', 'Honorable', 'Humble', 'Jaded', 'Jovial', 'Legalistic', 'Manipulative', 'Megalomaniac', 'Melancholy', 'Meticulous', 'Mystical', 'Obsessive', 'Out of Touch', 'Paranoid', 'Polite', 'Psychopathic', 'Sophisticated', 'Touchy', 'Unimpressed', 'Vain', 'Xenophobic' ) | Get-Random } [Void] GetWeakness() { $this.Weakness = @( 'Bells', 'Birdsong', 'Children', 'Cold', 'Cold Iron', 'Competition', 'Conversation', 'Deformity', 'Flattery', 'Flowers', 'Gifts', 'Gold', 'Heat', 'Holy Icon', 'Holy Water', 'Home Cooking', '# Insanities', 'Mirrors', 'Mistletow', 'Moonlight', 'Music', '# Methods', 'Phylactery', '# Phys. Elements', 'Puzzles', 'Riddles', 'Rituals', 'Silver', 'Sunlight', 'Tears', 'True Name', '# Val Meterials', 'Weak Spot', '# Weapon Items', 'Wine', 'Wormwood' ) | Get-Random } } |