
function New-MMToken
       Creates token for MatterMost
       This function returns token for MatterMost. For posting a message, first you need to create a token on MatterMost.
       New-MatterMostToken -url "http://matterdns:8065/api/v4/users/login" -MatterUser "user1" -MatterPass "password123"
       .PARAMETER url
       Specify the login url of MatterMost API
       .PARAMETER MatterUser
       Specify the user name for MatterMost
       .PARAMETER MatterPass
       Specify the password for MatterUser

   Param (
           HelpMessage='MatterMost URL')]
           HelpMessage='MatterMost UserName')]
           HelpMessage='MatterMost Password')]

   Write-Verbose -Message "Creating json for user $MatterUser"
   $json = @{
       } | ConvertTo-Json
   Write-Verbose -Message "Creating token for MatterMost ($url) using json"
   $token = (Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post -Uri $url -Body $json -ContentType 'application/json' -UseBasicParsing).Headers.Token
   return $token

function New-MMPost
       Posts message to MatterMost channel
       This function Posts message to MatterMost channel. For posting a message, first you need to create a token on MattrerMost.
       New-MMPost -url "http://matterdns:8065/api/v4/posts" -MatterToken $token -ChannelID "r8jbmbjsjbyiiqtbj4n4nqg7jh" -Message "this is a sample message"
       .PARAMETER url
       Specify the post url of MatterMost API
       .PARAMETER MatterToken
       Specify the token object for MatterMost
       .PARAMETER ChannelID
       Specify the channel id that you want to send message
       .PARAMETER Message
       Specify the message that you want to send

   Param (
           HelpMessage='MatterMost URL')]
           HelpMessage='MatterMost UserName')]
           HelpMessage='MatterMost Password')]
           HelpMessage='Please specify a valid token for MatterMost API')]
   Write-Verbose -Message "Creating header for Authorization"
   $header = @{
       "Authorization" = "Bearer $token"
   Write-Verbose -Message "Created header:`n$($header | Out-String)"
   Write-Verbose -Message "Creating body"
   $body = @{
           "channel_id"= $ChannelID
           "message"= $Message
       } | ConvertTo-Json
   Write-Verbose -Message "Json formatted body created:`n$body"
   Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $url -Headers $header -ContentType "text/plain; charset=utf-8" -Body $body


function Get-MMProperties
       Gets properties from MatterMost
       This function gets properties from MatterMost(Ex:teams). For getting a property, first you need to create a token on MattrerMost.
       New-MMPost -url "http://matterdns:8065/api/v4" -MatterToken $token -MMProperty "teams"
       .PARAMETER url
       Specify the post url of MatterMost API
       .PARAMETER MatterToken
       Specify the token object for MatterMost
       .PARAMETER Property
       Specify the property that you want to see

   Param (
           HelpMessage='MatterMost URL')]
           HelpMessage='MatterMost property')]
           HelpMessage='Please specify a valid token for MatterMost API')]
   Write-Verbose -Message "Getting '$MMProperty' property from MatterMost"
   $url = $url + $MMProperty
   Write-Verbose -Message "MatterMost URL :$url"
   Write-Verbose -Message "Creating header for Authorization"
   $header = @{
       "Authorization" = "Bearer $token"
   Write-Verbose -Message "Created header:`n$($header | Out-String)"
   Invoke-RestMethod -Method get -Uri $url -Headers $header