
# Kind of Error Code
enum ErrorCode {
    ERR_OK      = 0

    # Action
    ERR_Action = 100

    # Buffer
    ERR_Buffer = 1000

    # Data
    ERR_Data = 2000

    # File
    ERR_File = 3000

    # Folder
    ERR_Folder = 4000

    # Function
    ERR_Function = 5000

    # Service
    ERR_Service = 6000

    # System
    ERR_System = 7000

    # FileSystem
    ERR_FileSystem = 8000

    # Network
    ERR_Network = 9000

    # Command
    ERR_Command = 10000

    # Framework of PowerShell
    ERR_Pester = 11000

    # Framework of Python

    # Framework of C++

    # Unknown
    ERR_Undefined  = 99998
    ERR_Unknown    = 99999

# Kind of CPU
enum CpuKinds {
    CK_None = 0

    CK_ARM    =  50
    CK_RISCV  = 100


enum BuildType {

enum BinaryBit {

enum BitArch {

enum PackItemType {

enum OsName {

enum CmakeGenerator {
    None = 0
    # Supported with CMake
    Msvc2019            # Visual Studio 16 2019 = Generates Visual Studio 2019 project files. Use -A option to specify architecture.
    Msvc2017            # Visual Studio 15 2017 [arch] = Generates Visual Studio 2017 project files. Optional [arch] can be "Win64" or "ARM".
    Msvc2015            # Visual Studio 14 2015 [arch] = Generates Visual Studio 2015 project files. Optional [arch] can be "Win64" or "ARM".
    Msvc2013            # Visual Studio 12 2013 [arch] = Generates Visual Studio 2013 project files. Optional [arch] can be "Win64" or "ARM".
    Msvc2012            # Visual Studio 11 2012 [arch] = Generates Visual Studio 2012 project files. Optional [arch] can be "Win64" or "ARM".
    Msvc2010            # Visual Studio 10 2010 [arch] = Generates Visual Studio 2010 project files. Optional [arch] can be "Win64" or "IA64".
    Msvc2008            # Visual Studio 9 2008 [arch] = Generates Visual Studio 2008 project files.
    BorlandMakefiles    # Borland Makefiles = Generates Borland makefiles.
    NMakeMakefiles      # NMake Makefiles = Generates NMake makefiles.
    NMakeMakefilesJom   # NMake Makefiles JOM = Generates JOM makefiles.
    MSysMakefiles       # MSYS Makefiles = Generates MSYS makefiles.
    MinGWMakefiles      # MinGW Makefiles = Generates a make file for use with mingw32-make.
    UnixMakefiles       # Unix Makefiles = Generates standard UNIX makefiles.
    GreenHillsMulti     # Green Hills MULTI = Generates Green Hills MULTI files (experimental, work-in-progress).
    Ninja               # Ninja = Generates files.
    NinjaMultiConfig    # Ninja Multi-Config = Generates build-<Config>.ninja files.
    WatcomWMake         # Watcom WMake = Generates Watcom WMake makefiles.
    Xcode               # Apple's IDE ofr macOS.

    # Not defined in CMake
    MSBuild             # Microsoft Build Engine

    # Conan

# Options in testing framework
# The verbosity of output, options are None, Normal, Detailed and Diagnostic. (Normal, default: Normal)
 enum PesterLogEnum {
    Undefined = [ErrorCode]::ERR_Undefined
    None = 0

# Options for DevOps.ps1
 enum UsageEnum {
    Undefined = [ErrorCode]::ERR_Undefined
    None = 0

enum LogType {
    Undefined = [ErrorCode]::ERR_Undefined
    None = 0

enum ClangFormatStyle {
    None = 0

enum TestType {
    Unknown = 0