
    Highly configurable markdown to HTML conversion using customizable templates.
    Based on [Markdig](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig), a fast, powerful,
    [CommonMark](http://commonmark.org/) compliant, extensible Markdown
    processor for .NET.
    This version is incompatible with existing conversion projects
    which use the 'mathematics' extensions and were created with versions of
    this module older than 2.0.0 (i.e. 1.* or 0.*).
    Make sure to read the 'KNOWN INCOMPATIBILITIES' section below about options
    for upgrading existing conversion projects.
    A typical use case is to ad-hoc convert a bunch of Markdown files in a
    directory to a static Html site using `Convert-MarkdownToHtml`. This uses
    a simple, built-in HTML conversion template.
    If the simple conversion template is not sufficient, a custom template
    can be generated with `New-HtmlTemplate`.
    For advanced use, HTML site authoring projects can be generated with
    `New-StaticHTMLSiteProject`. These projects have a project configuration
    file, a build script, a sophisticated customizable template, and a
    customizable converter pipeline.
    The Markdown to HTML conversion is achieved by running Markdown content
    through a multi-stage conversion pipeline.
    1 | Markdown File Scanner |
                   Markdown files
    2 | HTML Fragment Conversion |
           .------------'-------------. .- Template
    3 | HTML Document Assembler | <--+
           '------------.-------------' '- Content Map
              standalone HTML Documents
    The PowerShell functions associated with the pipeline stages are:
    1. `Find-MarkdownFiles`
    2. `Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment`
    3. `Publish-StaticHtmlSite`
    The updated version of Markdig included in this release introduces an
    incompatiblity in the _mathematics_ extension which breaks _KaTeX_ math
    rendering. To address this incompaibility the KaTex configuration in
    ALL deployed html templates (`md_template.html`) need to be updated like so:
    ~~~ html
      // <![CDATA[
      window.onload = function() {
          var tex = document.getElementsByClassName("math");
          Array.prototype.forEach.call(tex, function(el) {
              katex.render(el.textContent, el, {
                                                    displayMode: (el.nodeName == "DIV"),
                                                    macros: {
                                                               "\\(": "",
                                                               "\\)": "",
                                                               "\\[": "",
                                                               "\\]": ""
      // ]]>
    The [Markdig](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig) Markdown converter can be
    configured to understand extended Markdown syntax. Below is a list of
    supported extensions which can be used in `Convert-MarkdownToHTML` or
    Note that the 'mathematics' and 'diagramming' extensions require additional
    configuration in the HTML template (`md-template.html`). Refer to the
    `New-HTMLTemplate` for customizatin details.
    : [Abbreviations](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/AbbreviationSpecs.md)
    'advanced': advanced parser configuration. A pre-build collection of
    : extensions as listed below:
        - 'abbreviations'
        - 'autoidentifiers'
        - 'citations'
        - 'customcontainers'
        - 'definitionlists'
        - 'emphasisextras'
        - 'figures'
        - 'footers'
        - 'footnotes'
        - 'gridtables'
        - 'mathematics'
        - 'medialinks'
        - 'pipetables'
        - 'listextras'
        - 'tasklists'
        - 'diagrams'
        - 'autolinks'
        - 'attributes'
    : [Special attributes](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/GenericAttributesSpecs.md).
        Set HTML attributes (e.g `id` or class`).
    : [Auto-identifiers](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/AutoIdentifierSpecs.md).
        Allows to automatically create identifiers for headings.
    : [Auto-links](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/AutoLinks.md)
        generates links if a text starts with `http://` or `https://` or `ftp://` or `mailto:` or `www.xxx.yyy`.
    : [Bootstrap](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/BootstrapSpecs.md)
        to output bootstrap classes.
    : [Citation text](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/FigureFooterAndCiteSpecs.md)
         by enclosing text with `''...''`
    : CommonMark parsing; no parser extensions (default)
    : [Custom containers](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/CustomContainerSpecs.md)
        similar to fenced code block `:::` for generating a proper
        `<div>...</div>` instead.
    : [Definition lists](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/DefinitionListSpecs.md)
    : [Diagrams](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/DiagramsSpecs.md)
        whenever a fenced code block uses the 'mermaid' keyword, it will be
        converted to a div block with the content as-is (currently, supports
        `mermaid` and `nomnoml` diagrams). Resources for the `mermaid` diagram
        generator are pre-installed and configured.
        See `New-HTMLTemplate` for customization details for this feature.
    : [Emoji](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/EmojiSpecs.md)
    : [Extra emphasis](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/EmphasisExtraSpecs.md)
         - strike through `~~`,
         - Subscript `~`
         - Superscript `^`
         - Inserted `++`
         - Marked `==`
    : [Figures](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/FigureFooterAndCiteSpecs.md).
        A figure can be defined by using a pattern equivalent to a fenced code
        block but with the character `^`.
    : [Footers](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/FigureFooterAndCiteSpecs.md)
    : [Footnotes](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/FootnotesSpecs.md)
    : [https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/GlobalizationSpecs.md]
        Adds support for RTL (Right To Left) content by adding `dir="rtl"` and
        `align="right"` attributes to the appropriate html elements. Left to
        right text is not affected by this extension.
    : [Grid tables](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/GridTableSpecs.md)
        allow to have multiple lines per cells and allows to span cells over
        multiple columns.
    : [Soft lines](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/HardlineBreakSpecs.md)
        as hard lines
    : [Extra bullet lists](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/ListExtraSpecs.md),
        supporting alpha bullet a. b. and roman bullet (i, ii...etc.)
    : [Mathematics](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/MathSpecs.md)
        LaTeX extension by enclosing `$$` for block and `$` for inline math.
        Resources for this extension are pre-installed and configured.
        See `New-HTMLTemplate` for customization details.
    : [Media support](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/MediaSpecs.md)
        for media urls (youtube, vimeo, mp4...etc.)
    : Add `rel=nofollow` to all links rendered to HTML.
    : [NoHTML](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/NoHtmlSpecs.md)
         allows to disable the parsing of HTML.
    : Use this extension to disable URI escape with % characters for
        non-US-ASCII characters in order to workaround a bug under IE/Edge with
        local file links containing non US-ASCII chars. DO NOT USE OTHERWISE.
    : [Pipe tables](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/PipeTableSpecs.md)
        to generate tables from markup.
    : [SmartyPants](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/SmartyPantsSpecs.md)
    : [Task Lists](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/TaskListSpecs.md).
        A task list item consist of `[ ]` or `[x]` or `[X]` inside a list item
        (ordered or unordered).
    : [YAML frontmatter](https://github.com/lunet-io/markdig/blob/master/src/Markdig.Tests/Specs/YamlSpecs.md)
    The factory-default project is pre-configured in the following way:
    ### Code Syntax Highlighting
    Pre-installed for following languages:
    - Bash
    - C#
    - C++
    - Clojure
    - CMake
    - CSS
    - Diff
    - DOS .bat
    - F#
    - Groovy
    - HTML/XML
    - HTTP
    - Java
    - JavaScript
    - JSON
    - Lisp
    - Makefile
    - Markdown
    - Maxima
    - Perl
    - Python
    - PowerShell
    - SQL
    - YAML
    To obtain syntax highlighting for other/additional languages, please visit
    the [Getting highlight.js](https://highlightjs.org/download/) page and
    get a customized version of highlight.js configured for the languages
    you need.
    ### Diagramming
    The 'mermaid' extension is activated and its resources are pre-installed.
    ### Math Typesetting
    The 'mathematics' extension is activated and its resources are pre-installed.
    The pre-installed templates are meant as a starting point for customaization.
    This is typically done by cloning new templates by either
    `New-HTMLTemplate` or creating a HTML site project by
    Use `New-HTMLTemplate` if only simple customization involving style sheet
    changes or extension configuration (eg. disabling pre activated extension)
    is needed.
    Use `New-StaticHTMLSiteProject` for advanced customization options involving
    changes to the HTML page structure, or project build scripts.
    Template directories generated by either `New-HTMLTemplate` or
    `New-StaticHTMLSiteProject` have following default structure:
    <root> <- template root directory
       |- js <- javascripts (*.js)
       |- katex <- LateX math renderer
       |- styles <- stylesheets (*.css)
       '- md-template.html <- Html page template
    ### The `js` directory
    Initially contains JavaScript resources to support
    extensions such as code syntax highlighting or diagramming.
    JavaScript files can be added or removed as needed.
    ### The `katex` directory
    Contains the support files for LaTeX math rendering. It
    can be removed if this functionality is not needed.
    ### The `styles` directory
    Contains style sheets. The file `md-styles.css` contains the default
    styles. The other style sheets support other feature such as
    code systax highlighting.
    Usually style customization of the HTML pages is achieved by editing
    `md-styles.css`. However, other `*.css` files can be added as needed.
    ### The `md-template.html` template
    This HTML template file defines the basic structure of the
    final HTML pages. Standalone HTML documents are created from this
    template by substituting placeholders with HTML fragments. Placeholders
    are tokens delimited by `{{` and `}}`. At least the two following
    placeholders should be present in a template:
    : Placeholder for a page title generated from the Markdown content or
    : Placeholder for the HTML content fragment generated from Markdown
    When additional placeholders are added they need to be defined in the
    content map in `Build.ps1`. See the next section for details.
    The `md-template.html` needs to load all JavaScript and stylesheet resources
    to render the final HTML page in the desired way.
    When a custom placeholders was added to `md-template.html` it needs to
    be replaced by a HTML fragment during the build process. This can be done
    by adding an entry to the content map defined in `Build.ps1`. For example:
    ~~~ Powershell
    SCRIPT:contentMap = @{
    '{{my_placeholder}}' = '<b>Hello</b>'
    '{{footer}}' = $config.Footer # Footer text from configuration
    This will replace all occurenced of `{{my_placeholder}}` in
    `md-template.html` with the HTML fragment `<b>Hello</b>`.
    The replacement value for a placeholders can be dynamically computed. To
    do this a script block can be assigned to the placeholder.
    The script block takes **one** parameter to which an object is bound
    which has these properties:
    | Property | Description |
    | :------------: | :-------------------------------------------------------------- |
    | `Title` | Optional page title. The first heading in the Markdown content. |
    | `HtmlFragment` | The HTML fragment string generated from the Markdown text. |
    | `RelativePath` | Passed through form the input object, provided it exists. |
    It is called once for each HTML fragment and should return one or more
    strings which define the substitution value for each page.
    Script Block example:
    ~~~ PowerShell
      "Source = $($Input.RelativePath)"
    This script block would subsitute the path of the HTML document relative
    to the site root for every occurence of '{{my_placeholder}}'.
    Markdown HTML static sites Conversion
    * [MkDocs](https://www.mkdocs.org/) - A fast and simple static site generator
      that is geared towards building project documentation.
      Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a
      single YAML configuration file.