
function Get-MarkdownLink
        [string[]]$Path = '.',



        $builder = [Markdig.MarkdownPipelineBuilder]::new()
        # use UsePreciseSourceLocation for better error reporting
        $pipeline = [Markdig.MarkdownExtensions]::UsePreciseSourceLocation($builder).Build()
        $hasBroken = @($false)

        function handleOneFile

            Write-Verbose "Process $File"

            $root = Split-Path $File
            $s = Get-Content -Raw $File
            if (-not $s)
                Write-Verbose "$File is empty"

            $ast = [Markdig.Markdown]::Parse($s, $pipeline)
            $rawLinks = $ast.Inline | ? {$_ -is [Markdig.Syntax.Inlines.LinkInline]}
            $links = $rawLinks | % {
                $url = $_.Url
                $isAbsolute = Test-LinkAsUri $url

                $isBroken = if ($isAbsolute) {
                    # we probably can add a switch to check absolute URIs accessibility,
                    # but it's hard due to the random network problems and liquid nature
                    # of the internet.
                else {
                    -not (Test-LinkAsRelative $url $root)

                # yeild
                New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
                    IsBroken = $isBroken
                    IsAbsolute = $isAbsolute
                    Text = if ($_.Content) { $_.Content.ToString() } else { '' }
                    Path = $File
                    Url = $_.Url
                    Line = $_.Line + 1
                    Column = $_.Column + 1

            $brokenLinks = $links | ? {$_.IsBroken}

            Write-Verbose "Found $($links.Count) links, $($brokenLinks.Count) broken links in $File"

            if ($brokenLinks)
                $hasBroken[0] = $true

            # format and return
            if ($BrokenOnly)
                $links = $brokenLinks

            $result = $links | Select-Object -Property Path, Text, Url, IsBroken, IsAbsolute, Line, Column

        $Path | % {
            if (Test-Path $_ -PathType Container)
                Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter '*.md' $_ | % {
                    handleOneFile $_.FullName
            elseif (Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf)
                handleOneFile $_
                throw "$_ is not a valid path"    

        if ($Throw -and $hasBroken[0])
            throw "There are broken markdown links and Throw switch is specified"

function Get-ChildItemViaLink
        [string[]]$Path = '.'

        function iterate

            $links = Get-MarkdownLink -Path $Path | ? {
                (-not $_.IsAbsolute) -and (-not $_.IsBroken) -and ($_.Path) -and ($_.Url)
            Write-Verbose "Found $($links.Count) links to process in $Path"
            $links | % {
                # ignore paragraph specification
                $url = $_.Url.Split('#')[0]
                $dest = (Resolve-Path (Join-Path (Split-Path $_.Path) $url)).Path
                if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf $dest)
                    if (-not ($queue -contains $dest))

        $queue = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[string]'
        $index = 0

        iterate $Path
        while ($index -lt $queue.Count)
            iterate $queue[$index++]

        # return
        $queue | Get-ChildItem

function Test-LinkAsUri

        $uri = [uri]::new($link) 
        return $uri.IsAbsoluteUri
        return $false    

function Test-LinkAsRelative

    # ignore paragraph specification
    $link = $link.Split('#')[0]
    $relativePath = Join-Path $root $link
    return (Test-Path $relativePath)