.SYNOPSIS An attempt at simplifying the creation or removal of an environment variable called "SSLKEYLOGFILE". Current versions of Chrome, Chromium, or Firefox - and their variants - will look for this environment variable during startup, and subsequently log each TLS session's master secrets to a TXT file. This text file can then be used to decrypt SSL connections captured in a Wireshark packet trace: .DESCRIPTION This module exports 2 functions: Enable-SessionKeyLogFile Disable-SessionKeyLogFile Their usage scenarios can be displayed with: Get-Help Manage-SessionKeyLogFile -Examples .NOTES Author : Luís Pinto Version : 1.0.190311 .EXAMPLE [PS] > Enable-SessionKeyLogFile This function will first look for the "SSLKEYLOGFILE" environment variable. If it isn't found, then it will be created, and pointed to "$HOME\Desktop\SSLKEYLOGFILE.txt" .EXAMPLE [PS] > Disable-SessionKeyLogFile This function also looks for the "SSLKEYLOGFILE" environment variable. If it is found, then it will be removed. #> function Enable-SessionKeyLogFile { # Properties for the "SessionKeyLogFile" Environment Variable: $SKLF = @( "SSLKEYLOGFILE", # Name "$HOME\Desktop\SSLKEYLOGFILE.txt", # Value "User" # EnvironmentVariableTarget ) ; $SKLFAssert = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable( $SKLF[0], $SKLF[2] ) ; if ( !$SKLFAssert ) { [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable( $SKLF[0], $SKLF[1], $SKLF[2] ) ; Write-Warning "Environment variable pointed to:`n$($SKLF[1])" } else { Write-Warning "Environment variable is already pointed to:`n$($SKLFAssert)" } } # END Enable-SessionKeyLogFile function Disable-SessionKeyLogFile { # Properties for the "SessionKeyLogFile" Environment Variable: $SKLF = @( "SSLKEYLOGFILE", # Name "$HOME\Desktop\SSLKEYLOGFILE.txt", # Value "User" # EnvironmentVariableTarget ) ; $SKLFAssert = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable( $SKLF[0], $SKLF[2] ) ; if ( $SKLFAssert ) { [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable( $SKLF[0], $null, $SKLF[2] ) ; Write-Warning "Removed the environment variable $($SKLF[0])." } else { Write-Warning "Couldn't find the environment variable $($SKLF[0])." } } # END Disable-SessionKeyLogFile Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Alias * |