using module .\Utility.psm1 Import-Module MSAL.PS class UserInputAssistant { $utility #[Utility] UserInputAssistant() { $this.utility = Get-Utility } [Microsoft.Identity.Client.AzureCloudInstance]GetAzureCloudInstance() { while ($true) { $choice = Read-Host -Prompt 'Please input the Azure Cloud Instance of interest. (1. AzurePublic, 2. AzureChina, 3. AzureUsGovernment.)' if ($choice -eq 1) { return [Microsoft.Identity.Client.AzureCloudInstance]::AzurePublic } elseif ($choice -eq 2) { return [Microsoft.Identity.Client.AzureCloudInstance]::AzureChina } elseif ($choice -eq 3) { return [Microsoft.Identity.Client.AzureCloudInstance]::AzureUsGovernment } } return $null } [int]GetAuthType() { while ($true) { $authType = Read-Host -Prompt 'Please input the authentication type. (1. OAuth, 2. Basic Auth **has deprecated in most tenants**.)' if ($authType -in @(1,2)) { return $authType } } return 0 } [string]GetMailbox() { $msg = 'Please input the mailbox to connect.' while ($true) { $mailbox = Read-Host -Prompt $msg if ($mailbox) { if ($this.utility.IsValidEmail($mailbox)) { return $mailbox } else { $msg = "$mailbox is not a valid user account, please input the email like xxx@xxx.xx." } } else { $msg = 'Please input the mailbox to connect.' } } return "" } [string]GetPassword() { while ($true) { $password = Read-Host -Prompt 'Please input the password for basic authentication.' -AsSecureString if ($password) { return [System.Net.NetworkCredential]::new("", $password).Password } } return "" } [string]GetLogPath() { return Read-Host -Prompt "Please input log file path. If empty, it applies the default path of the app. Typically under \logs of current directory." } [int]GetFlowType() { while ($true) { $flowType = Read-Host -Prompt 'Do you want to access the mailbox as user delegation (login window will prompt for authentication) or as app (a secret will be needed for authenticaiton)? (1. User delegation, 2. App.)' if ($flowType -in @(1,2)) { return $flowType } } return 0 } [string]GetTenantId() { return Read-Host -Prompt "Please input your tenant Id. Input empty string if your app is registered as a multiple-tenant app." } [string]GetLoginUser() { $msg = "If you want to connect the mailbox with a different user account, please input it here. Otherwise press enter to skip." while ($true) { $loginUser = Read-Host -Prompt $msg if ($loginUser) { if ($this.utility.IsValidEmail($loginUser)) { return $loginUser } else { $msg = "$loginUser is not a valid user account, please input the full upn like xxx@xxx.xx. If you don't want to connect the mailbox with a different user account, press enter to skip." } } else { return $loginUser } } return "" } [string]GetClientId() { while ($true) { $clientId = Read-Host -Prompt "Please input your client Id (aka application id)." if ($clientId) { return $clientId } } return "" } [string]GetClientSecret() { while ($true) { $secret = Read-Host -Prompt 'Please input the secret of the registered app.' -AsSecureString if ($secret) { return [System.Net.NetworkCredential]::new("", $secret).Password } } return "" } } function Get-UserInputAssistant { return [UserInputAssistant]::new() } |