
Import-Module MSAL.PS

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
  public enum AccessType
  public enum AppName

function Get-OutlookEndpoint (
  [Microsoft.Identity.Client.AzureCloudInstance]$AzureCloudInstance = [Microsoft.Identity.Client.AzureCloudInstance]::AzurePublic
) {
    Get the endpoint for Outlook in various Azure cloud instances.
    This method returns the endpoint for Outlook in various Azure cloud instances.
    .PARAMETER AzureCloudInstance
    Azure instance name.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-OutlookEndpoint.
    It returns an string of the endpoint for Outlook in various Azure cloud instances.
    PS>Get-OutlookEndpoint -AzureCloudInstance AzurePublic

  switch ($AzureCloudInstance) {
    "AzureChina" {
      return ""
    "AzureUsGovernment" {
      return ""
    "AzurePublic" {
      return ""

function  Get-Port ([AppName]$AppName) {
    Get the port for various apps.
    This method returns the port for various apps.
    .PARAMETER AppName
    Applicaiton of the access token. E.g. IMAP, POP.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-Port.
    It returns the port number.
    PS>Get-Port -AppName IMAP

  switch ($AppName) {
    "IMAP" { return 993 }
    "POP" { return 995 }

function Get-Scope (
  [Microsoft.Identity.Client.AzureCloudInstance]$AzureCloudInstance = [Microsoft.Identity.Client.AzureCloudInstance]::AzurePublic
) {
    Get the scope for requesting an access token.
    This method returns the scope for requesting an access token.
    .PARAMETER AppName
    Applicaiton of the access token. E.g. IMAP, POP.
    .PARAMETER AccessType
    As user or as an app.
    .PARAMETER AzureCloudInstance
    Azure instance name.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-Scope.
    It returns an string of the required scope.
    PS>Get-Scope -AppName IMAP -AccessType "AsApp"
    PS>Get-Scope -AppName POP -AccessType "AsApp" -AzureCloudInstance AzureUsGovernment

  $endpoint = Get-OutlookEndpoint -AzureCloudInstance $AzureCloudInstance
  if (!$endpoint) {
    return $null
  switch ($AccessType) {
    "AsApp" { return "https://$endpoint/.default" }
    "AsUser" {
      switch ($AppName) {
        "IMAP" { return "https://$endpoint/IMAP.AccessAsUser.All" }
        "POP" { return "https://$endpoint/POP.AccessAsUser.All" }

function Get-Scp (
) {
    Get the scope that should be included in the returned access token.
    This method returns the scope that should be included in the returned access token.
    .PARAMETER AppName
    Applicaiton of the access token. E.g. IMAP, POP.
    .PARAMETER AccessType
    As user or as an app.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-Scp.
    It returns an string of the required scope.
    PS>Get-Scp -AppName IMAP -AccessType "AsApp"

  switch ($AccessType) {
    "AsApp" { 
      switch ($AppName) {
        "IMAP" { return "IMAP.AccessAsApp" }
        "POP" { return "POP.AccessAsApp" }
    "AsUser" {
      switch ($AppName) {
        "IMAP" { return "IMAP.AccessAsUser.All" }
        "POP" { return "POP.AccessAsUser.All" }

function Get-Aud (
  [Microsoft.Identity.Client.AzureCloudInstance]$AzureCloudInstance = [Microsoft.Identity.Client.AzureCloudInstance]::AzurePublic
) {
    Get the Audience for requesting an access token.
    This method returns the Audience for requesting an access token.
    .PARAMETER AzureCloudInstance
    Azure instance name.
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-Aud.
    It returns an string of the Audience.
    PS>Get-Aud -AzureCloudInstance AzurePublic

  $endpoint = Get-OutlookEndpoint -AzureCloudInstance $AzureCloudInstance
  if ($endpoint) {
    return "https://$endpoint"   
  return $null