
using module .\AzureSettings.psm1
using module .\STcpClient.psm1
using module .\ImapClient.psm1
using module .\Tokens.psm1
using module .\Result.psm1

function Test-MsImap (
  [string]$TenantId = "",
  [string]$ClientId = "",
  [string]$ClientSecret = "",
  [string]$Pass = "",
  [string]$LogPath = ""
) {
    Test Microsot Exchange's IMAP service's connectivity.
    This method tests Microsot Exchange's IMAP service's connectivity.
    .PARAMETER Mailbox
    Mailbox to connect.
    .PARAMETER TenantId
    TenantId in Azure. It is not required if the app is registered as a multiple-tenant app.
    .PARAMETER ClientId
    ClientId or AppId in Azure.
    .PARAMETER ClientSecret
    The secret of the registered app.
    The password for basic authentication.
    .PARAMETER AzureCloudInstance
    Azure instance name.
    .PARAMETER LogPath
    The log file path of the test. Default is "logs\IMAP_{0:yyyyMMdd}.log" -f (Get-Date)
    None. You cannot pipe objects to Test-MsImap.
    None. It will display the result in text.
    PS>Test-MsImap -Mailbox user@contoso.com -TenantId $tenantId -ClientId $clientId -ClientSecret $clientSecret
    PS>Test-MsImap -Mailbox user@contoso.com -Pass Password1@#
    PS>Test-MsImap -Mailbox user@contoso.gov -TenantId $tenantId -ClientId $clientId -AzureCloudInstance AzureUsGovernment

  $server = Get-OutlookEndpoint -AzureCloudInstance $AzureCloudInstance
  $port = Get-Port -AppName "IMAP"

  if ($ClientSecret) {
    $scopes = @(Get-Scope -AppName "IMAP" -AccessType "AsApp" -AzureCloudInstance $AzureCloudInstance)
  else {
    $scopes = @(Get-Scope -AppName "IMAP" -AccessType "AsUser" -AzureCloudInstance $AzureCloudInstance)

  if (!$LogPath) {
    $LogPath = "logs\imap_{0:yyyyMMdd}.log" -f (Get-Date)

  $logger = Get-Logger -FilePath $LogPath
  $client = Get-TcpClient -Server $server -Port $port -Logger $logger
  $imap = Get-ImapClient -TcpClient $client

  if ($Pass) {
    # basic auth
    $result = $imap.Login($Mailbox, $Pass)
    if ($ClientSecret) {
      $token = Get-AccessTokenWithSecret -TenantId $TenantId -ClientId $ClientId -Scopes $scopes -ClientSecret $ClientSecret -AzureCloudInstance $AzureCloudInstance
    else {
      $token = Get-AccessTokenInteractive -TenantId $TenantId -ClientId $ClientId -Scopes $scopes -AzureCloudInstance $AzureCloudInstance
    $result = $imap.O365Authenticate($token.AccessToken, $Mailbox)
  if ($result.Success) {
    $result = $imap.ExecuteCommand('LIST "" *')
  if ($result.Success) {
    $msg = "IMAP connection is successful for mailbox '{0}' on server '{1}' and port {2}." -f $Mailbox, $server, $port
    Write-Host $msg
  else {
    $msg = "Something is wrong. Please review the log {0}." -f $LogPath
    Write-Warning $msg