Function Get-MVPContribution { <# .SYNOPSIS Invoke the GetContributions REST API to retrieve your contributions .DESCRIPTION Gets yours contributions without parameter or by specifying the id of a contribution .PARAMETER Offset Page skip integer as int32 .PARAMETER Limit Page take integer as int32 .PARAMETER ID It's the id of a contribution .EXAMPLE Get-MVPContribution It gets your most recent contributions from range 1 to 5 .EXAMPLE Get-MVPContribution -ID 631670 It gets your contribution id 631670 .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='All')] Param( [parameter(ParameterSetName='All')] [int32]$Offset=0, [parameter(ParameterSetName='All')] [int32]$Limit=5, [parameter(ParameterSetName='ID',ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ContributionId')] [int32]$ID ) Process { $Scriptname = (Get-Variable -name MyInvocation -Scope 0 -ValueOnly).MyCommand if (-not ($global:MVPPrimaryKey -and $global:MVPAuthorizationCode)) { Write-Warning -Message "[$Scriptname] You need to use Set-MVPConfiguration first to set the Primary Key" break } Try { Write-Verbose -message "[$Scriptname] Set Configuration" Set-MVPConfiguration -SubscriptionKey $MVPPrimaryKey Write-Verbose -message "[$Scriptname] Build Splatting" $Splat = @{ Uri = "$($Offset)/$($Limit)" Headers = @{ 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key' = $global:MVPPrimaryKey ; Authorization = $Global:MVPAuthorizationCode } ErrorAction = 'Stop' } if ($PSBoundParameters['ID']) { Write-Verbose -message "[$Scriptname] ID Specified" $Splat.Uri = "$($ID)" Write-Verbose -message "[$Scriptname] URI = $($Splat.Uri)" Write-Verbose -message "[$Scriptname] Querying Rest api..." Invoke-RestMethod @Splat } else{ Write-Verbose -Message "[$Scriptname] Displaying contributions range from $($Offset) to $($($Offset)+$($Limit))" Write-Verbose -message "[$Scriptname] URI = $($Splat.Uri)" Write-Verbose -message "[$Scriptname] Querying Rest api..." (Invoke-RestMethod @Splat).Contributions } } catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) } } } |