Function Set-MVPConfiguration { [CmdletBinding()] PARAM ( [Parameter()] [string]$ClientID='0000000048193351', [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$SubscriptionKey ) Begin {} Process { try { Get-MVPOAuthAutorizationCode -ClientID $ClientID -SubscriptionKey $SubscriptionKey -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose -Message 'Successfully call the Get-MVPOAuthAutorizationCode function' } catch { Write-Warning -Message 'Something went wrong with the private function Get-MVPOAuthAutorizationCode' } if ($MVPOauth2) { $global:MVPPrimaryKey = $SubscriptionKey $global:MVPAuthorizationCode = ('{0} {1}' -f $MVPOauth2.token_type,$MVPOauth2.access_token) Write-Verbose -Message 'Successfully set the global variables MVPPrimaryKey and MVPAuthorizationCode' } else { Write-Warning -Message 'Failed to define an MVPAuthorizationCode variable' } } End {} } <# .SYNOPSIS Get an Oauth Autorization code .DESCRIPTION Call the private Get-MVPOAuthAutorizationCode function and define both an MVPPrimaryKey and MVPAuthorizationCode global variable .PARAMETER SubscriptionKey It's the primary key or secondary key you get in your profile on this page .PARAMETER ClientID It's the clientID you see in the url of the MVPAuth application on your page .EXAMPLE Set-MVPConfiguration -SubscriptionKey $myKey #> |