Scripts/Reskit9/All Resources/xJea/Util/Initialize-ToolKit.ps1
# Copyright � 2014, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. #InitializeToolKit param( [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $ToolkitName ) ipmo (Join-Path $env:ProgramFiles 'Jea\Util\SafeProxy.psm1') -DisableNameChecking function Write-ActivityRecord { $JeaDir = Join-Path $env:ProgramFiles 'Jea' $JeaActivityDir = Join-Path $JeaDir 'Activity' $Logfile = Join-Path $JeaActivityDir 'ActivityLog.csv' $WinRMInfo = winrm enum shell |Select-String "ProcessID = $pid" -Context 5,0 $winRMID = (($WinRMInfo.Context.PreContext |Select-String 'ShellID = ').Line.trim() -split ' = ')[1] $record = new-Object PSObject -Property @{ host = hostname Datetime = Get-Date; PID = $PID; RunSpaceID = $ExecutionContext.Host.Runspace.InstanceId.Guid; Toolkit = ($ToolkitName -join ';'); WinRMShellID = $WinRMID; } $record | Export-Csv $Logfile -Append } #region Show Message Of The Day (MOTD) function Show-Motd { $motd = (Join-Path $env:ProgramFiles 'Jea\motd.txt') if (Test-Path $motd) { Write-Host (Get-Content $motd -raw) } foreach ($t in $toolkitName) { $motd = (Join-Path $env:ProgramFiles "Jea\Motd\$t.txt") if (Test-Path $motd) { Write-Host (Get-Content $motd -raw) } } } #endregion function Import-Toolkit { param($ToolkitName) foreach ($t in $ToolkitName) { $path = (Join-Path $env:ProgramFiles "Jea\toolkit\$($t).psm1") if (Test-Path $path) { Import-Module $path -Force -DisableNameChecking } else { Write-host -ForegroundColor "Import-Toolkit [ToolKit]$path NotFound" } } } function Approve-Command { param([string[]]$name) foreach ($n in $name) { $approvedCommand.$n = 1 } } function Approve-RemoteSessionCommand { $iss = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.InitialSessionState]::CreateRestricted('RemoteServer') foreach ($f in $iss.Commands.Where({$_.CommandType -eq 'Function'})) { Set-Content "function:\$($f.Name)" -Value $f.definition Approve-Command $ } } function Approve-ExportedApplication { $apps = @() foreach ($m in Get-Module) { foreach ($a in &$m{$ExportedApplications}) { if ($a) { $apps += $(Get-command $a).Definition } } } $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Applications.Clear() foreach ($a in $apps) { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Applications.Add($a) } } function Block-UnauthorizedCommands { param( ) Get-Command | % { $cmd = $_ if ($approvedCommand.$($cmd.Name) ) { # If a proxy for a command exists, we need to remove the name from the list # so that we can hide the underlying command $approvedCommand.Remove($($cmd.Name)) } else { $cmd.Visibility = 'Private' } } #Certain commands are particularly dangerous so make sure that they are not exposed. foreach ($c in 'Invoke-Expression','Import-module') { (Get-Command $c).Visibility = 'Private' } } function Enable-CommandLogging { param($Module) Get-Module $Module | % { $_.LogPipelineExecutionDetails = $true } } $approvedCommand = @{} Write-ActivityRecord Show-Motd Import-Toolkit $ToolkitName Enable-CommandLogging $ToolkitName Approve-RemoteSessionCommand Approve-Command -name ` 'whoami', 'Get-Alias', 'Get-History', 'Get-Member', 'Get-Module', 'Group-Object', 'Format-Table', 'Format-List', 'Measure-Object', 'New-Object', # This needs to be constrained 'Select-Object', 'Sort-Object', 'Tabexpansion2', 'Where-Object' Approve-Command -name $((Get-Module $ToolkitName ) Block-UnauthorizedCommands Approve-ExportedApplication $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Scripts.Clear() $global:PSModuleAutoloadingPreference = 'None' $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode='NoLanguage' |