Scripts/Reskit9/All Resources/xSCOM/DSCResources/MSFT_xSCOMManagementPack/MSFT_xSCOMManagementPack.schema.mof

[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("xSCOMManagementPack")]
class MSFT_xSCOMManagementPack : OMI_BaseResource
    [Key, Description("Name of the Management Pack.")] String Name;
    [Write, Description("Specific version of the Management Pack, overrides MinVersion if both set.")] String Version;
    [Write, Description("Minimum version of the Management Pack, overridden by Version if both set.")] String MinVersion;
    [Required, EmbeddedInstance("MSFT_Credential"), Description("Credential with admin permissions to Operations Manager.")] String SCOMAdminCredential;
    [Write, Description("UNC path to the root of the source files for installation, if omitted the Operations Manager installation folder will be used.")] String SourcePath;
    [Required, Description("Folder within the source path containing the source files for installation.")] String SourceFolder;
    [Required, Description("Name of the file in the source folder for the Management Pack.")] String SourceFile;