function Invoke-MSPGraphRequest { param ( [CmdletBinding()] [parameter (Mandatory = $true)][string]$Endpoint, [parameter (Mandatory = $false)][ValidateSet("Delete", "Get", "Patch", "Post", "Put")]$Method = "Get", [bool]$Customer = $true, $Body, [switch]$Beta ) Test-MSPToolboxConnection if ($Beta) { $baseURL = "{0}/" -f "beta" } else { $baseURL = "{0}/" -f "v1.0" } if ($Endpoint.StartsWith("/")) { $Endpoint = $Endpoint.Substring(1) } #create the splat first $reqSplat = @{ Method = $Method URI = $baseUrl + $Endpoint Headers = $script:CustomerAuthHeader } if ($Body -is [hashtable] -or [pscustomobject]) { $reqSplat.Body += $Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 } elseif ($Body) { Write-Warning "Body is not of type [hashtable] or [PsCustomObject]" } $reqSplat.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Value -is [System.Collections.Hashtable]) { Write-Debug " Body" $_.Value.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { if ($_.Key -eq "Authorization") { $_.Value = ($_.Value.Substring(0, 31) + "...") } Write-Debug "Body Key : $($_.Key)" Write-Debug "Body Value : $($_.Value)" } } else { Write-Debug "Param Key : $($_.Key)" Write-Debug "Param Value : $($_.Value)" } } if (($null -eq $script:CustomerAuthHeader) -or ($Customer -eq $false)) { Write-Debug "You are not using a Partner token, please run 'Connect-MSPPartner' to connect to a Partner" $reqSplat.Headers = $script:MSPAuthHeader } # internal function function Check-OutputData ($data) { if ($data.PsObject.Members.Name -contains "value") { $output = $data.value } else { $output = $data } return $output } try { $output = @() $request = Invoke-RestMethod @reqSplat $output += (Check-OutputData $request) if ($request.'@odata.nextLink') { do { $request = Invoke-RestMethod $request.'@odata.nextLink' -Headers $script:CustomerAuthHeader $output += (Check-OutputData $request) } until ( (-not $request.'@odata.nextLink') ) } return $output } catch { Write-Error (Format-ErrorCode $_) } } |