function Convert-GroupStaticToDynamic { Param( [string]$groupId, [string]$dynamicMembershipRule ) $dynamicGroupTypeString = "DynamicMembership" #existing group types [System.Collections.ArrayList]$groupTypes = (Get-AzureAdMsGroup -Id $groupId).GroupTypes if ($null -ne $groupTypes -and $groupTypes.Contains($dynamicGroupTypeString)) { throw "This group is already a dynamic group. Aborting conversion." } #add the dynamic group type to existing types $groupTypes.Add($dynamicGroupTypeString) #modify the group properties to make it a static group: i) change GroupTypes to add the dynamic type, ii) start execution of the rule, iii) set the rule Set-AzureAdMsGroup -Id $groupId -GroupTypes $groupTypes.ToArray() -MembershipRuleProcessingState "On" -MembershipRule $dynamicMembershipRule } |