############################################################################################# # DISCLAIMER: # # # # THE SAMPLE SCRIPTS ARE NOT SUPPORTED UNDER ANY MICROSOFT STANDARD SUPPORT # # PROGRAM OR SERVICE. THE SAMPLE SCRIPTS ARE PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY # # OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT FURTHER DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT # # LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # # PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SAMPLE SCRIPTS # # AND DOCUMENTATION REMAINS WITH YOU. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT, ITS AUTHORS, OR # # ANYONE ELSE INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF THE SCRIPTS BE LIABLE # # FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS # # PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) # # ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SAMPLE SCRIPTS OR DOCUMENTATION, # # EVEN IF MICROSOFT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES # ############################################################################################# # Generates an MSOL User License Report # TODO: Allow function to take input from the pipeline Function Get-MSOLUserLicenseReport { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a comprehensive license report. .DESCRIPTION Generates a license report on a all users or a specified group of users. By Default it will generate a new report file each time it is run. Report includes the following: * All licenses assigned to each user provided. * State of all plans inside of each license assignment * Where the user is getting the license from Group name(s) and/or Explict. .PARAMETER Users Single UserPrincipalName, Comma seperated List, or Array of objects with UserPrincipalName property. .PARAMETER OverWrite If specified it will Over Write the current output CSV file instead of generating a new one. .PARAMETER LogFile File to log all actions taken by the function. .OUTPUTS Log file showing all actions taken by the function. CSV file named License_Report_YYYYMMDD_X.csv that contains the report. .EXAMPLE Get-MSOLUserLicenseReport -LogFile C:\temp\report.log Creates a new License_Report_YYYYMMDD_X.csv file with the license report in the c:\temp directory for all users. .EXAMPLE Get-MSOLUserLicenseReport -LogFile C:\temp\report.log -Users $SalesUsers -Overwrite OverWrites the existing c:\temp\License_Report_YYYYMMDD.csv file with a license report for all users in $SalesUsers. #> param ( [array]$Users, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$LogFile, [switch]$OverWrite = $false ) # Make sure we have a valid log file path Test-LogPath -LogFile $LogFile # Make sure we have the connection to MSOL Test-MSOLServiceConnection Write-Log "Generating Sku and Plan Report" # Get all of the availible SKUs $AllSku = Get-MsolAccountSku Write-Log ("Found " + $AllSku.count + " SKUs in the tenant") # Make sure out plan array is null [array]$Plans = $null # Build a list of all of the plans from all of the SKUs foreach ($Sku in $AllSku) { $SKU.servicestatus.serviceplan | ForEach-Object { [array]$Plans = $Plans + $_.servicename } } # Need just the unique plans $Plans = $Plans | Select-Object -Unique | Sort-Object Write-Log ("Found " + $Plans.count + " Unique plans in the tenant") # Make sure the output array is null $Output = $null # Create a false SKU object so we populate the first entry in the array with all needed values so we get a good CSV export # Basically a cheat so we can easily use export-csv we will remove this entry from the actual output $Object = $Null $Object = New-Object -TypeName PSobject $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DisplayName -Value "BASELINE_IGNORE" $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UserPrincipalName -Value "" $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UsageLocation -Value "BASELINELOCATION_IGNORE" $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SkuID -Value "BASELINESKU_IGNORE" $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CommonName -Value "BASELINESKUNAME_IGNORE" $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Assignment -Value "BASELINEINHERIT_IGNORE" # Populate a value into all of the plan names foreach ($value in $Plans) { $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $value -Value "---" } # Create the output list array $Output = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList # Populate in the generic object to the list array $Output.Add($Object) | Out-Null # Make sure our UserToProcess array is created and is null [array]$UserToProcess = $null # See if our user array is null and pull all users if needed if ($null -eq $Users) { Write-Log "Getting all users in the tenant." Write-Log "This can take some time." # Get all of the users in the tenant [array]$UserToProcess = Get-MsolUser -All Write-log ("Found " + $UserToProcess.count + " users in the tenant") } # Gather just the users provided else { # Make user our Users object is valid [array]$Users = Test-UserObject -ToTest $Users Write-Log "Gathering License information for provided users" $i = 0 # Get the data for each user to use in generating the report foreach ($account in $Users) { $i++ [array]$UserToProcess = [array]$UserToProcess + (Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $Account.UserPrincipalName) if (!($i % 100)) { Write-log ("Gathered Data for " + $i + " Users") } } Write-log ("Found " + $UserToProcess.count + " users to report on") } # Now that we have all of the user objects we need to start processing them and building our output object # Setup a counter for informing the user of progress $i = 0 # Null out the group cache array # Array holds group names and GUIDs so we do not have a lookup a group more than once [array]$GroupCache = $Null # Pull in our SkuID to Common Name map $SkuArray = Get-Content (join-path (Split-path (((get-module MSOLLicenseManagement)[0]).path) -Parent) "SkuMap.json") | convertfrom-json # Process each user Write-Log "Generating Report" foreach ($UserObject in $UserToProcess) { # Increase the counter $i++ # Output every 100 users for progress if (!($i % 100)) { Write-log ("Finished " + $i + " Users") } # If no license is assigned we need to create that object if ($UserObject.isLicensed -eq $false) { $Object = $null # Create our object and populate in our values $Object = New-Object -TypeName PSobject $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DisplayName -Value $UserObject.displayname $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UserPrincipalName -Value $UserObject.userprincipalname $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UsageLocation -Value $UserObject.UsageLocation $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SkuID -Value "UNASSIGNED" $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CommonName -Value "UNASSIGNED" $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Assignment -Value "Explicit" # Add the object to the output array #[array]$Output = $Output + $Object $Output.Add($Object) | Out-Null } #If we have a license then add that information else { # We can have more than one license on a user so we need to do each one seperatly foreach ($license in $UserObject.licenses) { $Object = $null # Get the common name of the licnese from our skuid.json $CommonName = Get-SKUCommonName -Skuid ((($license.accountskuid).split(":"))[-1]) -SkuArray $SkuArray # Create our object and populate in our values $Object = New-Object -TypeName PSobject $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DisplayName -Value $UserObject.displayname $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UserPrincipalName -Value $UserObject.userprincipalname $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UsageLocation -Value $UserObject.UsageLocation $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SkuID -Value $license.accountskuid $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name CommonName -Value $CommonName # Add each of the plans for the license in along with its status foreach ($value in $license.servicestatus) { $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $value.serviceplan.servicename -Value $value.ProvisioningStatus } # Get the inherited from / status of the license based on GBL # If there are no groups in GroupsAssigningLicense then it is explicitly assigned if ($license.GroupsAssigningLicense.count -le 0) { $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Assignment -Value "Explicit" } # If it is populated then we need to process ALL values else { # Null out our assigned by string [string]$assignedby = $null # Process each group entry and work to resolve them foreach ($entry in $license.GroupsAssigningLicense) { # If the GUID = the ObjectID then it is direct assigned if ($entry.guid -eq $UserObject.objectid) { [string]$assignedby = $assignedby + "Explicit;" } # If it doesn't match the objectid of the user then it is a group and we need to resolve it else { # if groupcache isn't populated yet then we know we need to look it up if ($null -eq $GroupCache) { [array]$GroupCache = $GroupCache + (Get-MsolGroup -objectid $entry.guid | Select-Object -Property objectid, displayname) } # If not null check if we have a cache hit else { # If the guid is in the groupcache then no action needed if ($GroupCache.objectid -contains $entry.guid) { } # If we have a cache miss then we need to populate it into the cache else { [array]$GroupCache = $GroupCache + (Get-MsolGroup -objectid $entry.guid | Select-Object -Property objectid, displayname) } } # Add the group information from the cache to the output [string]$assignedby = $assignedby + ($GroupCache | Where-Object { $_.objectid -eq $entry.guid }).DisplayName + ";" } } # Add the value of assignment to the object $Object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Assignment -Value ($assignedby.trimend(";")) } # Add the object created from the user information to the output array #[array]$Output = $Output + $Object $Output.Add($Object) | Out-Null } } } # Now that we have all of our output objects in an array we need to output them to a file # If overwrite has been set then just take the file name as the date and force overwrite the file if ($OverWrite) { # Build our file name $path = Join-path (Split-Path $LogFile -Parent) ("License_Report_" + [string](Get-Date -UFormat %Y%m%d) + ".csv") } # Default behavior will be to create a new incremental file name else { # Build our file name $RootPath = Join-path (Split-Path $LogFile -Parent) ("License_Report_" + [string](Get-Date -UFormat %Y%m%d)) $TryPath = $RootPath + "*" # Find any existing files that start with our planed file name $FilesInPath = Get-ChildItem $TryPath # Found files so we need to increment our file name with _X if ($FilesInPath.count -gt 0) { $Path = $RootPath + "_" + ($FilesInPath.count) + ".csv" } # Didn't find anything so we are good with the base file name else { $Path = $RootPath + ".csv" } } Write-Log ("Exporting report to " + $path) # Export everything to the CSV file $Output | Export-Csv $path -Force -NoTypeInformation # Pull it back in so we can remove our fake object $Temp = Import-Csv $path $Temp | Where-Object { $_.UserPrincipalName -ne "" } | Export-Csv $path -Force -NoTypeInformation Write-log "Report generation finished" } |