<# .SYNOPSIS Convert PowerShell data types to PowerShell string syntax. .DESCRIPTION .EXAMPLE PS C:\>ConvertTo-PsString @{ key1='value1'; key2='value2' } Convert hashtable to PowerShell string. .INPUTS System.String .LINK #> function ConvertTo-PsString { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([string])] param ( # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)] [AllowNull()] [object] $InputObjects, # [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Compact, # [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [type[]] $RemoveTypes = ([string], [bool], [int], [long]), # [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $NoEnumerate ) begin { if ($Compact) { [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string, type]] $TypeAccelerators = [psobject].Assembly.GetType('System.Management.Automation.TypeAccelerators')::get [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[type, string]] $TypeAcceleratorsLookup = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[type,string]' foreach ($TypeAcceleratorKey in $TypeAccelerators.Keys) { if (!$TypeAcceleratorsLookup.ContainsKey($TypeAccelerators[$TypeAcceleratorKey])) { $TypeAcceleratorsLookup.Add($TypeAccelerators[$TypeAcceleratorKey], $TypeAcceleratorKey) } } } function Resolve-Type { param ( # [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)] [type] $ObjectType, # [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [switch] $Compact, # [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)] [type[]] $RemoveTypes ) [string] $OutputString = '' if ($ObjectType.IsGenericType -or ($ObjectType.BaseType -and $ObjectType.BaseType.IsGenericType)) { if (!$ObjectType.IsGenericType) { $ObjectType = $ObjectType.BaseType } if ($ObjectType.FullName.StartsWith('System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary')) { #$OutputString += '[hashtable]' if ($Compact) { $OutputString += '(Invoke-Command { $D = New-Object ''Collections.Generic.Dictionary[' } else { $OutputString += '(Invoke-Command { $D = New-Object ''System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[' } $iInput = 0 foreach ($GenericTypeArgument in $ObjectType.GenericTypeArguments) { if ($iInput -gt 0) { $OutputString += ',' } $OutputString += Resolve-Type $GenericTypeArgument -Compact:$Compact -RemoveTypes @() $iInput++ } $OutputString += ']''' } elseif ($InputObject.GetType().FullName -match '^(System.(Collections.Generic.[a-zA-Z]+))`[0-9]\[(?:\[(.+?), .+?, Version=.+?, Culture=.+?, PublicKeyToken=.+?\],?)+?\]$') { if ($Compact) { $OutputString += '[{0}[' -f $Matches[2] } else { $OutputString += '[{0}[' -f $Matches[1] } $iInput = 0 foreach ($GenericTypeArgument in $ObjectType.GenericTypeArguments) { if ($iInput -gt 0) { $OutputString += ',' } $OutputString += Resolve-Type $GenericTypeArgument -Compact:$Compact -RemoveTypes @() $iInput++ } $OutputString += ']]' } } elseif ($ObjectType -eq [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]) { $OutputString += '[ordered]' # Explicit cast does not work with full name. Only [ordered] works. } elseif ($Compact) { if ($ObjectType -notin $RemoveTypes) { if ($TypeAcceleratorsLookup.ContainsKey($ObjectType)) { $OutputString += '[{0}]' -f $TypeAcceleratorsLookup[$ObjectType] } elseif ($ObjectType.FullName.StartsWith('System.')) { $OutputString += '[{0}]' -f $ObjectType.FullName.Substring(7) } else { $OutputString += '[{0}]' -f $ObjectType.FullName } } } else { $OutputString += '[{0}]' -f $ObjectType.FullName } return $OutputString } function GetPSString ($InputObject) { $OutputString = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder if ($null -eq $InputObject) { [void]$OutputString.Append('$null') } else { ## Add Casting [void]$OutputString.Append((Resolve-Type $InputObject.GetType() -Compact:$Compact -RemoveTypes $RemoveTypes)) ## Add Value switch ($InputObject.GetType()) { { $_.Equals([String]) } { [void]$OutputString.AppendFormat("'{0}'", $InputObject.Replace("'", "''")) #.Replace('"','`"') break } { $_.Equals([Char]) } { [void]$OutputString.AppendFormat("'{0}'", ([string]$InputObject).Replace("'", "''")) break } { $_.Equals([Boolean]) -or $_.Equals([switch]) } { [void]$OutputString.AppendFormat('${0}', $InputObject) break } { $_.Equals([DateTime]) } { [void]$OutputString.AppendFormat("'{0}'", $InputObject.ToString('O')) break } { $_.Equals([guid]) } { [void]$OutputString.AppendFormat("'{0}'", $InputObject) break } { $_.BaseType -and $_.BaseType.Equals([Enum]) } { [void]$OutputString.AppendFormat('::{0}', $InputObject) break } { $_.BaseType -and $_.BaseType.Equals([ValueType]) } { [void]$OutputString.AppendFormat('{0}', $InputObject) break } { $_.BaseType.Equals([System.IO.FileSystemInfo]) -or $_.Equals([System.Uri]) } { [void]$OutputString.AppendFormat("'{0}'", $InputObject.ToString().Replace("'", "''")) #.Replace('"','`"') break } { $_.Equals([System.Xml.XmlDocument]) } { [void]$OutputString.AppendFormat("'{0}'", $InputObject.OuterXml.Replace("'", "''")) #.Replace('"','""') break } { $_.Equals([Hashtable]) -or $_.Equals([System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]) } { [void]$OutputString.Append('@{') $iInput = 0 foreach ($enumHashtable in $InputObject.GetEnumerator()) { if ($iInput -gt 0) { [void]$OutputString.Append(';') } [void]$OutputString.AppendFormat('{0}={1}', (ConvertTo-PsString $enumHashtable.Key -Compact:$Compact -NoEnumerate), (ConvertTo-PsString $enumHashtable.Value -Compact:$Compact -NoEnumerate)) $iInput++ } [void]$OutputString.Append('}') break } { $_.FullName.StartsWith('System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary') -or ($_.BaseType -and $_.BaseType.FullName.StartsWith('System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary')) } { $iInput = 0 foreach ($enumHashtable in $InputObject.GetEnumerator()) { [void]$OutputString.AppendFormat('; $D.Add({0},{1})', (ConvertTo-PsString $enumHashtable.Key -Compact:$Compact -NoEnumerate), (ConvertTo-PsString $enumHashtable.Value -Compact:$Compact -NoEnumerate)) $iInput++ } [void]$OutputString.Append('; $D })') break } { $_.BaseType -and $_.BaseType.Equals([Array]) } { [void]$OutputString.Append('(Write-Output @(') $iInput = 0 for ($iInput = 0; $iInput -lt $InputObject.Count; $iInput++) { if ($iInput -gt 0) { [void]$OutputString.Append(',') } [void]$OutputString.Append((ConvertTo-PsString $InputObject[$iInput] -Compact:$Compact -RemoveTypes $InputObject.GetType().DeclaredMembers.Where( { $_.Name -eq 'Set' })[0].GetParameters()[1].ParameterType -NoEnumerate)) } [void]$OutputString.Append(') -NoEnumerate)') break } { $_.Equals([System.Collections.ArrayList]) } { [void]$OutputString.Append('@(') $iInput = 0 for ($iInput = 0; $iInput -lt $InputObject.Count; $iInput++) { if ($iInput -gt 0) { [void]$OutputString.Append(',') } [void]$OutputString.Append((ConvertTo-PsString $InputObject[$iInput] -Compact:$Compact -NoEnumerate)) } [void]$OutputString.Append(')') break } { $_.FullName.StartsWith('System.Collections.Generic.List') } { [void]$OutputString.Append('@(') $iInput = 0 for ($iInput = 0; $iInput -lt $InputObject.Count; $iInput++) { if ($iInput -gt 0) { [void]$OutputString.Append(',') } [void]$OutputString.Append((ConvertTo-PsString $InputObject[$iInput] -Compact:$Compact -RemoveTypes $_.GenericTypeArguments -NoEnumerate)) } [void]$OutputString.Append(')') break } ## Convert objects with object initializers { $_ -is [object] -and ($_.GetConstructors() | ForEach-Object { if ($_.IsPublic -and !$_.GetParameters()) { $true } }) } { [void]$OutputString.Append('@{') $iInput = 0 foreach ($Item in ($InputObject | Get-Member -MemberType Property, NoteProperty)) { if ($iInput -gt 0) { [void]$OutputString.Append(';') } $PropertyName = $Item.Name [void]$OutputString.AppendFormat('{0}={1}', (ConvertTo-PsString $PropertyName -Compact:$Compact -NoEnumerate), (ConvertTo-PsString $InputObject.$PropertyName -Compact:$Compact -NoEnumerate)) $iInput++ } [void]$OutputString.Append('}') break } Default { $Exception = New-Object ArgumentException -ArgumentList ('Cannot convert input of type {0} to PowerShell string.' -f $InputObject.GetType()) Write-Error -Exception $Exception -Category ([System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::ParserError) -CategoryActivity $MyInvocation.MyCommand -ErrorId 'ConvertPowerShellStringFailureTypeNotSupported' -TargetObject $InputObject } } } if ($NoEnumerate) { $listOutputString.Add($OutputString.ToString()) } else { Write-Output $OutputString.ToString() } } if ($NoEnumerate) { $listOutputString = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[string] } } process { if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.ExpectingInput -or $NoEnumerate -or $null -eq $InputObjects) { GetPSString $InputObjects } else { foreach ($InputObject in $InputObjects) { GetPSString $InputObject } } } end { if ($NoEnumerate) { if (($null -eq $InputObjects -and $listOutputString.Count -eq 0) -or $listOutputString.Count -gt 1) { Write-Warning ('To avoid losing strong type on outermost enumerable type when piping, use "Write-Output $Array -NoEnumerate | {0}".' -f $MyInvocation.MyCommand) $OutputArray = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder [void]$OutputArray.Append('(Write-Output @(') if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge [version]'6.0') { [void]$OutputArray.AppendJoin(',', $listOutputString) } else { [void]$OutputArray.Append(($listOutputString -join ',')) } [void]$OutputArray.Append(') -NoEnumerate)') Write-Output $OutputArray.ToString() } else { Write-Output $listOutputString[0] } } } } |