
   Show Saml Security Token decoded in Web Browser.
    PS C:\>Show-MSIDSamlSecurityToken 'Base64String'
    Show Saml Security Token decoded in Web Browser.

function Show-MSIDSamlSecurityToken {
    param (
        # SAML Security Token
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string[]] $Tokens,
        # URL Endpoint to send SAML Security Token
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [string] $SamlEndpoint = ''

    begin {
        Write-Warning ('The token is being sent to the following service [{0}]. This command is intended for troubleshooting and should only be used if you trust the service endpoint receiving the token.' -f $SamlEndpoint)

        function GetAvailableLocalTcpPort {
            $TcpListner = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener -ArgumentList ([ipaddress]::Loopback, 0)
            try {
                return $TcpListner.LocalEndpoint.Port
            finally { $TcpListner.Stop() }

        function RespondToLocalHttpRequest {
            param (
                # HttpListener Object
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
                [System.Net.HttpListener] $HttpListener,
                # HTTP Message Body
                [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
                [byte[]] $MessageBody

            ## Wait for HTTP Request
            $HttpListenerContext = $HttpListener.GetContext()

            ## Response to HTTP Request
            Write-Verbose ('{0} => {1}' -f $HttpListenerContext.Request.UserHostAddress, $HttpListenerContext.Request.Url)
            #$MessageBody = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Html)
            $HttpListenerContext.Response.ContentLength64 = $MessageBody.Length
            $HttpListenerContext.Response.OutputStream.Write($MessageBody, 0, $MessageBody.Length)

        ## Get HTML Content
        $pathHtml = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'internal\SamlRedirect.html'
        if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -ge [version]'6.0') {
            $bytesHtml = Get-Content $pathHtml -Raw -AsByteStream
        else {
            $bytesHtml = Get-Content $pathHtml -Raw -Encoding Byte

        ## Generate local HTTP URL and Listener
        [System.UriBuilder] $uriSamlRedirect = New-Object System.UriBuilder -Property @{
            Scheme = 'http'
            Host   = 'localhost'
            Port   = GetAvailableLocalTcpPort
        $HttpListener = New-Object System.Net.HttpListener

    process {
        foreach ($Token in $Tokens) {
            $uriSamlRedirect.Fragment = ConvertTo-QueryString @{
                SAMLResponse = $Token
                ReplyURL     = $SamlEndpoint

            try {
                Start-Process $uriSamlRedirect.Uri.AbsoluteUri
                $HttpListener | RespondToLocalHttpRequest -MessageBody $bytesHtml
            finally { $HttpListener.Stop() }

    end {