<# .SYNOPSIS Validate the digital signature for JSON Web Token. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Confirm-MSIDJwtTokenSignature $OpenIdConnectToken Validate the OpenId token was signed by token issuer based on the OIDC Provider Configuration for token issuer. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Confirm-MSIDJwtTokenSignature $AccessToken Validate the access token was signed by token issuer based on the OIDC Provider Configuration for token issuer. .INPUTS System.String #> function Confirm-MSIDJwtTokenSignature { [CmdletBinding()] [Alias('Confirm-JwtSignature')] [OutputType([bool])] param ( # JSON Web Token (JWT) [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [string[]] $Tokens ) process { foreach ($Token in $Tokens) { $Jws = ConvertFrom-JsonWebSignature $Token $SigningKeys = $Jws.Payload.iss | Get-OpenIdProviderConfiguration -Keys | Where-Object use -EQ 'sig' $SigningKey = $SigningKeys | Where-Object kid -EQ $Jws.Header.kid $SigningCertificate = Get-X509Certificate $SigningKey.x5c Confirm-JsonWebSignature $Token -SigningCertificate $SigningCertificate } } } |