
function Expand-MgAdditionalProperties {
    Function for expanding 'AdditionalProperties' hash property to the main object aka flattens object.
    Function for expanding 'AdditionalProperties' hash property to the main object aka flattens object.
    By default it is returned by commands like Get-MgDirectoryObjectById, Get-MgGroupMember etc.
    .PARAMETER inputObject
    Object returned by Mg* command that contains 'AdditionalProperties' property.
    Get-MgGroupMember -GroupId 90daa3a7-7fed-4fa7-a979-db74bcd7cbd0 | Expand-MgAdditionalProperties
    Get-MgDirectoryObjectById -ids 34568a12-8862-45cf-afef-9582cd9871c6 | Expand-MgAdditionalProperties

        [object] $inputObject

    process {
        if ($inputObject.AdditionalProperties -and $inputObject.AdditionalProperties.gettype().name -eq 'Dictionary`2') {
            $inputObject.AdditionalProperties.GetEnumerator() | % {
                $item = $_
                Write-Verbose "Adding property '$($item.key)' to the pipeline object"
                $inputObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $item.key -Value $item.value

                if ($item.key -eq "@odata.type") {
                    Write-Verbose "Adding extra property 'ObjectType' to the pipeline object"
                    $inputObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ObjectType' -Value ($item.value -replace [regex]::Escape("#microsoft.graph."))

            $inputObject | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty AdditionalProperties
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "There is no 'AdditionalProperties' property"

function Get-CodeGraphPermissionRequirement {
    Function for analyzing required Graph API permissions that are needed tu run selected code.
    Function for analyzing required Graph API permissions that are needed tu run selected code.
    All Graph (Mg*) commands are retrieved using custom 'Get-CodeDependency' function and their permissions are retrieved using official 'Find-MgGraphCommand' command.
    .PARAMETER scriptPath
    Path to ps1 script that should be analyzed.
    .PARAMETER permType
    What type of permissions you want to retrieve.
    Possible values: application, delegated.
    By default 'application'.
    .PARAMETER availableModules
    To speed up repeated function invocations, save all available modules into variable and use it as value for this parameter.
    By default this function caches all locally available modules before each run which can take several seconds.
    .PARAMETER goDeep
    Switch to check for dependencies not just in the given code, but even in its dependencies (recursively). A.k.a. get the whole dependency tree.
    $availableModules = @(Get-Module -ListAvailable)
    Get-CodeGraphPermissionRequirement -scriptPath C:\temp\SensitiveAppBlock.ps1 -availableModules $availableModules | ogv

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript( {
                if ((Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType leaf) -and $_ -match "\.ps1$") {
                } else {
                    throw "$_ is not a ps1 file or it doesn't exist"
        [string] $scriptPath,

        [ValidateSet('application', 'delegated')]
        [string] $permType = "application",

        [System.Collections.ArrayList] $availableModules = @(),

        [switch] $goDeep

    if (!(Get-Command "Find-MgGraphCommand" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        throw "'Find-MgGraphCommand' command is missing. Install 'Microsoft.Graph.Authentication' module and run again"

    $param = @{
        scriptPath                   = $scriptPath
        $processJustMSGraphSDK       = $true
        allOccurrences               = $true
        dontSearchCommandInPSGallery = $true
    if ($availableModules) {
        $param.availableModules = $availableModules
    if ($goDeep) {
        $param.goDeep = $true

    $processedGraphCommand = @()

    $usedGraphCommand = Get-CodeDependency @param | ? { $_.Type -eq "Module" -and $_.Name -like "Microsoft.Graph.*" }

    if ($usedGraphCommand) {
        foreach ($mgCommandData in $usedGraphCommand) {
            $mgCommand = $mgCommandData.DependencyPath[-1]
            $dependencyPath = $mgCommandData.DependencyPath

            if ($mgCommand -in "Connect-MgGraph", "Invoke-MgGraphRequest") {

            if ($mgCommand -in $processedGraphCommand) {

            $processedGraphCommand += $mgCommand

            try {
                $mgCommandPerm = Find-MgGraphCommand -Command $mgCommand -ErrorAction Stop | ? Permissions | select -First 1 -ExpandProperty Permissions
            } catch {
                Write-Warning "'Find-MgGraphCommand' was unable to find command '$mgCommand'?!"

            if ($mgCommandPerm) {
                if ($permType -eq "application") {
                    $mgCommandPerm = $mgCommandPerm | ? IsAdmin -EQ $true
                } else {
                    $mgCommandPerm = $mgCommandPerm | ? IsAdmin -EQ $false

                if ($mgCommandPerm) {
                    $mgCommandPerm | select @{n = 'Command'; e = { $mgCommand } }, Name, Description, FullDescription, @{n = 'Type'; e = { $permType } }, @{n = 'DependencyPath'; e = { $dependencyPath } }
                } else {
                    Write-Warning "$mgCommand requires some permissions, but not of '$permType' type"
            } else {
                Write-Verbose "$mgCommand doesn't need any permissions?!"
                '' | select @{n = 'Command'; e = { $mgCommand } }, Name, Description, FullDescription, @{n = 'Type'; e = { $permType } }, @{n = 'DependencyPath'; e = { $dependencyPath } }
    } else {
        Write-Warning "No Graph commands were found"

    Write-Warning "Be noted that it is impossible to tell whether found permissions for some command are all required, or just some subset of them (for least-privileged access). Consult the Microsoft Graph Permissions Reference documentation to identify the least-privileged permission for your use case :("

function Invoke-GraphAPIRequest {
    Function for creating request against Microsoft Graph API.
    Function for creating request against Microsoft Graph API.
    It supports paging and throttling.
    .PARAMETER uri
    Request URI.$expand=appRoleAssignedTo$select=id,appId,servicePrincipalType,displayName$filter=(servicePrincipalType%20eq%20%27ManagedIdentity%27)$filter=contains(serialNumber,'$encoded')`$filter=NOT(state eq 'compliant')`$select=id&`$filter=complianceState eq 'compliant'`$select=id,userPrincipalName,displayName,mail,otherMails,proxyAddresses&`$filter=proxyAddresses/any(c:c eq 'smtp:$technicalNotificationMail') or otherMails/any(c:c eq 'smtp:$technicalNotificationMail')
    .PARAMETER credential
    Credentials used for creating authentication header for request.
    .PARAMETER header
    Authentication header for request.
    .PARAMETER method
    Default is GET.
    .PARAMETER waitTime
    Number of seconds before new try in case of 'Too Many Requests' error.
    Default is 5 seconds.
    $header = New-GraphAPIAuthHeader -credential $intuneCredential
    $aadDevice = Invoke-GraphAPIRequest -Uri "" -header $header | Get-MSGraphAllPages
    $aadDevice = Invoke-GraphAPIRequest -Uri "" -credential $intuneCredential | Get-MSGraphAllPages

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $uri,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "credential")]
        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $credential,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "header")]

        [ValidateSet('GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'UPDATE')]
        [string] $method = "GET",

        [ValidateRange(1, 999)]
        [int] $waitTime = 5

    Write-Verbose "uri $uri"

    if ($credential) {
        $header = New-GraphAPIAuthHeader -credential $credential

    try {
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $header -Method $method -ErrorAction Stop
    } catch {
        switch ($_) {
            { $_ -like "*(429) Too Many Requests*" } {
                Write-Warning "(429) Too Many Requests. Waiting $waitTime seconds to avoid further throttling and try again"
                Start-Sleep $waitTime
                Invoke-GraphAPIRequest -uri $uri -header $header -method $method
            { $_ -like "*(400) Bad Request*" } { throw "(400) Bad Request. There has to be some syntax/logic mistake in this request ($uri)" }
            { $_ -like "*(401) Unauthorized*" } { throw "(401) Unauthorized Request (new auth header has to be created?)" }
            { $_ -like "*Forbidden*" } { throw "Forbidden access. Use account with correct API permissions for this request ($uri)" }
            default { throw $_ }

    if ($response.Value) {
    } else {

    # understand if top parameter is used in the URI
    try {
        $prevErrorActionPreference = $ErrorActionPreference
        $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
        $topValue = ([regex]"top=(\d+)").Matches($uri).captures.groups[1].value
    } catch {
        Write-Verbose "uri ($uri) doesn't contain TOP"
    } finally {
        $ErrorActionPreference = $prevErrorActionPreference

    if (!$topValue -or ($topValue -and $topValue -gt 100)) {
        # there can be more results to return, check that
        # need to loop the requests because only 100 results are returned each time
        $nextLink = $response.'@odata.nextLink'
        while ($nextLink) {
            Write-Verbose "Next uri $nextLink"
            try {
                $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $NextLink -Headers $header -Method $method -ErrorAction Stop
            } catch {
                switch ($_) {
                    { $_ -like "*(429) Too Many Requests*" } {
                        Write-Warning "(429) Too Many Requests. Waiting $waitTime seconds to avoid further throttling and try again"
                        Start-Sleep $waitTime
                        Invoke-GraphAPIRequest -uri $NextLink -header $header -method $method
                    { $_ -like "*(400) Bad Request*" } { throw "(400) Bad Request. There has to be some syntax/logic mistake in this request ($uri)" }
                    { $_ -like "*(401) Unauthorized*" } { throw "(401) Unauthorized Request (new auth header has to be created?)" }
                    { $_ -like "*Forbidden*" } { throw "Forbidden access. Use account with correct API permissions for this request ($uri)" }
                    default { throw $_ }

            if ($response.Value) {
            } else {

            $nextLink = $response.'@odata.nextLink'
    } else {
        # to avoid 'Too Many Requests' error when working with Graph API (/auditLogs/signIns) and using top parameter
        Write-Verbose "There is no need to check if more results can be returned. I.e. if parameter 'top' is used in the URI it is lower than 100 (so all results will be returned in the first request anyway)"

function New-GraphAPIAuthHeader {
    Function for generating header that can be used for authentication of Graph API requests (via Invoke-RestMethod).
    Function for generating header that can be used for authentication of Graph API requests (via Invoke-RestMethod).
    Authentication can be done in several ways:
     - (default behavior) reuse existing AzureAD session created using Connect-AzAccount
        - advantages:
            - unattended
        - disadvantages:
            - token cannot be used for some high privilege API calls (you'll get forbidden error), check 'useMSAL' parameter help for more information
     - connect as a current user using MSAL authentication library
        - advantages:
            - token contains all user assigned delegated scopes
            - supports specifying permission scopes
        - disadvantages:
            - (can be) interactive
     - connect using application credentials
        - advantages:
            - unattended
            - token contains all granted application permissions
        - disadvantages:
            - you have to create such application and grant it required application permissions
    .PARAMETER credential
    Application credentials (AppID + AppSecret) that should be used (instead of the current user) to obtain auth. header.
    .PARAMETER tenantDomainName
    Name of your Azure tenant.
    Mandatory for application and MSAL authentication.
    For example: ""
    Switch for using MSAL authentication library for auth. token creation.
    When 'credential' parameter is NOT used, existing AzureAD session will be used (created via Connect-AzAccount aka 'Azure PowerShell' app is used) to obtain the token.
    But such token will contains only 'Directory.AccessAsUser.All' delegated permission therefore it cannot be used for access API which requires high privileged permission.
    Such privileged calls will end with 'forbidden' error, so for such cases use MSAL authentication library instead. It uses 'Microsoft Graph PowerShell' app instead and returns all user assigned permission by default.
    For more information check
    .PARAMETER tokenLifeTime
    Token lifetime in minutes.
    Will be saved into the header 'ExpiresOn' key and can be used for expiration detection (need to create new token).
    By default it is random number between 60 and 90 minutes ( but can be changed in tenant policy.
    Default is 60.
    .PARAMETER scope
    Graph API permission scopes that should be requested when 'useMSAL' parameter is used.
    For example: '', ''
    $cred = Get-Credential -Message "Enter application credentials (AppID + AppSecret) that should be used to obtain auth. header."
    $header = New-GraphAPIAuthHeader -credential $cred -tenantDomainName ""
    $URI = ''
    $managedDevices = (Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $header -Uri $URI -Method Get).value
    Authenticate using given application credentials.
    $header = New-GraphAPIAuthHeader
    $URI = ''
    $managedDevices = (Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $header -Uri $URI -Method Get).value
    Authenticate as current user.
    $header = New-GraphAPIAuthHeader -useMSAL
    $URI = ''
    $managedDevices = (Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $header -Uri $URI -Method Get).value
    Use MSAL for auth. token creation. Can help if token created by calling New-GraphAPIAuthHeader without any parameters (reusing existing AzureAD session) fails with 'forbidden' error when used.
    $header = New-GraphAPIAuthHeader -useMSAL -scope ''
    $URI = ''
    $managedDevices = (Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $header -Uri $URI -Method Get).value
    Use MSAL for auth. token creation. Can help if token created by calling New-GraphAPIAuthHeader without any parameters (reusing existing AzureAD session) fails with 'forbidden' error when used.

    [Alias("New-IntuneAuthHeader", "Get-IntuneAuthHeader", "New-MgAuthHeader")]
    param (
        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $credential,

        $tenantDomainName = $_tenantDomain,

        [switch] $useMSAL,

        [string[]] $scope,

        [int] $tokenLifeTime

    #region checks
    if ($useMSAL) {
        Write-Verbose "Checking for MSAL.PS module..."
        if (!(Get-Module MSAL.PS) -and !(Get-Module MSAL.PS -ListAvailable)) {
            throw "Module MSAL.PS is missing. Function $($MyInvocation.MyCommand) cannot continue"

    if (!$credential -and !$useMSAL) {
        Write-Verbose "Checking for Az.Accounts module..."
        if (!(Get-Module Az.Accounts) -and !(Get-Module Az.Accounts -ListAvailable)) {
            throw "Module Az.Accounts is missing. Function $($MyInvocation.MyCommand) cannot continue"

    if ($tokenLifeTime -and (!$credential -or ($credential -and $useMSAL))) {
        Write-Warning "'tokenLifeTime' parameter will be ignored. It can be used only with 'credential' but without 'useMSAL' parameter."

    if ($scope -and !$useMSAL) {
        Write-Warning "'scope' parameter will be ignored, because 'useMSAL' parameter is not used"
    #endregion checks

    Write-Verbose "Getting token"

    if ($credential) {
        # use service principal credentials to obtain the auth. token

        Write-Verbose "Using provided application credentials"

        if ($useMSAL) {
            # authenticate using MSAL

            if (!$tenantDomainName) {
                throw "tenantDomainName parameter has to be set (something like"

            $param = @{
                ClientId     = $credential.username
                ClientSecret = $credential.password
                TenantId     = $tenantDomainName
            if ($scope) { $param.scopes = $scope }

            $token = Get-MsalToken @param

            if ($token.AccessToken) {
                $authHeader = @{
                    ExpiresOn     = $token.ExpiresOn
                    Authorization = "Bearer $($token.AccessToken)"

                return $authHeader
            } else {
                throw "Unable to obtain token"
        } else {
            # authenticate using direct API call

            $body = @{
                Grant_Type    = "client_credentials"
                Scope         = ""
                Client_Id     = $credential.username
                Client_Secret = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().password

            Write-Verbose "Setting TLS 1.2"
            [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

            Write-Verbose "Connecting to $tenantDomainName"
            $connectGraph = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$tenantDomainName/oauth2/v2.0/token" -Method POST -Body $body

            $token = $connectGraph.access_token

            if ($token) {
                if (!$tokenLifeTime) {
                    $tokenLifeTime = 60

                $authHeader = @{
                    ExpiresOn     = (Get-Date).AddMinutes($tokenLifeTime - 10) # shorter by 10 minutes just for sure
                    Authorization = "Bearer $($token)"

                return $authHeader
            } else {
                throw "Unable to obtain token"

    if ($useMSAL) {
        # authenticate using MSAL as a current user

        Write-Verbose "Interactively as an user using MSAL"
        $param = @{
            ClientId = "14d82eec-204b-4c2f-b7e8-296a70dab67e" # 14d82eec-204b-4c2f-b7e8-296a70dab67e for 'Microsoft Graph PowerShell'
        if ($tenantDomainName) { $param.TenantId = $tenantDomainName }
        if ($scope) { $param.scopes = $scope }

        $token = Get-MsalToken @param

        if ($token.AccessToken) {
            $authHeader = @{
                ExpiresOn     = $token.ExpiresOn
                Authorization = "Bearer $($token.AccessToken)"

            return $authHeader
        } else {
            throw "Unable to obtain token"
    } else {
        # get auth. token using the existing session created by the Connect-AzAccount command (from Az.Accounts PowerShell module)

        Write-Verbose "Non-interactively as an user using existing AzureAD session (created using Connect-AzAccount)"

        try {
            # test if connection already exists
            $azConnectionToken = Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceTypeName MSGraph -ea Stop

            # use AZ connection

            Write-Warning "Creating auth token from existing user ($($azConnectionToken.UserId)) session. If token usage ends with 'forbidden' error, use New-GraphAPIAuthHeader with 'useMSAL' parameter!"

            $authHeader = @{
                ExpiresOn     = $azConnectionToken.ExpiresOn
                Authorization = $azConnectionToken.token

            return $authHeader
        } catch {
            throw "There is no active session to AzureAD. Call this function after Connect-AzAccount or use 'useMSAL' parameter or provide application credentials using 'credential' parameter."

Export-ModuleMember -function Expand-MgAdditionalProperties, Get-CodeGraphPermissionRequirement, Invoke-GraphAPIRequest, New-GraphAPIAuthHeader

Export-ModuleMember -alias Get-IntuneAuthHeader, Invoke-MgRequest, New-IntuneAuthHeader, New-MgAuthHeader