#Requires -Version 5.1 using namespace System using namespace System.Management.Automation.Host using namespace System.Runtime.InteropServices using namespace System.Security.Cryptography using namespace System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates <# Release Notes for v0.4.1 (2021-05-27): - Fixed UserAgent reporting (replaced $MyInvocation... with $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation...). #> function New-MSGraphAccessToken { [CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'DeviceCode_Endpoint' )] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ClientCredentials_Certificate')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ClientCredentials_CertificateStorePath')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DeviceCode_TenantId')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'RefreshToken_TenantId')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'RefreshTokenCredential_TenantId')] [string]$TenantId, # Guid / FQDN [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ClientCredentials_Certificate')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ClientCredentials_CertificateStorePath')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DeviceCode_TenantId')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DeviceCode_Endpoint')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'RefreshToken_TenantId')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'RefreshToken_Endpoint')] [Guid]$ApplicationId, [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ClientCredentials_Certificate', HelpMessage = 'E.g. Use $Certificate, where `$Certificate = Get-ChildItem cert:\CurrentUser\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317' )] [X509Certificate2]$Certificate, [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ClientCredentials_CertificateStorePath', HelpMessage = 'E.g. cert:\CurrentUser\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317; E.g. cert:\LocalMachine\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317' )] [ValidateScript( { if (Test-Path -Path $_) { $true } else { throw "An example proper path would be 'cert:\CurrentUser\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317'." } } )] [string]$CertificateStorePath, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ClientCredentials_Certificate')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ClientCredentials_CertificateStorePath')] [ValidateRange(1, 10)] [int16]$JWTExpMinutes = 2, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'DeviceCode_Endpoint')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'RefreshToken_Endpoint')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'RefreshTokenCredential_Endpoint')] [ValidateSet('Common', 'Consumers', 'Organizations')] [string]$Endpoint = 'Common', [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DeviceCode_TenantId', HelpMessage = 'E.g. Mail.Send, Ews.AccessAsUser.All')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'DeviceCode_Endpoint', HelpMessage = 'E.g. Mail.Send, Ews.AccessAsUser.All')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'RefreshToken_TenantId')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'RefreshToken_Endpoint')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'RefreshTokenCredential_TenantId')] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'RefreshTokenCredential_Endpoint')] [string[]]$Scopes, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'RefreshToken_TenantId')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'RefreshToken_Endpoint')] [ValidateScript( { if ($_.token_type -eq 'Bearer' -and $_.refresh_token) { $true } else { throw 'Invalid access token. Supply $TokenObject where: $TokenObject = New-MSGraphAccessToken -Scopes offline_access...' } } )] [Object]$RefreshToken, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'RefreshTokenCredential_TenantId')] [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'RefreshTokenCredential_Endpoint')] [PSCredential]$RefreshTokenCredential ) #region Initialization if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ClientCredentials_CertificateStorePath') { try { $Script:Certificate = Get-ChildItem -Path $CertificateStorePath -ErrorAction Stop } catch { throw } } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ClientCredentials_Certificate') { $Script:Certificate = $Certificate } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like 'ClientCredentials_*') { if (-not (Test-SigningCertificate -Certificate $Script:Certificate)) { throw "The supplied certificate must use the provider 'Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider', " + 'and the SHA-256 hashing algorithm. ' + 'For best luck, use a certificate generated using New-SelfSignedMSGraphApplicationCertificate.' } } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like '*_TenantId') { $Script:Endpoint = $TenantId } else { $Script:Endpoint = $Endpoint } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like 'RefreshTokenCredential_*') { try { $Script:ApplicationId = [Guid]$RefreshTokenCredential.UserName $Script:RefreshToken = ConvertFrom-Json (ConvertFrom-SecureStringToPlainText $RefreshTokenCredential.Password) } catch { 'Failed to validate refresh token credential object. ' + 'Supply $RefreshTokenObject where $RefreshTokenObject = New-RefreshTokenObject ...' | Write-Warning throw } } elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -like 'RefreshToken_*') { $Script:ApplicationId = $ApplicationId $Script:RefreshToken = $RefreshToken } #endregion Initialization #region Functions function New-AppOnlyAccessToken ($TenantId, $ApplicationId, $Certificate, $JWTExpMinutes) { try { $NowUTC = [datetime]::UtcNow $EncodedHeader = [Convert]::ToBase64String( [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes( (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject ( @{ alg = 'RS256' typ = 'JWT' x5t = ConvertTo-Base64Url -String ([Convert]::ToBase64String($Certificate.GetCertHash())) } ) ) ) ) $EncodedPayload = [Convert]::ToBase64String( [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes( (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject ( @{ aud = "$TenantId/oauth2/token" exp = (Get-Date $NowUTC.AddMinutes($JWTExpMinutes) -UFormat '%s') -replace '\..*' iss = $ApplicationId.Guid jti = [Guid]::NewGuid() nbf = (Get-Date $NowUTC -UFormat '%s') -replace '\..*' sub = $ApplicationId.Guid } ) ) ) ) $JWT = (ConvertTo-Base64Url -String $EncodedHeader, $EncodedPayload) -join '.' $Signature = ConvertTo-Base64Url -String ( [Convert]::ToBase64String( $Script:Certificate.PrivateKey.SignData( [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($JWT), [HashAlgorithmName]::SHA256, [RSASignaturePadding]::Pkcs1 ) ) ) $JWT = $JWT + '.' + $Signature $trBody = @{ client_id = $ApplicationId client_assertion = $JWT client_assertion_type = "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer" scope = '' grant_type = "client_credentials" } $trParams = @{ Method = 'POST' Uri = "$TenantId/oauth2/v2.0/token" Body = $trBody Headers = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($JWT)" } ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' UserAgent = "MSGraphPSEssentials/$($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Version)" ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $trResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @trParams # Output the token request response: $trResponse } catch { throw } } function New-DeviceCodeAccessToken ($Endpoint, $ApplicationId, $Scopes) { try { $dcrBody = @( "client_id=$($ApplicationId)", "scope=$($Scopes -join ' ')" ) -join '&' $dcrParams = @{ Method = 'POST' Uri = "$($Endpoint)/oauth2/v2.0/devicecode" Body = $dcrBody ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' UserAgent = "MSGraphPSEssentials/$($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Version)" ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $dcrResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @dcrParams $dtNow = [datetime]::Now $sw1 = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() $dcExpiration = "$($dtNow.AddSeconds($dcrResponse.expires_in).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss tt'))" $trBody = @( "grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code", "client_id=$($ApplicationId)", "device_code=$($dcrResponse.device_code)" ) -join '&' # Wait for user to enter code before starting to poll token endpoint: switch ( $host.UI.PromptForChoice( "Authorization started (expires at $($dcExpiration))", "$($dcrResponse.message)", [ChoiceDescription]('&Done'), 0 ) ) { 0 { <##> } } if ($sw1.Elapsed.Minutes -lt 15) { $sw2 = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() $successfulResponse = $false $pollCount = 0 do { if ($sw2.Elapsed.Seconds -ge $dcrResponse.interval) { $sw2.Restart() $pollCount++ try { $trParams = @{ Method = 'POST' Uri = "$($Endpoint)/oauth2/v2.0/token" Body = $trBody ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' UserAgent = "MSGraphPSEssentials/$($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Version)" ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $trResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @trParams $successfulResponse = $true } catch { if ($_.ErrorDetails.Message) { $badResponse = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $_.ErrorDetails.Message if ($badResponse.error -eq 'authorization_pending') { if ($pollCount -eq 1) { "The user hasn't finished authenticating, but hasn't canceled the flow (error: authorization_pending). " + "Continuing to poll the token endpoint at the requested interval ($($dcrResponse.interval) seconds)." | Write-Warning } } elseif ($badResponse.error -match '^(authorization_declined)|(bad_verification_code)|(expired_token)$') { # throw "Authorization failed due to foreseeable error: $($badResponse.error)." } elseif ($_.errorDetails.message -match '(AADSTS7000218)') { "Authorization failed due to 'invalid_client' (AADSTS7000218). " + 'Ensure the Application is enabled for public client flows in Azure AD. ' + 'If this is app is intended for app-only/unattended use, you should instead use the -Certificate/-CertificateStorePath parameters.' | Write-Warning throw } else { Write-Warning 'Authorization failed due to an unexpected error.' throw $badResponse.error_description } } else { Write-Warning 'An error was encountered with the Invoke-RestMethod command. Authorization request did not complete.' throw } } } if (-not $successfulResponse) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } while ($sw1.Elapsed.Minutes -lt 15 -and -not $successfulResponse) # Output the token request response: $trResponse } else { throw "Authorization request expired at $($dcExpiration), please try again." } } catch { if ($_.errorDetails.message -match '(AADSTS50059)') { "Device code request failed due to 'invalid_request' (AADSTS50059). " + 'This appears to be a single-tenant app. Retry the command, supplying -TenantId <tenant Domain|Guid>.' | Write-Warning throw } elseif ($_.errorDetails.message -match '(AADSTS70011)') { "Device code request failed due to 'invalid_scope' (AADSTS70011), which typically means the requested scope(s) do not work with the specified endpoint ('Common' by default). " + 'Retry the command with either -Endpoint Organizations or -TenantId <tenant Domain|Guid>.' | Write-Warning throw } else { throw } } } function Get-RefreshedAcessToken ($Endpoint, $ApplicationId, $RefreshToken, $Scopes) { try { $trBody = @( "client_id=$($ApplicationId)", 'grant_type=refresh_token', "refresh_token=$($RefreshToken.refresh_token)" ) if ($Scopes) { $trBody += "scope=$($Scopes -join ' ')" } $trBody = $trBody -join '&' $trParams = @{ Method = 'POST' Uri = "$($Endpoint)/oauth2/v2.0/token" Body = $trBody ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' UserAgent = "MSGraphPSEssentials/$($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Version)" ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $trResponse = Invoke-RestMethod @trParams # Output the token request response: $trResponse } catch { throw } } #endregion Functions #region Main try { switch -Wildcard ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'ClientCredentials_*' { New-AppOnlyAccessToken $TenantId $ApplicationId $Script:Certificate $JWTExpMinutes } 'DeviceCode_*' { New-DeviceCodeAccessToken $Script:Endpoint $ApplicationId $Scopes } 'RefreshToken*' { Get-RefreshedAcessToken $Script:Endpoint $Script:ApplicationId $Script:RefreshToken $Scopes } } } catch { if ($_.errorDetails.message -match '(AADSTS50194)') { "Application $($ApplicationId) appears to be a single-tenant application. " + 'Please supply either -Endpoint:Organizations or -TenantId:<Tenant Id/Guid>' | Write-Warning throw "$((ConvertFrom-Json $_.errorDetails.message).error_description)" } else { throw } } #endregion Main } function New-MSGraphRequest { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Request, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript( { if ($_.token_type -eq 'Bearer' -and $_.access_token) { $true } else { throw 'Invalid access token. Supply $TokenObject where: $TokenObject = New-MSGraphAccessToken ...' } } )] [Object]$AccessToken, [Alias('API', 'Version', 'Endpoint')] [ValidateSet('v1.0', 'beta')] [string]$ApiVersion = 'v1.0', [ValidateSet('GET', 'POST', 'PATCH', 'PUT', 'DELETE')] [string]$Method = 'GET', [string]$Body, [ValidateSet('Warn', 'Inquire', 'Continue', 'SilentlyContinue')] [string]$nextLinkAction = 'Warn' ) try { $RequestParams = @{ Headers = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($AccessToken.access_token)" } Uri = "$($ApiVersion)/$($Request)" Method = $Method ContentType = 'application/json' UserAgent = "MSGraphPSEssentials/$($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Version)" ErrorAction = 'Stop' } if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Body')) { if ($Method -notmatch '(POST)|(PATCH)') { throw "Body is not allowed when the method is $($Method), only POST or PATCH." } else { $RequestParams['Body'] = $Body } } Invoke-RestMethod @RequestParams -OutVariable requestResponse if ($requestResponse.'@odata.nextLink') { $Script:Continue = $true switch ($nextLinkAction) { Warn { Write-Warning -Message "There are more results available. Next page: $($requestResponse.'@odata.nextLink')" $Script:Continue = $false } 'Continue' { Write-Information -MessageData 'There are more results available. Getting the next page...' -InformationAction Continue } Inquire { switch ( $host.UI.PromptForChoice( 'There are more results available (i.e. response included @odata.nextLink).', 'Get more results?', [ChoiceDescription[]]@('&Yes', 'Yes to &All', '&No'), 2 ) ) { 0 { <# Will prompt for choice again if the next response includes another @odata.nextLink.#> } 1 { $nextLinkAction = 'SilentlyContinue' } 2 { $Script:Continue = $false } } } } if ($Script:Continue) { $nextLinkRequestParams = @{ AccessToken = $AccessToken ApiVersion = $ApiVersion Request = "$($requestResponse.'@odata.nextLink' -replace '\.0|beta)/')" nextLinkAction = $nextLinkAction ErrorAction = 'Stop' } New-MSGraphRequest @nextLinkRequestParams } } } catch { if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__ -eq 429) { "The request was throttled by Microsoft Graph/Azure AD. " + "Please wait $($_.Exception.Response.Headers['Retry-After']) seconds before retrying the request, per the Retry-After response header (see `$Error[0].Exception.Response.Headers['Retry-After'])." | Write-Warning } throw } } function New-SelfSignedMSGraphApplicationCertificate { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Subject, [string]$FriendlyName, [ValidateScript( { if (Test-Path -Path $_) { $true } else { throw "An example proper location would be 'cert:\CurrentUser\My'." } } )] [string]$CertStoreLocation = 'cert:\CurrentUser\My', [datetime]$NotAfter = [datetime]::Now.AddDays(90), [ValidateSet('Signature', 'KeyExchange')] [string]$KeySpec = 'Signature' ) $NewCertParams = @{ Subject = $Subject FriendlyName = $FriendlyName CertStoreLocation = $CertStoreLocation NotAfter = $NotAfter KeySpec = $KeySpec Provider = 'Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider' HashAlgorithm = 'SHA256' ErrorAction = 'Stop' } try { if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') { New-SelfSignedCertificate @NewCertParams } else { # PowerShell Core's PKI module has an issue with allowing the private key to be exportable: # try { #Pre-import the PKI module to make the WinPSCompatSession available to Invoke-Command: Import-Module -Name PKI -UseWindowsPowerShell -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue $WinPSCompatSession = Get-PSSession -Name WinPSCompatSession -ErrorAction:Stop if ($WinPSCompatSession) { Invoke-Command -Session $WinPSCompatSession -ScriptBlock { $Global:tmpCertificate = New-SelfSignedCertificate @using:NewCertParams } -ErrorAction:Stop Get-ChildItem -Path "$($CertStoreLocation)\$((Invoke-Command -Session $WinPSCompatSession -ScriptBlock {$tmpCertificate}).Thumbprint)" -ErrorAction:Stop } else { throw } } catch { throw "Failed to use WinPSCompatSession to generate valid self-signed certificate. please use Windows PowerShell 5.1 instead." } } } catch { throw } } function New-MSGraphPoPToken { [CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'Certificate' )] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias('ClientId')] [Guid]$ApplicationObjectId, [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Certificate', HelpMessage = 'E.g. Use $Certificate, where `$Certificate = Get-ChildItem cert:\CurrentUser\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317' )] [X509Certificate2]$Certificate, [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'CertificateStorePath', HelpMessage = 'E.g. cert:\CurrentUser\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317; E.g. cert:\LocalMachine\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317' )] [ValidateScript( { if (Test-Path -Path $_) { $true } else { throw "An example proper path would be 'cert:\CurrentUser\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317'." } } )] [string]$CertificateStorePath, [ValidateRange(1, 10)] [int16]$JWTExpMinutes = 2 ) try { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'CertificateStorePath') { $Script:Certificate = Get-ChildItem -Path $CertificateStorePath -ErrorAction Stop } else { $Script:Certificate = $Certificate } if (-not (Test-SigningCertificate -Certificate $Script:Certificate)) { throw "The supplied certificate must use the provider 'Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider', " + 'and the SHA-256 hashing algorithm. ' + 'For best luck, use a certificate generated using New-SelfSignedMSGraphApplicationCertificate.' } $NowUTC = [datetime]::UtcNow $EncodedHeader = [Convert]::ToBase64String( [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes( (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject ( @{ alg = 'RS256' typ = 'JWT' x5t = ConvertTo-Base64Url -String ([Convert]::ToBase64String($Script:Certificate.GetCertHash())) } ) ) ) ) $EncodedPayload = [Convert]::ToBase64String( [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes( (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject ( @{ aud = '00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000' iss = $ApplicationObjectId.Guid exp = (Get-Date $NowUTC.AddMinutes($JWTExpMinutes)-UFormat '%s') -replace '\..*' nbf = (Get-Date $NowUTC -UFormat '%s') -replace '\..*' } ) ) ) ) $JWT = (ConvertTo-Base64Url -String $EncodedHeader, $EncodedPayload) -join '.' $Signature = ConvertTo-Base64Url -String ( [Convert]::ToBase64String( $Script:Certificate.PrivateKey.SignData( [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($JWT), [HashAlgorithmName]::SHA256, [RSASignaturePadding]::Pkcs1 ) ) ) $JWT = $JWT + '.' + $Signature # Output the token: $JWT } catch { throw } } function Add-MSGraphApplicationKeyCredential { [CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'Certificate' )] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Guid]$ApplicationObjectId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript( { if ($_.token_type -eq 'Bearer' -and $_.access_token) { $true } else { throw 'Invalid access token. Supply $TokenObject where: $TokenObject = New-MSGraphAccessToken ...' } } )] [Object]$AccessToken, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidatePattern('^[-\w]+\.[-\w]+\.[-\w]+$')] [string]$PoPToken, [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'Certificate', HelpMessage = 'E.g. Use $Certificate, where `$Certificate = Get-ChildItem cert:\CurrentUser\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317' )] [X509Certificate2]$Certificate, [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'CertificateStorePath', HelpMessage = 'E.g. cert:\CurrentUser\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317; E.g. cert:\LocalMachine\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317' )] [ValidateScript( { if (Test-Path -Path $_) { $true } else { throw "An example proper path would be 'cert:\CurrentUser\My\C3E7F30B9DD50B8B09B9B539BC41F8157642D317'." } } )] [string]$CertificateStorePath ) try { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'CertificateStorePath') { $Script:Certificate = Get-ChildItem -Path $CertificateStorePath -ErrorAction Stop } else { $Script:Certificate = $Certificate } if (-not (Test-SigningCertificate -Certificate $Script:Certificate)) { throw "The supplied certificate must use the provider 'Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider', " + 'and the SHA-256 hashing algorithm. ' + 'For best luck, use a certificate generated using New-SelfSignedMSGraphApplicationCertificate.' } $Body = @{ proof = $PoPToken keyCredential = @{ type = "AsymmetricX509Cert" usage = "Verify" key = [Convert]::ToBase64String($Script:Certificate.GetRawCertData()) } } $AddKeyParams = @{ AccessToken = $AccessToken Method = 'POST' Request = "applications/$($ApplicationObjectId)/addKey" Body = (ConvertTo-Json $Body) ErrorAction = 'Stop' } New-MSGraphRequest @AddKeyParams } catch { throw } } function Remove-MSGraphApplicationKeyCredential { [CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'CertificateThumbprint' )] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Guid]$ApplicationObjectId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript( { if ($_.token_type -eq 'Bearer' -and $_.access_token) { $true } else { throw 'Invalid access token. Supply $TokenObject where: $TokenObject = New-MSGraphAccessToken ...' } } )] [Object]$AccessToken, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidatePattern('^[-\w]+\.[-\w]+\.[-\w]+$')] [string]$PoPToken, [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'CertificateThumbprint' )] [ValidatePattern('^[a-fA-F0-9]{40,40}$')] [string]$CertificateThumbprint, [Parameter( Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'KeyId' )] [Guid]$KeyId ) try { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'CertificateThumbprint') { $GetApplicationParams = @{ AccessToken = $AccessToken Request = "applications/$($ApplicationObjectId)" ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $Application = New-MSGraphRequest @GetApplicationParams $MatchingKeyCredentials = $Application.keyCredentials | Where-Object { $_.customKeyIdentifier -eq $CertificateThumbprint } if ($MatchingKeyCredentials.Count -gt 1) { "Multiple keyCredentials matching certificate thumbprint $($CertificateThumbprint) were found. " + "List these with the command below, then re-run this command using -KeyId instead of -CertificateThumbprint:`n" + "New-MSGraphRequest -AccessToken <AccessTokenObject> -Request 'applications/$($ApplicationObjectId)' | select -expand keyCredentials" | Write-Warning break } elseif ($MatchingKeyCredentials.Count -lt 1) { throw "No KeyCredential was found with certificate thumbprint $($CertificateThumbprint)." } else { $Script:KeyId = $MatchingKeyCredentials.KeyId } } else { $Script:KeyId = $KeyId.Guid } $Body = @{ keyId = $Script:KeyId proof = $PoPToken } $RemoveKeyParams = @{ AccessToken = $AccessToken Request = "applications/$($ApplicationObjectId)/removeKey" Method = 'POST' Body = (ConvertTo-Json $Body) ErrorAction = 'Stop' } New-MSGraphRequest @RemoveKeyParams } catch { throw } } function Test-SigningCertificate ([X509Certificate2]$Certificate) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') { $Provider = $Certificate.PrivateKey.CspKeyContainerInfo.ProviderName } else { $Provider = $Certificate.PrivateKey.Key.Provider } if ( $Provider -eq 'Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider' -and $Certificate.SignatureAlgorithm.FriendlyName -match '(sha256)' ) { $true } else { $false } } function ConvertTo-Base64Url { param ( [ValidatePattern('^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+\/]{4})$')] [string[]]$String ) $String -replace '\+', '-' -replace '/', '_' -replace '=' } function ConvertFrom-Base64Url ([string[]]$String) { foreach ($s in $String) { while ($s.Length % 4) { $s += '=' } $s -replace '-', '\+' -replace '_', '/' } } function ConvertFrom-JWTAccessToken { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript( { if ($_ -match '^eyJ[-\w]+\.[-\w]+\.[-\w]+$') { $true } else { throw 'Invalid JWT.' } } )] [Object]$JWT ) $Headers, $Payload = ($JWT -split '\.')[0, 1] [PSCustomObject]@{ Headers = ConvertFrom-Json ( [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString( [Convert]::FromBase64String((ConvertFrom-Base64Url $Headers)) ) ) Payload = ConvertFrom-Json( [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString( [Convert]::FromBase64String((ConvertFrom-Base64Url $Payload)) ) ) } } function ConvertFrom-SecureStringToPlainText ([SecureString]$SecureString) { [Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto( [Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($SecureString) ) } function New-RefreshTokenCredential { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Guid]$ApplicationId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript( { if ($_.token_type -eq 'Bearer' -and $_.refresh_token) { $true } else { throw 'Invalid token object. Supply $TokenObject where: $TokenObject = New-MSGraphAccessToken -Scopes offline_access...' } } )] [Object]$TokenObject ) [PSCredential]::new( $ApplicationId, (ConvertTo-Json $TokenObject | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) ) } function Get-AccessTokenExpiration { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript( { if ($_.token_type -eq 'Bearer' -and $_.access_token) { $true } else { throw 'Invalid token object. Supply $TokenObject where: $TokenObject = New-MSGraphAccessToken...' } } )] [Object]$TokenObject ) $JWT = ConvertFrom-JWTAccessToken -JWT $TokenObject.access_token $Epoch = [datetime]"1970-01-01" $Now = [datetime]::Now $exp = $Epoch.AddSeconds($JWT.Payload.exp).ToLocalTime() [PSCustomObject]@{ IssuedAt_LocalTime = $Epoch.AddSeconds($JWT.Payload.iat).ToLocalTime() NotBefore_LocalTime = $Epoch.AddSeconds($JWT.Payload.nbf).ToLocalTime() ExpirationTime_LocalTime = $exp TimeUntilExpiration = $exp - $Now IsExpired = $Now -gt $exp } } |