
#Requires -Version 7
function Invoke-MSGraphWebRequest {
            Sends a request to the Microsoft Graph API using Invoke-WebRequest.
            Wrapper function to send web requests to the Microsoft Graph API using the Invoke-WebRequest commandlet.
            Outputs an object containing the response from the web request.

    param (
        # The request URI.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        # The request method.
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        # Don't authenticate.
        # The content type for the request.
        # The body content of the request.
        # Additional headers.
    $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
    if ([DateTime]::Now -ge $Script:MSGMAuthenticationInformation.Expires) {
        Write-Verbose 'The auth token has expired, renewing.'
        $ReconnectParameters = @{
            Reconnect = $True
        Connect-MSGraphMail @ReconnectParameters
    if ($null -ne $Script:MSGMAuthenticationInformation -and (-not $Anonymous)) {
        $AuthHeader = @{
            Authorization = "$($Script:MSGMAuthenticationInformation.Type) $($Script:MSGMAuthenticationInformation.Token)"
    if ($null -ne $AdditionalHeaders) {
        $RequestHeaders = $AuthHeader + $AdditionalHeaders
    } else {
        $RequestHeaders = $AuthHeader
    if ($Method -eq 'PUT') {
        $SkipHeaderValidation = $True
    } else {
        $SkipHeaderValidation = $False
    try {
        Write-Verbose "Making a $($Method) request to $($URI)"
        Write-Debug "Request headers: $($RequestHeaders | Out-String -Width 5000)"
        $WebRequestParams = @{
            URI = $URI
            Method = $Method
            ContentType          = $ContentType
            Headers              = $RequestHeaders
            SkipHeaderValidation = $SkipHeaderValidation
        Write-Debug "Request parameters: $($WebRequestParams | Out-String -Width 5000)"
        if ($Body -and (($Method -eq 'POST') -or ($Method -eq 'PUT'))) {
            $WebRequestParams.Body = $Body
        $Response = Invoke-WebRequest @WebRequestParams
        Write-Debug "Response headers: $($Response.Headers | Out-String)"
        Write-Debug "Raw response: $($Response | Out-String -Width 5000)"
        return $Response
    } catch {
        New-MSGraphError $_