function Connect-MSGraphMail { [CmdletBinding()] Param( # Azure AD application id. [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'Connect')] [string]$ApplicationID, # Azure AD application secret. [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'Connect')] [string]$ApplicationSecret, # Graph permission scope. [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Connect')] [uri]$Scope = [uri]'', # Tenant ID. [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Connect')] [string]$TenantID, # Reconnect mode [Parameter(Mandatory = $True, ParameterSetName = 'Reconnect')] [switch]$Reconnect ) if ((-not $Script:MSGMAuthenticationInformation.Token) -or ([DateTime]::Now -ge $Script:MSGMAuthenticationInformation.Expires)) { if (([DateTime]::Now -ge $Script:MSGMAuthenticationInformation.Expiry)) { try { if ((-not $Script:MSGMConnectionInformation) -and (-not $Reconnect)) { $ConnectionInformation = @{ ClientID = $ApplicationID ClientSecret = $ApplicationSecret Scope = $Scope URI = "$($TenantID)/oauth2/v2.0/token" TenantID = $TenantID } New-Variable -Name 'MSGMConnectionInformation' -Value $ConnectionInformation -Scope 'Script' } $AuthenticationBody = @{ client_id = $Script:MSGMConnectionInformation.ClientID client_secret = $Script:MSGMConnectionInformation.ClientSecret scope = $Script:MSGMConnectionInformation.Scope grant_type = 'client_credentials' } $AuthenticationParameters = @{ URI = $Script:MSGMConnectionInformation.URI Method = 'POST' ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' Body = $AuthenticationBody } $TokenResponse = Invoke-WebRequest @AuthenticationParameters $TokenPayload = ($TokenResponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json) $AuthenticationInformation = @{ Token = $TokenPayload.access_token Expires = Get-TokenExpiry -ExpiresIn $TokenPayload.expires_in Type = $TokenPayload.token_type } if (-Not $Script:MSGMAuthenticationInformation) { New-Variable -Name 'MSGMAuthenticationInformation' -Value $AuthenticationInformation -Scope 'Script' } else { Set-Variable -Name 'MSGMAuthenticationInformation' -Value $AuthenticationInformation -Scope 'Script' } Write-CustomMessage -Message 'Connected to the Microsoft Graph API' -Type 'Success' } catch { $ErrorRecord = @{ ExceptionType = 'System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException' ErrorMessage = "Graph API request $($_.TargetObject.Method) $($_.TargetObject.RequestUri) failed." InnerException = $_.Exception ErrorID = 'GraphAuthenticationFailed' ErrorCategory = 'ProtocolError' TargetObject = $_.TargetObject ErrorDetails = $_.ErrorDetails BubbleUpDetails = $True } $RequestError = New-MSGraphErrorRecord @ErrorRecord $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($RequestError) } } } else { Write-CustomMessage -Message "Already connected to Microsoft Graph API." -Type 'Information' } } |