
function Get-GraphDeviceManagementTemplateSettingCategory() {
            Get Intune Device Management Template Setting Categories through Microsoft Graph
        .PARAMETER Id
            If exists, all device management template setting categories matching the given template id will be returned
        .PARAMETER Category
            If exists, a single device management template setting category matching the given template- and category id will be returned
        .PARAMETER All
            If set to $true, all device management template setting categories will be returned. By default this is limited to 999 (Microsoft Graph Paging is limited to 999 results)
        .PARAMETER ApiVersion
            API version to query

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [bool]$All = $false,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet("v1.0", "beta")]
        [string]$ApiVersion = "beta"

    process {
        try {
            # Check if a Graph Auth Token is available in the Module scope (from the Get-GraphAuthToken function)
            if ($moduleScopeGraphAuthHeader) {
                $authHeader = $moduleScopeGraphAuthHeader
            else {
                Write-Output "Connect to Microsoft Graph using Connect-Graph first."
            # Return one (GET)
            if ($id) {
                if ($categoryId) {
                    $uri = "$apiVersion/deviceManagement/templates/$($id)/categories/$($categoryId)"
                    $query = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authHeader -Method Get -ErrorAction Stop
                    return $query
                } else {
                    # Return up to 999 results (limited to 999 in a single query) (LIST)
                    $uri = "$apiVersion/deviceManagement/templates/$($id)/categories?`$top=999"
                    $query = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $authHeader -Method Get -ErrorAction Stop
                    $value = $query.Value
            # Return all
            if ($all) {
                if ($query.'@odata.nextLink') {
                    do {
                        $query = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $query.'@odata.nextLink' -Headers $authHeader -Method Get -ErrorAction Stop
                        $value += $query.Value
                    while ($query.'@odata.nextLink')
            return $value
        catch {
            $streamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream())
            $streamReader.BaseStream.Position = 0
            $responseBody = $streamReader.ReadToEnd()

            Write-Error "Request to $($_.Exception.Response.ResponseUri) failed with HTTP Status $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode) $($_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription). `nResponse content: `n$responseBody"