Function Write-GraphLog { <# .SYNOPSIS Function to help log in the MSGraphAPI cmdlets .DESCRIPTION Easily create a log message with date stamp .EXAMPLE Write-GraphLog -Exception $Exception This will output error information including the script name with the error, error lime number, error line, and message. .EXAMPLE Write-GraphLog -Message 'My Message' -Verbose This will write my message to the verbose stream with date/time information in front of the message .EXAMPLE Write-GraphLog -Message 'My Message' This will write My Message to the output stream .PARAMETER Message The message you want displayed. This will have the date/time information added to the beginning .PARAMETER Exception This will parse the exception object for information like error message, error line number, script name, etc. Good way to quickly get additional information. .PARAMETER Verbose Switch to write to the Verbose stream. Can view verbose output with $VerbosePreference = 'Continue' .NOTES Used in the MSGraphAPI cmdlets .LINK #> Param ( $Message, $Exception, [switch]$Verbose ) $Output = "$(Get-Date) $Message" if($Exception -ne $null) { $ErrorJSON = '' try { if($null -ne $Exception.ErrorDetails.Message) { $ErrorJSON = $Exception.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Continue } } catch { } $ErrorMessage = '' if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ErrorJSON)) { $ErrorJSON = "`nError JSON Information:`n" + ` "Error: $($ErrorJSON.Error)`n" + ` "Error Description: $($ErrorJSON.Error_Description)`n" + ` "Error Codes: $($ErrorJSON.Error_Codes)`n" + ` "Error Timestamp: $($ErrorJSON.Timestamp)`n" + ` "Trace Id: $($ErrorJSON.Trace_Id)`n" + ` "Correlation Id: $($ErrorJSON.Correlation_Id)" } $Output = $Output + @" ERROR Details: Script Name: $($Exception.InvocationInfo.ScriptName) Error Line Number: $($Exception.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber) Error Line: $($Exception.InvocationInfo.Line.Trim()) Error Message: $($Exception.Exception)$($ErrorJSON) "@ } if($Exception -ne $null) { Write-Error $Output } elseif ($Verbose -eq $true) { Write-Verbose $Output } else { Write-Output $Output } } Function Get-GraphAuthenticationToken { <# .SYNOPSIS Will get an authentication token for .DESCRIPTION Will request the token from .EXAMPLE Get-GraphAuthenticationToken -TenantName '' -Credential (Get-Credential) This will get a token for the specified tenant using the credentials. Credentials can also be created using this code: $secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString "PASSWORD" -AsPlainText -Force $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('USER@TENANT', $secpasswd) .PARAMETER TenantName Name of the tenant. Usually in the form of .PARAMETER Credential Credential object. Can be generated with the code: $secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString "PASSWORD" -AsPlainText -Force $mycreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('USER@TENANT', $secpasswd) .LINK #> Param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)][string]$TenantName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)][pscredential]$Credential ) try { $username = $Credential.UserName $password = $Credential.Password $Marshal = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal] $Bstr = $Marshal::SecureStringToBSTR($Password) $Password = $Marshal::PtrToStringAuto($Bstr) $Marshal::ZeroFreeBSTR($Bstr) } catch { Write-GraphLog 'Error retrieving password from credential object!' $_ break } $PayLoad = "resource=$($UserName)&scope=user_impersonation&password=$($Password)" $response = '' try { Write-GraphLog 'Trying to get token...' -Verbose $Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$($TenantName)/oauth2/token" -Method POST -Body $PayLoad } catch { Write-GraphLog -Exception $_ } $ResponseJSON = $Response | ConvertFrom-Json $GraphAPIAuthenticationHeader = $null $GraphAPIAuthenticationHeader = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary``2[System.String,System.String]" $GraphAPIAuthenticationHeader.Add("Authorization", "Bearer $($ResponseJSON.access_token)") $Global:GraphAuthenticationHash = @{ 'Parameters' = @{ 'TenantName' = $TenantName 'Credential' = $Credential } 'Token' = $ResponseJSON.access_token 'Header' = $GraphAPIAuthenticationHeader } } Function Invoke-GraphMethod { Param( $Version = 'v1.0', $query, $filter, $Class, $method = 'Get', $body, $ContentType ) try { if ($null -ne $Global:GraphAuthenticationHash.Parameters['TenantName']) { $Parameters = $Global:GraphAuthenticationHash['Parameters'] Get-GraphAuthenticationToken @Parameters } } catch { Write-Error -Exception $_ } $uri = "$($version)/$($query)" if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Filter)) { $uri = $uri + "&`$filter=$($Filter)" } $RestParams = @{ 'Method' = $method } if($null -ne $body) { $RestParams['Body'] = $body } if($null -ne $ContentType) { $RestParams['ContentType'] = $ContentType } try { $returned = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $Global:GraphAuthenticationHash['Header'] @RestParams Write-GraphLog -Message $returned -Verbose } catch { Write-GraphLog -Exception $_ } if($null -ne $returned) { if(($null -ne $returned."@odata.type") -and ($null -eq $returned.Value)) { try { $type = ($returned."@odata.type").split('.') $type = $type[$type.count - 1] $type = "Graph$($type)_$(($Version.split('.'))[0])" Get-GraphClass -Class $type -object $returned } catch { $returned } } $returnedvalue = $returned.value foreach($instance in $returnedvalue) { if(-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Class)) { Get-GraphClass -Class $Class -object $instance } elseif($instance."@odata.type" -ne $null) { try { $type = ($instance."@odata.type").split('.') $type = $type[$type.count - 1] $type = "Graph$($type)_$(($Version.split('.'))[0])" Get-GraphClass -Class $type -object $instance } catch { $instance } } else { $instance } } } } Function Get-GraphMetadata { param( $Version = 'v1.0' ) (Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$($Version)/`$metadata").Edmx.DataServices.Schema } Function Get-GraphClass { param( $object, $Class ) try { $tempObject = New-Object "$Class" $tempObjectProperties = ($tempObject | Get-Member -MemberType Property).Name $psObjectProperties = ($Object | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name foreach($property in $tempObjectProperties) { if($psObjectProperties -contains $property) { $tempObject."$property" = $object."$property" } } return $tempObject } catch { throw $_ } } Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\Classes_v1.ps1" Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\User.ps1" Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\Group.ps1" |