
function Convert-UriQueryFromHash {
        Converts hashtables to a string for REST api calls.
        Converts hashtables to a string for REST api calls.
    .PARAMETER hash
        The hashtable to convert to a string
    .PARAMETER NoQuestionmark
        Supress the ? as the first character in the output string
        PS C:\> Convert-UriQueryFromHash -Hash @{ username = "user"; password = "password"}
        Converts the specified hashtable to the following string:
        PS C:\> Convert-UriQueryFromHash -Hash @{ username = "user"; password = "password"} -NoQuestionmark
        Converts the specified hashtable to the following string:

    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)]


    begin {

    process {
        $elements = foreach ($key in $Hash.Keys) {
            $key + "=" + $Hash[$key]
        $elementString = [string]::Join("&", $elements)

        if ($NoQuestionMark) {
        } else {

    end {