function Resolve-UserInMailObject { <# .SYNOPSIS Resolves the user from a mail or folder parameter class .DESCRIPTION Resolves the user a mail or folder parameter class and compares against the specified user. If user in object is different, from the specified user, the user from the object is put out. Helper function used for internal commands. .PARAMETER Object The mail or folder object .PARAMETER User The user-account to access. Defaults to the main user connected as. Can be any primary email name of any user the connected token has access to. .PARAMETER ShowWarning If specified, there will be no warning output on the console. .PARAMETER FunctionName Name of the higher function which is calling this function. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Resolve-UserInMailObject -Object $MailFolder -User $User -Function $MyInvocation.MyCommand Resolves the user from a mail or folder parameter class. #> [OutputType()] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $false, ConfirmImpact = 'Low')] param ( $Object, [string] $User, [switch] $ShowWarning, [String] $FunctionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand ) # check input object type [bool]$failed = $false switch ($Object.psobject.TypeNames[0]) { "MSGraph.Exchange.Mail.FolderParameter" { $namespace = "MSGraph.Exchange.Mail" $Type = "Folder" } "MSGraph.Exchange.Mail.MessageParameter" { $namespace = "MSGraph.Exchange.Mail" $Type = "Message" } "MSGraph.Exchange.Category.CategoryParameter" { $namespace = "MSGraph.Exchange.Category" $Type = "Category" } "MSGraph.Exchange.MailboxSetting.MailboxSettingParameter" { $namespace = "MSGraph.Exchange.MailboxSetting" $Type = "MailboxSettings" } Default { $failed = $true } } if($failed) { $msg = "Object '$($Object)' is not valid. Must be one of: 'MSGraph.Exchange.*.*Parameter' object types. Developers mistake!" Stop-PSFFunction -Message $msg -Tag "InputValidation" -FunctionName $FunctionName -EnableException $true -Exception ([System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException]::new($msg)) } Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug -Message "Object '$($Object)' is qualified as a $($Type)" -Tag "InputValidation" -FunctionName $FunctionName if ($ShowWarning) { $level = @{ Level = "Warning" } } else { $level = @{ Level = "Verbose" } } $output = "" # Resolve the object if ($User -and ($Object.TypeName -like "$($namespace).$($Type)") -and ($User -notlike $Object.InputObject.User)) { Write-PSFMessage @Level -Message "Individual user specified! User from $($Type)Object ($($Object.InputObject.User)) will take precedence on specified user ($($User))!" -Tag "InputValidation" -FunctionName $FunctionName $output = $Object.InputObject.User } elseif ((-not $User) -and ($Object.TypeName -like "$($namespace).$($Type)")) { $output = $Object.InputObject.User } # output the result $output } |