function Get-MgaMailAttachment { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the attachment object from a email message in Exchange Online using the graph api. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the attachment object from a email message in Exchange Online using the graph api. .PARAMETER Message Carrier object for Pipeline input. This can be the id of the message or a message object passed in. .PARAMETER Name The name to filter by. (Client Side filtering) .PARAMETER User The user-account to access. Defaults to the main user connected as. Can be any primary email name of any user the connected token has access to. .PARAMETER IncludeInlineAttachment This will retrieve also attachments like pictures in the html body of the mail. .PARAMETER ResultSize The user to execute this under. Defaults to the user the token belongs to. .PARAMETER Token The token representing an established connection to the Microsoft Graph Api. Can be created by using New-MgaAccessToken. Can be omitted if a connection has been registered using the -Register parameter on New-MgaAccessToken. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-MgaMailMessage | Get-MgaMailAttachment Return all emails attachments from all mails in the inbox of the user connected to through a token. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-MgaMailMessage | Get-MgaMailAttachment -Name "MyName*" Return all emails attachments with name MyName* from all mails in the inbox of the user connected to through a token. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-MgaMailMessage | Get-MgaMailAttachment -IncludeInlineAttachment Return also "inline" attachments, like pictures in html mails from all emails in the inbox of the user connected to through a token. #> [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Low', DefaultParameterSetName = 'Default')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] [Alias('InputObject', 'Id', 'Mail', 'MailMessage', 'MessageId', 'MailId')] [MSGraph.Exchange.Mail.MessageParameter[]] $Message, [Parameter(Position = 1)] [Alias('Filter', 'NameFilter')] [string] $Name = "*", [switch] $IncludeInlineAttachment, [string] $User, [Int64] $ResultSize = (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'MSGraph.Query.ResultSize' -Fallback 100), [MSGraph.Core.AzureAccessToken] $Token ) begin { $requiredPermission = "Mail.Read" $Token = Invoke-TokenScopeValidation -Token $Token -Scope $requiredPermission -FunctionName $MyInvocation.MyCommand } process { foreach ($messageItem in $Message) { #region checking input object type and query message if required if ($messageItem.TypeName -like "System.String") { $messageItem = Resolve-MailObjectFromString -Object $messageItem -User $User -Token $Token -NoNameResolving -FunctionName $MyInvocation.MyCommand if (-not $messageItem) { continue } } $User = Resolve-UserInMailObject -Object $messageItem -User $User -ShowWarning -FunctionName $MyInvocation.MyCommand #endregion checking input object type and query message if required #region query data $invokeParam = @{ "Field" = "messages/$($messageItem.Id)/attachments" "Token" = $Token "User" = $User "ResultSize" = $ResultSize "ApiVersion" = "beta" "FunctionName" = $MyInvocation.MyCommand } Write-PSFMessage -Level Verbose -Message "Getting attachment from message '$($messageItem)'" -Tag "QueryData" $data = Invoke-MgaRestMethodGet @invokeParam | Where-Object { $ -like $Name } if (-not $IncludeInlineAttachment) { $data = $data | Where-Object isInline -eq $false } #endregion query data #region output data foreach ($output in $data) { $AttachmentObject = New-MgaAttachmentObject -RestData $output -ParentObject $messageItem.InputObject -ApiVersion "beta" -ResultSize $ResultSize -User $User -Token $Token -FunctionName $MyInvocation.MyCommand $AttachmentObject } #endregion output data } } end { } } |