class MSCloudLoginConnectionProfile { [string] $CreatedTime [string] $OrganizationName [AzureDevOPS] $AzureDevOPS [ExchangeOnline] $ExchangeOnline [MicrosoftGraph] $MicrosoftGraph [PnP] $PnP [PowerPlatform] $PowerPlatform [SecurityComplianceCenter] $SecurityComplianceCenter [Tasks] $Tasks [Teams] $Teams MSCloudLoginConnectionProfile() { $this.CreatedTime = [System.DateTime]::Now.ToString() # Workloads Object Creation $this.AzureDevOPS = New-Object AzureDevOPS $this.ExchangeOnline = New-Object ExchangeOnline $this.MicrosoftGraph = New-Object MicrosoftGraph $this.PnP = New-Object PnP $this.PowerPlatform = New-Object PowerPlatform $this.SecurityComplianceCenter = New-Object SecurityComplianceCenter $this.Tasks = New-Object Tasks $this.Teams = New-Object Teams } } class Workload { [string] [ValidateSet('Credentials', 'CredentialsWithApplicationId', 'CredentialsWithTenantId', 'ServicePrincipalWithSecret', 'ServicePrincipalWithThumbprint', 'ServicePrincipalWithPath', 'Interactive', 'Identity', 'AccessTokens')] $AuthenticationType [boolean] $Connected = $false [string] $ConnectedDateTime [PSCredential] $Credentials [string] [ValidateSet('AzureCloud', 'AzureChinaCloud', 'AzureGermanyCloud', 'AzureUSGovernment', 'AzureDOD')] $EnvironmentName [boolean] $MultiFactorAuthentication [string] $ApplicationId [string] $ApplicationSecret [string] $TenantId [string] $TenantGUID [securestring] $CertificatePassword [string] $CertificatePath [string] $CertificateThumbprint [String[]] $AccessTokens [switch] $Identity [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Endpoints Setup() { # Determine the environment name based on email if ($null -eq $this.EnvironmentName -and -not $Global:MSCloudLoginTriedGetEnvironment) { $Global:MSCloudLoginTriedGetEnvironment = $true if ($null -ne $this.Credentials) { $Global:CloudEnvironmentInfo = Get-CloudEnvironmentInfo -Credentials $this.Credentials } elseif ($this.ApplicationID -and $this.CertificateThumbprint) { $Global:CloudEnvironmentInfo = Get-CloudEnvironmentInfo -ApplicationId $this.ApplicationId -TenantId $this.TenantId -CertificateThumbprint $this.CertificateThumbprint } elseif ($this.ApplicationID -and $this.ApplicationSecret) { $Global:CloudEnvironmentInfo = Get-CloudEnvironmentInfo -ApplicationId $this.ApplicationId -TenantId $this.TenantId -ApplicationSecret $this.ApplicationSecret } elseif ($this.Identity.IsPresent) { $Global:CloudEnvironmentInfo = Get-CloudEnvironmentInfo -Identity -TenantId $this.TenantId } elseif ($this.AccessTokens) { $Global:CloudEnvironmentInfo = Get-CloudEnvironmentInfo -TenantId $this.TenantId } Write-Verbose "Set environment to {$($Global:CloudEnvironmentInfo.tenant_region_sub_scope)}" } switch ($Global:CloudEnvironmentInfo.tenant_region_sub_scope) { 'AzureGermanyCloud' { $this.EnvironmentName = 'O365GermanyCloud' } 'DOD' { $this.EnvironmentName = 'AzureDOD' } 'DODCON' { $this.EnvironmentName = 'AzureUSGovernment' } 'USGov' { $this.EnvironmentName = 'AzureUSGovernment' } default { if ($null -ne $Global:CloudEnvironmentInfo -and $Global:CloudEnvironmentInfo.token_endpoint.StartsWith('')) { $this.EnvironmentName = 'AzureChinaCloud' # Converting tenant to GUID. This is a limitation of the PnP module which # can't recognize the tenant when FQDN is provided. $tenantGUIDValue = $Global:CloudEnvironmentInfo.token_endpoint.Split('/')[3] $this.TenantGUID = $tenantGUIDValue } else { $this.EnvironmentName = 'AzureCloud' } } } if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.EnvironmentName)) { if ($null -ne $this.TenantId -and $this.TenantId.EndsWith('.cn')) { $this.EnvironmentName = 'AzureChinaCloud' } else { $this.EnvironmentName = 'AzureCloud' } } # Determine the Authentication Type if ($this.ApplicationId -and $this.TenantId -and $this.CertificateThumbprint) { $this.AuthenticationType = 'ServicePrincipalWithThumbprint' } elseif ($this.ApplicationId -and $this.TenantId -and $this.ApplicationSecret) { $this.AuthenticationType = 'ServicePrincipalWithSecret' } elseif ($this.ApplicationId -and $this.TenantId -and $this.CertificatePath -and $this.CertificatePassword) { $this.AuthenticationType = 'ServicePrincipalWithPath' } elseif ($this.Credentials -and $this.ApplicationId) { $this.AuthenticationType = 'CredentialsWithApplicationId' } elseif ($this.Credentials -and $this.TenantId) { $this.AuthenticationType = 'CredentialsWithTenantId' } elseif ($this.Credentials) { $this.AuthenticationType = 'Credentials' } elseif ($this.Identity) { $this.AuthenticationType = 'Identity' } elseif ($this.AccessTokens -and -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.TenantId)) { $this.AuthenticationType = 'AccessTokens' } else { $this.AuthenticationType = 'Interactive' } } } class AzureDevOPS:Workload { [string] $HostUrl [string] $AuthorizationUrl [string] $Scope [string] $AccessToken Tasks() { } [void] Connect() { ([Workload]$this).Setup() switch ($this.EnvironmentName) { 'AzureDOD' { $this.HostUrl = "" $this.Scope = "499b84ac-1321-427f-aa17-267ca6975798/.default" $this.AuthorizationUrl = "" } 'AzureUSGovernment' { $this.HostUrl = "" $this.Scope = "499b84ac-1321-427f-aa17-267ca6975798/.default" $this.AuthorizationUrl = "" } default { $this.HostUrl = "" $this.Scope = "499b84ac-1321-427f-aa17-267ca6975798/.default" $this.AuthorizationUrl = "" } } Connect-MSCloudLoginAzureDevOPS } } class ExchangeOnline:Workload { [string] [ValidateSet('O365Default', 'O365GermanyCloud', 'O365China', 'O365USGovGCCHigh', 'O365USGovDod')] $ExchangeEnvironmentName = 'O365Default' [boolean] $SkipModuleReload = $false ExchangeOnline() { } [void] Connect() { ([Workload]$this).Setup() switch ($this.EnvironmentName) { 'AzureCloud' { $this.ExchangeEnvironmentName = 'O365Default' } 'AzureGermanyCloud' { $this.ExchangeEnvironmentName = 'O365GermanyCloud' } 'AzureDOD' { $this.ExchangeEnvironmentName = 'O365USGovDoD' } 'AzureUSGovernment' { $this.ExchangeEnvironmentName = 'O365USGovGCCHigh' } 'AzureChinaCloud' { $this.ExchangeEnvironmentName = 'O365China' } } Connect-MSCloudLoginExchangeOnline } [void] Disconnect() { Write-Verbose -Message 'Disconnecting from Exchange Online Connection' Disconnect-ExchangeOnline -Confirm:$false $this.Connected = $false } } class MicrosoftGraph:Workload { [string] [ValidateSet('China', 'Global', 'USGov', 'USGovDoD', 'Germany')] $GraphEnvironment = 'Global' [string] [ValidateSet('v1.0', 'beta')] $ProfileName = 'v1.0' [string] $ResourceUrl [string] $Scope [string] $TokenUrl [string] $UserTokenUrl MicrosoftGraph() { } [void] Connect() { ([Workload]$this).Setup() if ($null -ne $this.Credentials -and [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.TenantId)) { $this.TenantId = $this.Credentials.Username.Split('@')[1] } if ($null -eq $this.Endpoints) { switch ($this.EnvironmentName) { 'AzureCloud' { $this.GraphEnvironment = 'Global' $this.ResourceUrl = '' $this.Scope = '' $this.TokenUrl = "$($this.TenantId)/oauth2/v2.0/token" $this.UserTokenUrl = "$($this.TenantId)/oauth2/v2.0/authorize" } 'AzureUSGovernment' { $this.GraphEnvironment = 'USGov' $this.ResourceUrl = '' $this.Scope = '' $this.TokenUrl = "$($this.TenantId)/oauth2/v2.0/token" $this.UserTokenUrl = "$($this.TenantId)/oauth2/v2.0/authorize" } 'AzureDOD' { $this.GraphEnvironment = 'USGovDoD' $this.ResourceUrl = '' $this.Scope = '' $this.TokenUrl = "$($this.TenantId)/oauth2/v2.0/token" $this.UserTokenUrl = "$($this.TenantId)/oauth2/v2.0/authorize" } 'AzureChinaCloud' { $this.GraphEnvironment = 'China' $this.ResourceUrl = '' $this.Scope = '' $this.TokenUrl = "$($this.TenantId)/oauth2/v2.0/token" $this.UserTokenUrl = "$($this.TenantId)/oauth2/v2.0/authorize" } } } Connect-MSCloudLoginMicrosoftGraph } } class PnP:Workload { [string] $ConnectionUrl [string] $ClientId = '9bc3ab49-b65d-410a-85ad-de819febfddc' [string] $RedirectURI = '' [string] $AdminUrl [string] [ValidateSet('Production', 'PPE', 'China', 'Germany', 'USGovernment', 'USGovernmentHigh', 'USGovernmentDoD', 'Custom')] $PnPAzureEnvironment PnP() { if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.CertificateThumbprint) -and (-not[String]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.CertificatePassword) -or -not[String]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.CertificatePath)) ) { throw 'Cannot specify both a Certificate Thumbprint and Certificate Path and Password' } } [void] Connect([boolean]$ForceRefresh) { ([Workload]$this).Setup() # PnP uses Production instead of AzureCloud to designate the Public Azure Cloud * AzureUSGovernment to USGovernmentHigh if ($null -ne $this.Endpoints) { $this.PnPAzureEnvironment = 'Custom' } elseif ($this.EnvironmentName -eq 'AzureCloud') { $this.PnPAzureEnvironment = 'Production' } elseif ($this.EnvironmentName -eq 'AzureUSGovernment') { $this.PnPAzureEnvironment = 'USGovernmentHigh' } elseif ($this.EnvironmentName -eq 'AzureDOD') { $this.PnPAzureEnvironment = 'USGovernmentDoD' } elseif ($this.EnvironmentName -eq 'AzureGermany') { $this.PnPAzureEnvironment = 'Germany' } elseif ($this.EnvironmentName -eq 'AzureChinaCloud') { $this.PnPAzureEnvironment = 'China' } Connect-MSCloudLoginPnP -ForceRefreshConnection $ForceRefresh } } class PowerPlatform:Workload { [string] $Endpoint = 'prod' PowerPlatform() { } [void] Connect() { ([Workload]$this).Setup() Connect-MSCloudLoginPowerPlatform } } class SecurityComplianceCenter:Workload { [boolean] $SkipModuleReload = $false [string] $ConnectionUrl [string] $AuthorizationUrl [string] $AzureADAuthorizationEndpointUri SecurityComplianceCenter() { } [void] Connect() { ([Workload]$this).Setup() switch ($this.EnvironmentName) { 'AzureCloud' { $this.ConnectionUrl = '' $this.AuthorizationUrl = '' } 'AzureUSGovernment' { $this.ConnectionUrl = '' $this.AuthorizationUrl = '' $this.AzureADAuthorizationEndpointUri = '' } 'AzureDOD' { $this.ConnectionUrl = '' $this.AuthorizationUrl = '' $this.AzureADAuthorizationEndpointUri = '' } 'AzureGermany' { $this.ConnectionUrl = '' $this.AuthorizationUrl = '' } 'AzureChinaCloud' { $this.ConnectionUrl = '' $this.AuthorizationUrl = '' } } Connect-MSCloudLoginSecurityCompliance } } class Tasks:Workload { [string] $HostUrl [string] $AuthorizationUrl [string] $ResourceUrl [string] $Scope [string] $AccessToken Tasks() { } [void] Connect() { ([Workload]$this).Setup() switch ($this.EnvironmentName) { 'AzureDOD' { $this.HostUrl = "" $this.Scope = "" $this.AuthorizationUrl = "" $this.ResourceUrl = "" } 'AzureUSGovernment' { $this.HostUrl = "" $this.Scope = "" $this.AuthorizationUrl = "" $this.ResourceUrl = "" } default { $this.HostUrl = "" $this.Scope = "" $this.AuthorizationUrl = "" $this.ResourceUrl = "" } } Connect-MSCloudLoginTasks } } class Teams:Workload { Teams() { } [void] Connect() { ([Workload]$this).Setup() Connect-MSCloudLoginTeams } } |