<# .SYNOPSIS This command is used to retrieve updates from the website. .EXAMPLE $update = Get-MSCatalogUpdate -AllPages -Search "Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 21H2" -GetFramework #> function Get-MSCatalogUpdate { [CmdLetBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Search, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateSet("Title", "Products", "Classification", "LastUpdated", "Size")] [string] $SortBy, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Descending, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Strict, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $IncludeFileNames, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $AllPages, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $ExcludeFramework, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $GetFramework, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Version10, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $Version11 ) # Default settings for the search $Class = $true # Include only Security Updates $Bit64 = $true # Include only x64 updates $ExcludePreview = $true # Exclude Preview updates $ExcludeDynamic = $true # Exclude Dynamic updates try { $ProgPref = $ProgressPreference $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue" $Uri = "$([uri]::EscapeDataString($Search))" $Res = Invoke-CatalogRequest -Uri $Uri if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("SortBy")) { $SortParams = @{ Uri = $Uri SortBy = $SortBy Descending = $Descending EventArgument = $Res.EventArgument EventValidation = $Res.EventValidation ViewState = $Res.ViewState ViewStateGenerator = $Res.ViewStateGenerator } $Res = Sort-CatalogResults @SortParams } else { # Default sort is by LastUpdated and in descending order. $SortParams = @{ Uri = $Uri SortBy = "LastUpdated" Descending = $true EventArgument = $Res.EventArgument EventValidation = $Res.EventValidation ViewState = $Res.ViewState ViewStateGenerator = $Res.ViewStateGenerator } $Res = Sort-CatalogResults @SortParams } $Rows = $Res.Rows if ($Strict -and -not $AllPages) { $StrictRows = $Rows.Where({ $_.SelectNodes("td")[1].InnerText.Trim() -like "*$Search*" }) while (($StrictRows.Count -lt 25) -and ($Res.NextPage -eq "")) { $NextParams = @{ Uri = $Uri EventArgument = $Res.EventArgument EventTarget = 'ctl00$catalogBody$nextPageLinkText' EventValidation = $Res.EventValidation ViewState = $Res.ViewState ViewStateGenerator = $Res.ViewStateGenerator Method = "Post" } $Res = Invoke-CatalogRequest @NextParams $StrictRows += $Res.Rows.Where({ $_.SelectNodes("td")[1].InnerText.Trim() -like "*$Search*" }) } $Rows = $StrictRows[0..24] } elseif ($AllPages) { while ($Res.NextPage -eq "") { $NextParams = @{ Uri = $Uri EventArgument = $Res.EventArgument EventTarget = 'ctl00$catalogBody$nextPageLinkText' EventValidation = $Res.EventValidation ViewState = $Res.ViewState ViewStateGenerator = $Res.ViewStateGenerator Method = "Post" } $Res = Invoke-CatalogRequest @NextParams $Rows += $Res.Rows } if ($Strict) { $Rows = $Rows.Where({ $_.SelectNodes("td")[1].InnerText.Trim() -like "*$Search*" }) } } if ($ExcludePreview) { $Rows = $Rows | Where-Object { $nodes = $_.SelectNodes("td") if ($nodes -and $nodes.Count -gt 1) { $nodes[1].InnerText.Trim() -notlike "*Preview*" } else { $false } } } if ($ExcludeDynamic) { $Rows = $Rows | Where-Object { $nodes = $_.SelectNodes("td") if ($nodes -and $nodes.Count -gt 1) { $nodes[1].InnerText.Trim() -notlike "*Dynamic*" } else { $false } } } if ($Bit64) { $Rows = $Rows | Where-Object { $nodes = $_.SelectNodes("td") if ($nodes -and $nodes.Count -gt 1) { $nodes[1].InnerText.Trim() -like "*x64*" } else { $false } } } if ($Version10) { $Rows = $Rows | Where-Object { $nodes = $_.SelectNodes("td") if ($nodes -and $nodes.Count -gt 1) { $nodes[1].InnerText.Trim() -like "*Windows 10*" } else { $false } } } if ($Version11) { $Rows = $Rows | Where-Object { $nodes = $_.SelectNodes("td") if ($nodes -and $nodes.Count -gt 1) { $nodes[1].InnerText.Trim() -like "*Windows 11*" } else { $false } } } if ($GetFramework) { $Rows = $Rows | Where-Object { $nodes = $_.SelectNodes("td") if ($nodes -and $nodes.Count -gt 1) { $nodes[1].InnerText.Trim() -like "*4.8*" -and $nodes[1].InnerText.Trim() -match "Framework" } else { $false } } } if ($Class) { $Rows = $Rows | Where-Object { $nodes = $_.SelectNodes("td") if ($nodes -and $nodes.Count -gt 3) { $nodes[3].InnerText.Trim() -like "*Security Updates*" } else { $false } } } if ($ExcludeFramework) { $Rows = $Rows | Where-Object { $nodes = $_.SelectNodes("td") if ($nodes -and $nodes.Count -gt 1) { $nodes[1].InnerText.Trim() -notmatch "Framework" } else { $false } } } if ($Rows.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($Row in $Rows) { if ($Row.Id -ne "headerRow") { [MSCatalogUpdate]::new($Row, $IncludeFileNames) } } } else { Write-Warning "No updates found matching the search term." } $ProgressPreference = $ProgPref } catch { $ProgressPreference = $ProgPref if ($_.Exception.Message -like "We did not find*") { Write-Warning "We did not find any results matching the search term." } else { throw $_ } } } |