
Function Get-MDSExchServerFromLDAP {
        Gets a list of Exchange Servers registered in LDAP.

        Gets a list of Exchange Servers registered in LDAP. Can return Exchange Servers of a particular
        role and/or return a single random server.

        Returns a list of servers with a specific role installed. Valid arguments include

    .PARAMETER Random
        Returns a single random server from the list. May be used with or without -Role


        Returns all Exchange Servers in LDAP

       Get-MDSExchServerFromLDAP -Role ClientAccess

        Returns all Client Access Servers in LDAP

        Get-MDSExchServerFromLDAP -Role HubTransport -Random

        Returns a random Hub Transport Server in LDAP

        Author: Rick A
        Based on source:



    Begin {
        If ($Role) {
            Switch ($Role) {
                Mailbox                {$ServerRoleInteger = 2;continue}
                ClientAccess        {$ServerRoleInteger = 4;continue}
                UnifiedMessaging    {$ServerRoleInteger = 16;continue}
                HubTransport        {$ServerRoleInteger = 32;continue}
                EdgeTransport        {$ServerRoleInteger = 64;continue}

        $RoleAbbreviation = @{
            2  = "MB"
            4  = "CAS"
            16 = "UM"
            32 = "HT"
            64 = "ET"

    Process {
        Try {
            $configNC = ([ADSI]"LDAP://RootDse").configurationNamingContext
            $search = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher([ADSI]"LDAP://$configNC")
            $objectClass = "objectClass=msExchExchangeServer"
            $version = "versionNumber>=1937801568"
            $search.Filter = "(&($objectClass)($version))"
            $search.PageSize = 1000
            [void] $search.PropertiesToLoad.AddRange(("name","msexchcurrentserverroles","networkaddress"))
            $ServerList = $search.FindAll() | ForEach-Object{
                $ServerRoles = $_.Properties.msexchcurrentserverroles[0]
                $RolesHumanReadable = (
                    $RoleAbbreviation.keys |
                        Where-Object {$_ -band $ServerRoles} |
                ) -join ","
                New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                    Name = $[0]
                    FQDN = $_.Properties.networkaddress |
                    ForEach-Object{if ($_ -match "ncacn_ip_tcp") {$_.split(":")[1]}}
                    msexchcurrentserverroles = $_.Properties.msexchcurrentserverroles[0]
                    Roles = $RolesHumanReadable
            } | Sort-Object Name | Select-Object Name,FQDN,msexchcurrentserverroles,Roles

            If ($ServerRoleInteger) {
                $Output = $ServerList | Where-Object {($_.msexchcurrentserverroles -band $ServerRoleInteger) -eq $ServerRoleInteger}
            Else {$Output = $ServerList}

            If ($Random) {$Output | Select-Object Name,FQDN,Roles | Get-Random}
            Else {$Output | Select-Object Name,FQDN,Roles}
        Catch {
            Write-Error $PSItem

### Test the function
$Count = 0
Do {
    $ExchServer = Get-ExchangeServerFromLDAP -Role HubTransport -Random
    $TestConnection = $False
    Try {$TestConnection = Test-Connection $ExchServer.FQDN -Count 1 -ErrorAction Stop}
    Catch {}
    If ($Count -le 2) {$ExchServer.fqdn;$Count++;$TestConnection = $False}
Until ($TestConnection -ne $False)

### Use Case

Do {
    $ExchServer = Get-ExchangeServerFromLDAP -Role HubTransport -Random
    $TestConnection = $False
    Try {$TestConnection = Test-Connection $ExchServer.FQDN -Count 1 -ErrorAction Stop}
    Catch {}

Until ($TestConnection -ne $False)
